Monday, March 28, 2016

4 Days

This week we have another 4 day week!  I so hope you enjoyed your extended Easter Weekend and that you had another opportunity to rest up and rejuvenate.

These last two months of school can be a lot of pressure and unneeded angst for our kiddos.  So let's make sure that we leave our own stuff in the car and show up every day ready to be there 100% for our kids.  That we surround them with second chances, conversations, and compassion.

Team Planning

Monday - Holiday
Tuesday - None
Wednesday - None
Thursday - Second Grade
Friday - Kindergarten

Important Dates this Week

Monday - School Holiday
Tuesday - 4th Grade Writing STAAR/5th Grade Math (WEAR YOUR WEBB SHIRT)
Wednesday - 5th Grade Reading STAAR (WEAR YOUR KDI SHIRT)

STAAR Information

Please make sure you check the schedule for Tuesday/Wednesday HERE.

Testing Teachers may pick their bins up beginning at 7am on Tuesday and Wednesday in the TP Room.

Snacks and drinks have already been delivered to your testing room (5th grader testers have snacks for both days already in there)

Your classes will wait for you in the Cafeteria until you have your bin checked out.


If you ordered Subway or Chick-Fil-A you can pay Mallory or Annie.


Debbie Abke - March 28

Kids Deserve It

There are two episodes from last week.  Ryan Devlin and Ross Cooper

Articles/Blog Posts

Rockstar Educators

Eric Ceballos - Eric is a 4th Grade Math/Sci teacher here at Webb.  He is a forced to be reckoned with.  I have been impressed with Eric in the classroom almost from day one.  This is his first year in a classroom all his own and he has taken it by the horns for sure.  He is creative and energetic.  He also has really great classroom management.  I love all the ideas that Eric brings to the table and I love that he isn't afraid to try something new or learn something new.  Eric is such a great asset to our team!

Loriann Whitman - Loriann is a 5th grade ELAR teacher here at Webb.  Loriann is also a first year teacher and she has done exceptionally well.  Loriann isn't afraid to ask for advice/help and really tries to push herself.  She is also incredibly compassionate towards her students and is really good about bringing her own passions into lessons.  Loriann is also incredibly committed to continually getting things just right and is often found working on school stuff, far outside of school hours!  I am so thankful to have Loriann working on our team!

As we enter this shortened week, let's remember that sometimes we just need to bring something different, light-hearted, and fun into our environment to change the moods or perceptions.  Just like the video below.

SoulPancake and Purina Dog Chow teamed up to share the #PowerofPuppies at a preschool, retirement home, and gym to transform an otherwise ordinary day. Share with someone that needs the power of puppies in their lives! For every video view, Puppy Chow will donate one pound of Puppy Chow Natural to Rescue Bank (up to 500,000 pounds or until April 23, 2016).
Posted by SoulPancake on Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Rested and Rejuvinated

As Spring Break comes to a close I hope each of you took time to rest, reflect, and get rejuvenated.  We're entering the home stretch so now's the time to give our kids everything we've got.  To make sure we fill in those holes and continue to give our students the best education possible so they can all find their versions of success!

Four Day WEEK!

PDAS Section 2 and 3 are due MONDAY

Team Planning
Make sure you pay attention to who is what date as some have changed.

Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 1st Grade
Wednesday - 4th Grade
Thursday - 3rd Grade
Friday - No School

Important Dates this Week

Monday - STAAR Specific Training During Conference;
Staff Meeting at 3:45pm;
School Board Mtg 6:30pm;
Start of PTO Fundraiser (I know, another fundraiser)
Tuesday - Science Vertical at 3:15pm
PreK Meeting at 4pm at Central
Wednesday - Becky Harrison on Campus (NOT Meeting with any of 5th Grade or the 4th ELAR)
Thursday - WWW Due
SSR with French at 8:30am
Friday - No School

Becky Harrison
Would like to do our usual data dig and would like you to bring a student list (like when we highlighted the quintile report) indicating the student they have that are going to pass (the test for tested, and grade wise for untested), the bubble kids and the kids still in crisis mode. 

5th Grade will not meet with Becky
4th Grade ELA will not meet with Becky

Tuesday, March 22 - Kevin Haliburton
Wednesday, March 23 - Eric Ceballos

Kids Deserve It

2nd Grade teacher Michelle Watkins

Articles/Blog Posts

Rockstar Educators

Julie Brooks (Eisenrich) - Julie Brooks, previously Julie Eisenrich, is a PreK teacher here at Webb.  I still remember the day I asked Julie to move into PreK for this school year. I could see the potential in her for that age, even when she herself I'm sure wanted to kill me for even thinking it.  Now, I'm not right very often, but this time I was!  Julie has become a fabulous PreK teacher.  She is patient and loving and those kids absolutely adore her.  I have been so impressed by the growth I've seen in Julie and the way she's reached out for help and really taken advice.  I can't wait to watch her continue to grow and am so thankful she's found her niche.

Jane Brewer -  I still remember interviewing Jane two years ago.  The moment I was done with her interview I knew there was something special about her.  She's cooky and ultra creative.  She thinks in ways many people don't understand right away.  We need someone like Jane around us.  Someone to push our thinking and our ideas.  She is Ms. Theatre but in such a good way.  I have loved spending time with Jane and just listening to her share about her many adventures.  I am so thankful Jane works on our campus.

As we enter a short week, let's welcome our kids back with love. Let's meet them where they are.  Let's celebrate them.  Let's make them feel special, valued, and appreciated.  And let's give them an education others are jealous of.

2 little girls pose for a photo at 'Disney World'. Now look closely at Minnie's hands...
Posted by Omeleto on Thursday, March 17, 2016

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Make Every Day Count

It's here!  The last 5 days until we get a much needed Spring Break!  As we've worked through these last few weeks, I've felt the stress.  STAAR, TELPAS, Grades, Behavior, Parents, and just life in general.  Like I've said many times before February/March are the hardest times of the school year.  Together we're going to make it through this. The end is in sight!

What I have loved is even in spite of all the stress, I've seen laughing, I've seen teachers eating with their students, I've seen classes learning outside.  The biggest thing about being a teacher is that we have to leave OUR drama in our cars and bring our A game for our kids.  They deserve nothing less.

Remember where we need to keep our perspective. We must continually work to find the good in life's difficult moments.  We must search out solutions and not settle on complaining.  We can do this....together!

I also heard this song this week, loved it, and had to share.

Team Planning

As always, PLEASE remember to bring your Mentoring Mind teacher editions and laptops. **PLEASE NOTE SOME SHIFTS IN DAYS

Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 2nd Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - Kinder

Important Dates this Week

Tuesday - Jo Anna Moreland on Campus (meet during conference)
Math Vertical - 3:15pm
TELPAS Rater Training - for those who got a calendar invite - 3:30pm
PTO Meeting - 5:30pm
Wednesday - Team Leader Mtg - 7:00am
Cookie Fundraiser Arrives
Music Program for 5th - 1:45pm - Cafeteria
Thursday - STAAR Small Group Training (for some grades/teachers)
Friday - Hawaiian Day - Nachos, Celebration, Wear your favorite Hawaiian Gear!


Monday - March 7 - TJ Longabaugh
Thursday - March 10 - Maria Alcantara
Friday - March 11 - Brenda Parker
Wednesday - March 16 - Annie Walker

Kids Deserve It

There are only THREE days left to get a limited edition Pink KDI Shirt or a Blue Hoodie -

Articles/Blog Posts

National Teacher of the Year, Nearly Quit After First Semester

7 Google Tricks to Learn During Spring Break

Building Bridges

Rockstar Educators

Olivia Aguinaga - Olivia is one of our 3rd grade math/science teachers.  Olivia is passionate, determined, and focused.  She knows her stuff.  Olivia has such a great laugh and such a humorous playful side.  She creates clear boundaries for her students and really works with the not only on academics but also on behavioral expectations.  She works tirelessly and is super creative.  I am thankful to work alongside her!

Konnie Harber - Konnie is one of our 2nd grade teachers.  I love Konnie's tenacity.  She has a few of the more "be on your toes constantly" kind of students.  She's faced many trials this year, or all shapes and forms, and she keeps coming back.  She's not afraid to share her feelings, and she cares so very deeply about her students.  Konnie, like many of you, is a trooper.  She also has many interesting life facts that people don't really know!  I love any time I get to sit and chat with her.  And I am grateful, even through her classroom trials, that she has stayed with us here at Webb!

With only a few days left until a break, we can do this!  This week keep the expectations in place, smile, laugh, play outside, go to lunch with your kids, go to PE and play, have fun.

And remember, we are so excited about Spring Break, but some of our students are not.  Some of are students are fearful of the environment they may be heading into with no escape, or not having enough food, or more.  Hug them a little tighter this week.

Posted by THUG LIFE on Tuesday, March 1, 2016