Sunday, April 24, 2016

It Takes All of Us

One thing I've been impressed with about this team from day one is the ability for us all to come together and for everyone who always steps in when needed.  As we move deeper and deeper into the Spring time, things will come up again and again.  But you already have shown how flexible and willing to step into any situation and still have a smile on your face.

One thing that was really impressed upon me this weekend was just how important it is that we, as educators, put ourselves aside every single day we walk through those doors.  That no matter what we're dealing with on the inside, we come into this school standing tall and brave, with a smile on our face, ready to be there for our kiddos.  Our kids have enough baggage at home, that we can't be bringing ours too! And the same goes with our parents.  It's so imperative that we serve morning and afternoon duty with a smile and an understanding heart.

Here's to another week, full of potential!

Team Planning
Please make sure you also show up for morning duty by 7:25am on your day.
Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - Kinder
Friday - 1st Grade

Week at a Glance

Monday - TTESS Mandatory Informational Mtg (certified teachers only) 3:45pm; Cafeteria
Wednesday - STAAR Specific Trainings (during conference)
Kinder Field Trip
Thursday - Nesloney Out
Jo Anna Moreland on Campus
Friday - Nesloney Out
WWW Writing Walls Posted

***Staff meeting moved to Monday, May 2


Wednesday, April 27, Manuel Cavazos

Kids Deserve It

The Gridley Girls (6 teachers from California)


Rockstar Educators

Amanda Mershon - Amanda is one of our 4th grade ELA teachers.  She is filled with creativity and fun ideas.  I love when I see Amanda especially trying things with her students revolving around creating or acting.  Amanda has a great sense of humor and is also someone who can see potential in even in the most difficult student.  I am so thankful we've had Amanda to provide us with some fresh ideas this year!

Shelia Nelms - Sheila is a PreK Aide, and one heck of an aide at that.  Shelia always steps up wherever needed and has a huge heart for the kids and ladies she works with.  She is always smiling and hard at work on something or with kids.  I love any chance I get to chat with Shelia as I always leave feeling better.  I am thankful for the impact that Shelia has on our team and on our kiddos every single day.

Manuel Cavazos - Manuel is one of our 2nd grade teachers.  Manuel has such a huge heart, not only for kids on our campus but also for other staff members.  He notices a need and immediately goes to fill it.  He is someone I know I can count on, plus he's like the dad of his team.  I am incredibly thankful to daily learn from Manuel and that our kids get to watch a great male role model every day.

After spending a day at the Ron Clark Academy and getting to spend some quality time sitting and talking with some of the RCA teachers, I am fired up about some exciting possibilities for next year.  I can't wait to share our group experience with you and work together to truly transform our school more and more every year into a place full of love, rigor, high expectations, whimsy, and so much more!  Here's to another great week ahead!

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