Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Grand Finale

This is it! Our final 3 and a 1/2 days to make a difference in the lives before us at this school!  Just like the best finales on TV I want us to provide experiences worth remembering this week!  The kids will be filled with excitement (and some apprehension) of summer and we need to be ready to channel that excitement into great opportunities for bonding and learning! We can do this!

Week at a Glance

Monday - Grades Due
Jon Harper on Campus
Bem-Vindos Field Trip - 10:30am-3:00pm
After School Training with Jon - 3:45pm
Tuesday - 5th Grade Field Trip
Prek-2 Field Day
Senior Walk - 9:15am
Student of the Year Dinner - 5:30pm
Wednesday - 3-5 Field Day
PPCD Water Day
Thursday - Release at Noon
Staff Potluck and Awards
Friday - Inservice Day
District Lunch/Awards - 12pm - High School

Grades Due

Grades will be due Monday at Midnight.  We will be printing final report cards Tuesday morning.

Jon Harper

Well known educator, blogger, and speaker, Jon Harper, will be on campus on Monday.  I will be getting out a schedule, but he will be going into 2-5th Grade classrooms for about 30 min each to talk about mistakes and writing.  He will then meet after school (3:45) with all certified teachers to do a brief PD with you guys too!

Bem-Vindos Field Trip

For the Bem-Vindos trip we will leave at 10:30am and return about 3pm.  We need to be in the cafeteria at 10:15am

5th Grade Trip

The 5th Grade trip will leave at 8am.  They will remain in the cafeteria that morning instead of releasing down to class.

Camp this Week

MONDAY will be the last day for Camp.  If it is not raining you will take your students outside during camp time.  If it is raining you will take your students to the gym during your camp time.

Field Days

Prek-2 Field Day is Tuesday and 3-5 is Wednesday.  If you have any questions about field day please get with Joni Leonard.

Senior Walk

The Senior Walk will be taking place during our Prek-2 Field Day.  When the Seniors arrive we will have all the students outside form up in a giant line for the seniors to walk through and we'll have the seniors come into the 3rd-4th hallways.  The estimated time is 9:15am.

Dress Code This Week

If you're attending a field trip this week and when it's your field day, you may wear shorts or jeans!

Potluck and Awards

Don't forget our final staff event is Thursday.  You should have signed up HERE to bring something for the potluck.  Also, don't forget to think of a fun award for someone on staff from something that happened this year!


On Friday you will report to school at normal time.  We will then have the District Lunch and Awards at noon at the High School.  After that, if your sign out sheet is done and turned in, you may leave! If not, head back over to Webb and get finished what you need to!


Please remember that the school will be COMPLETELY closed May 29-June 9th for cleaning of floors.  You CAN NOT be on campus those days.


Here are our July and Beginning of August Birthdays

Becky Madison - July 2
Marylee Argueta - July 14
Kitty Tripp - July 28
Susan Ballew - July 31
Karla Hinojosa - August 4
Kathy Leiva - August 8

KDI: Stories from Webb

Don't forget that I'd like to have stories by June 2nd if possible!

Kids Deserve It

We had two great guests this week.  Season 8 American Idol Winner, Kris Allen and Dove Award winning music video producer Joel Banta.


In Closing...

As we finish off this week let's finish off strong! Better even than we started!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Finishing Strong

This is our last full week before the insanity of the final week of school comes with trips, field day, parties, and more!  The best thing we can do as educators is to finish strong and utilize every minute we have before us.  We still have lessons to teach and gaps to fill.  With the students that we work with, we don't have the luxury of resting on our laurels.

So let's challenge our students, push their thinking, try new ideas, and do something awesome with our kids!

Week at a Glance

Monday - Moreland on Campus (see her during your conference)
Staff Meeting - 3:45pm
School Board Meeting - 6:30pm
Tuesday - Arugeta off Campus
Wednesday - Kickstart Performance - 7:45am - Gym
Whitman Bridal Shower - 3:30pm - Library
Thursday - Delic on Campus (see her during your conference)
Friday - Marvel off Campus
Book Prom - 8am - Library
Aladdin Play - 6pm - Brosig Auditorium
Saturday - Aladdin Play - 3pm - Brosig Auditorium

5th Grade Car Wash

Thank you to all of those who came out to support our 5th Graders.  And BIG shout out to Ms. Boyd and Ms. Sipp who not only gave rides to students to be able to come but also who stayed the entire 4 hours to help with the car wash!  Thank you to Mr. Marvel and Mrs. Martin who showed up to help work shifts as well! We had 47 fifth graders show up, washed over 40 cars, and earned a total of $725!

Moreland and Delic

Moreland will be here to talk with teams on Monday and Delic will be here to talk with teams on Thursday! For Moreland's meetings you don't need anything, but for Delic you will need your data from the year and be ready to talk successes and growth!

Aladdin Play

Our kids (and Haliburton and McHale) have been working tirelessly on this play! I hope you all plan to join one of the two FREE performances as our students and staff try a new endeavor!

TP Time

This week, TP time is yours to use how you see fit! This will be the last week of TP time (besides next Monday for 2nd grade).

Monday - Kinder
Tuesday - 1st
Wednesday - 5th
Thursday - 4th
Friday - 3rd

KDI: Stories from Webb

Make sure you're making time in your schedule to write something for the Kids Deserve It book! I'd love to have all submissions by the first Friday in June.  If you're struggling on what to write, please come meet with me this week! The publisher is VERY excited about this book and I want to deliver something great!

Upcoming Dates to be Aware Of
(all on the school calendar)

Monday, May 22 - Grades Due, House Field Trip, and Writer/Speaker Jon Harper will be on campus to work with students and meet briefly with staff after school
Tuesday - May 23 - K-2 Field Day, Senior Walk, and 5th Grade Field Trip
Wednesday - May 24 - 3-5 Field Day and PPCD Water Day


Here are our May and June Birthdays.  Next week we'll celebrate our July Birthdays

Diddy Flores - May 20
Deborah Gonzales - May 21
Gerry Williams - May 23
Amanda Reyes - May 31
Kelsey Kuehler - June 10
Melissa Neumann - June 13
Allison Thomas - June 13

House Reward!

Thank you to everyone for making our first year with house a resounding success.  Congrats to Bem-Vindos who were our winners for the YEAR!!  They will be going to Horseshoe Junction on Monday, May 22nd.  More details to come!

Kids Deserve It

If you want a KDI shirt, today is the last day for May. You can get one here.  Here is this week's episode with Adam Dovico.


In Closing....

As we get ever closer to the summer break, my friend Donalyn Miller shared this great challenge yesterday! Enjoy!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Here We Go Again!

Well it's that time again.  Another round of STAAR testing.  Even though we all know STAAR doesn't show the complete picture of what we do as a campus, it still is a time of stress for students (and teachers).  Let's work together this week to find ways to celebrate every ounce of growth in our students and really remind them that they can rock this test!

As we enter the final 3 weeks of school, let's also focus on keeping high expectations and constant forgiveness.

The biggest thing we see in the office at this time of year, are students who are sent up for every insignificant reasons.  We totally understand everyone is exhausted!  But let's give it our all until the final minutes! We can do this!

Week at a Glance

Monday - 3rd/4th/5th STAAR
Tuesday - 3rd/4th/5th STAAR
Community Bridges Meeting - 4pm
Wednesday - 5th STAAR
National School Nurse Day
PTO Meeting 5:30pm
Thursday - Switch Day (for those tested teachers)
Friday - Final House Games
Kona Ice
Saturday - 5th Grade Car Wash - Central Office - 10am-2pm


Please make sure you check this schedule daily for changes.

Community Bridges

Our next Community Bridges meeting will take place Tuesday at 4pm in the Library.  Please join us if you want to be a part of planning our Parent PD for the 2017-2018 school year!

Final House Games

Our Final House Games are Friday. They are water games!  Don't forget that we will be giving extra points to the staff who come dressed to impress in your best beach/water/pool gear!

TP Time

No TP Time this week, BUT these grade levels will need to help with morning duty.

Monday - Kinder
Tuesday - 2nd Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - 5th Grade

2017-2018 Placements

On Friday at 3:45pm, teachers can pick up an envelope from the front office with their 2017-2018 teaching assignments.  IA placements will be coming at a later time.

Kids Deserve It

Here is the latest episode with ABC 13 Weatherman, Travis Herzog.


In Closing...

When finishing out the year, it's important to take care of YOU as well.  Take time to get away, read a book, garden, exercise.  Take care of your mental health.