Sunday, December 17, 2017

Christmas Time Is Here

We'll keep this blog as short as possible this week! Lots going on!

Monday - Staff Meeting - 3:45pm - Cafeteria
School Board Meeting - 6:30pm
Tuesday - Family Christmas Movie Night - 5:30-7:30pm - Gym
Wednesday - Spelling Bee - 8:30am
Staff Christmas Party - The Western - 5-7pm
Thursday - Early Release - 12pm
House Meetings - 7:45am
Staff Can Leave At 3pm
Christmas Program - 5:30pm - Brosig Auditorium
Friday - Early Release - 12pm
Christmas Parties
End of Report Card
Staff Can Leave at 1pm

Team Planning

This week there will be no TP time.  Our Camp teachers will be rotating through classrooms during this time to read picture books to classrooms.

Staff Meeting

There will be an all staff meeting at 3:45pm on Monday in the Cafeteria

Staff Christmas Party

The staff Christmas party is this Wednesday at 5pm at the Western.  Please make sure you turn in your $5 to Walker if you plan to attend.  Since we are paying for 1/2, this year we don't have enough money to pay for spouses, so it will just be staff.

Please come ready to announce your Secret Santa and bring a $6 (or less) ornament wrapped up for the ornament exchange.

Early Release

Thursday and Friday we get out at Noon.  HERE is our 1/2 day lunch schedule.  We will start calling for walkers at 11:55am.

Inputing Information

Please make sure all of your F&P scores are inputed into Eduphoria BEFORE you leave for Christmas break.  All of your scantrons from 9 weeks assessments also need to be scanned in.

Staff 1/2 Days

On Thursday afternoon it will be a work day for you to get things wrapped up.  ALL IAs are to report to Nesloney for assigned duties. All staff may leave at 3pm.

On Friday all staff may leave at 1pm.

Christmas Movie Night and Christmas Program

PTO and Mr. Haliburton have been working hard to plan two different events.  We hope you can come!  PTO has planned Family Movie Night on Tuesday and will be showing "The Santa Clause".  Mr. Haliburton has planned a fantastic christmas program on Thursday night at Brosig Auditorium. Come support our kids!

House Meetings

Thursday morning we will have house meetings.  Houses will be meeting to see how their random acts of kindness went this month and if they need to do anything else to complete their kindness before Friday!


Dec 22 - Cewilla Thomas

Dec 24 - Sandra Smith

Morning Duty (yes you are asked to have duty TWICE this week)

Monday - Kinder (Car) First (Inside)
Tuesday - Second (Car) Third (Inside)
Wednesday - Fourth (Car) Fifth (Inside)
Thursday - all 2-5th Math/Sci Teachers and all Kinder (third math does Car)
Friday - all 2-5th ELAR Teachers and all First (Car)

In Closing...

Let's make this a great week.  I hope you take time to read THIS article written by my good friend Trevor Muir. It's very timely.

Remember that we need to keep instruction going up until the last day. We have no time to waste!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Finding Peace Within

This week, rather than start this post with something I've written, I was reminded of a simple truth this morning and wanted to share it with you...

Finding Peace Within


If we are to have true peace in the world, we must first find it within ourselves.
Most people agree that a more peaceful world would be an ideal situation for all living creatures. However, we often seem stumped as to how to bring this ideal situation into being. If we are to have true peace in this world, each one of us must find it in ourselves first. If we don't like ourselves, for example, we probably won't like those around us. If we are in a constant state of inner conflict, then we will probably manifest conflict in the world. If we have fighting within our families, there can be no peace in the world. We must shine the light of inquiry on our internal struggles, because this is the only place we can really create change. 
When we initiate the process of looking inside ourselves for the meaning of peace, we will begin to understand why it has always been so difficult to come by. This in itself will enable us to be compassionate toward the many people in the world who find themselves caught up in conflicts both personal and universal. We may have an experience of peace that we can call up in ourselves to remind us of what we want to create, but if we are human we will also feel the pull in the opposite direction--the desire to defend ourselves, to keep what we feel belongs to us, to protect our loved ones and our cherished ideals, and the anger we feel when threatened. This awareness is important because we cannot truly know peace until we understand the many tendencies and passions that threaten our ability to find it. Peace necessarily includes, even as it transcends, all of our primal energy, much of which has been expressed in ways that contradict peace. 
Being at peace with ourselves is not about denying or rejecting any part of ourselves. On the contrary, in order to be at peace we must be willing and able to hold ourselves, in all our complexity, in a full embrace that excludes nothing. This is perhaps the most difficult part for many of us, because we want so much to disown the negative aspects of our humanity. Ironically, though, true peace begins with a willingness to take responsibility for our humanity so that we might ultimately transform it in the light of our love

Week at a Glance
Monday - 9 Weeks Assessment Window BeginsF&P Testing Begins/Continues
Tuesday - Classroom Champions Call - 11:00am - Sign Up HERE
Wednesday - Picture ReTakes
Friday - Face Painting 
House Games

9 Weeks Assessment Window Opens

3rd-5th Grade teachers, please make sure over the next two weeks that you plan ample time to get your 9 weeks assessments taken AND scanned in before we leave for Christmas break.

Instructional Rounds

Thank you so much for doing our first round of Instructional Rounds last week.  I hope you gained a little insight into some more great ideas and practices. We will be doing these once a month.  Please during your team meeting this week, create a Google Doc (as a team) and have each person submit what they learned in that singular google doc.

TP Time

Team Planning time this week will be a look at lesson plans.  I need all Kinder and 3rd Grade teachers to bring their lesson plans (and 10 copies).  We will dive into lesson plans, see what's happening, and how we can make the process easier.

Staff Christmas Party

Right now our plan is to have our Staff Christmas Party on Wednesday, December 20 at the Western Club.  We will get more info out this week!

Morning Car Duty

Monday - 1st Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 1st Grade
Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - 5th Grade

Kids Deserve It

Don't forget to get your KDI shirt if you want it this month, HERE.


In Closing...

This week I challenge you to find your inner peace. To take time to share your struggles with others.  We have sooooo many staff members who are struggle with loss, or sickness, or heartache right now.  We are in a season like no other.  My hope is that we all reach out and show a little more compassion this month.

My friend Adam Dovico and I, got with a couple of our principal friends and tried to create a little lighthearted video of what principals really do during Christmas break! A few Webb students even make a brief cameo! Hope it brings a smile to your face!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

December? Already?

It's hard for me to believe we're already in December! It seems like a lifetime ago that the Hurricane hit and we were starting late.

As the holiday gets closer and closer we're going to begin to see more and more kids act out in different ways.  It's important for us to remember to keep our expectations high, instruction active and engaging, and that we forgive often.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Short out at Region 6
Tuesday - Short out at Region 6
Wednesday - Instructional Rounds (info below)
Team Leader Meeting - 7am
PTO Meeting - 5:30pm
Thursday - Delic on Campus
Friday - Kona Ice
End of Progress Reports

Instructional Rounds

Since Wednesday are Team Meeting days, this Wednesday will look a little different. We're going to start doing instructional rounds once a month. Some of you may remember this from a year or two ago.

I will email you who will go into what rooms, and for the first 15 minutes of your conference time you will observe 3 classrooms for 5 minutes each. You will take sticky notes and leave one piece of positive feedback for each class you go into and leave it on their door as you leave. Then you will all get back as a team, have your team meeting, and debrief from what you saw in those instructional rounds!

We have so many great things going on that we can learn from each other!

Delic on Campus

Delic will be on campus on Thursday. Please have your newest data, be ready to talk individual students, and have your bulletin boards outside your rooms updated.


T-TESS Evaluations are in full swing.  What that also means is that your admin team may not be able to come when they're immediately called as we may be busy in observations!

TP Time

This week in TP time we will be looking at the most recent data from 2nd Grade Reading/Math Unit Assessments and from 4th Grade Reading/Writing/Math Unit Assessments.  Teachers need to come prepared with their data and at least 10 copies of their data.

Morning Car Duty

Monday - Kinder
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - Kinder
Thursday - 3rd Grade
Friday - Any who can help


This Friday we will be keeping no students.  So all students will come down at 7:35am. If you're free, and could help with morning duty that would be great!


Tamera Boyd - December 4

Kids Deserve It

Shirts are back up for sale HERE. You can see all the different kinds!


In Closing...

With our challenge for houses this month being the Random Acts of Kindness, how can YOU should kindness to someone on your team, in your classroom, and on our campus?

My good friend Nicholas Ferroni, is heading up a new series with SoulPancake to celebrate teachers! Here's their amazing first clip

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Rested and Ready

Well tomorrow we're back at it!!  I don't know about you, but even though I enjoyed the break, I am ready to see the kids again!

I hope you are feeling rested, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle the rest of 2017!  It's gonna be amazing!

Week at a Glance

Tuesday - Kinder Field Trip
Frito Pie Family Night - 5:00-6:30pm behind school
Wednesday - Nesloney out a Region 6 Principal Training
Bilingual Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm - TP Room
Thursday - Short of Campus (to RCA)
Friday - Short off Campus (to RCA)
PTO Spirit Store - 7:15am-7:45am - Gym

Frito Pie Family Night

This is a night (like our hotdog cookout) organized just to get families up here and spending time together on campus. It will take place behind the school on the playground.  We will have a few blow up bounce houses, free frito pies, a DJ, and every team is asked to bring individually wrapped desserts. Enough to feed at least 30 people (like 30 cookies, 30 brownies, etc).


This Thursday and Friday we have 4 teachers and Ms. Short heading to RCA! Wishing them safe travels and learning a lot!


T-TESS observations begin this week. If you have not scheduled one with your evaluator, you need to do so ASAP. Calendars are quickly filling up.

TP Time

This week in TP Time we will be going over a lesson you have planned for this week. Please come prepared to show your lesson, talk about the planning that took place, be prepared to discuss the TEKS, be prepared to show how you're going to gauge mastery of the content, and how your lessons is culturally diverse.

Morning Car Duty

Monday - 2nd
Tuesday - 5th
Wednesday - 2nd
Thursday - 5th
Friday - Kinder

Friday Morning

Friday Morning is house meetings. All teams need to be on morning duty.


Andrea Day - Nov 28
Mary Vogt - Dec 2


In Closing....

We talk a lot about reading and how as adults it's so important for us to be making time to read too!!  My good buddy Michael Bonner recently challenged educators to read 5-6 books this December! I hope you join us!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Giving Thanks

We're in our final week before a much-needed Thanksgiving Break.  This is the time of the year where we tend to really stop identify all those things of which we're thankful for.  It's a time of family, food, and more.  It's also one of those times of the year that discipline starts to increase.

As we enter in this final week before a break, let's find ways this week to let our fellow colleagues and our students know why we're thankful for them.  Write a note, send a card home with your kids, call some families, surprise a colleague with lunch, whatever!  Take the time to make sure those around you know how much you are thankful for, and appreciate, them.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Book Fair Begins
Veteran's Day Program - 8:30-9:30am - Cafeteria
Dietert Wedding Shower - 3:45pm - Marsh's Room
Tuesday - 50th Day of School
Fire Drill
Moreland on Campus during Conference Time
Final Book Discussion - All Teachers - 3:45pm - Cafeteria
Education Foundation Dinner - 6pm-9pm
Wednesday - Western Day
Social Studies Vertical - 3:30pm - TP room
Family Literacy Night - 5-7pm - Foyer and Library
Thursday - First Grade Field Trip - Short is Admin attending
Friday - Nesloney Out
House Games - Bradford MCing
4th Grade Morning Field Trip

Veteran's Day Program

Our Veteran's Day Program is tomorrow at 8:30am in the Cafeteria.  Please wear red, white, and blue tomorrow! We will start calling for kids about 8:15am.  Choir students will be staying with Mr. Haliburton to practice.

Moreland on Campus

Please note that Jo Anna Moreland will be on campus on Tuesday to meet with all teams during their conferences to share some new tools with you all!

Final Book Talk

We will have our final book talk on Tuesday at 3:45pm in the Cafeteria.  Please bring your books and be ready to talk final takeaways and what we can do as a campus to keep moving forward with what we've learned.


This is a reminder that all personal days must be approved by Nesloney before they are to be put into WillSub.

Education Foundation Dinner

I still have a ticket or two left for the Education Foundation Dinner if anyone else would like to attend free of charge.  Let me know!

Book Fair/Western Day/Family Literacy Night

This week is Book Fair!!  We want to do a big push for our book fair this fall, so please talk it up with your students. Wednesday is our big day.  We will have Western Day that day and encourage all to dress western.  We will also host our first ever Family Literacy Night for the Book Fair.

This event is by no means mandatory.  As a campus one of our Campus Improvement Goals is family engagement opportunities and it's also part of your T-TESS Evaluation to be present at educational events put on by the school.  We hope you can be there for some or even all of the time, to really encourage our kiddos to show up!  Each grade level has a rep who has been given any information you may need to relay to your teams how we need help.

Admin Out

Short will be out on Thursday as she will be the admin attending the 1st grade field trip.

One of my T-PESS goals was educating myself more on quality reading and writing instruction.  I will be out on Friday attending the National Conference for Teachers of English (NCTE) to grow myself.  I will be attending that Friday-Sunday in hopes of bringing back some great resources for our campus.

House Games

House Games will take place on Friday! Students will start being called down at 2:10pm.  Bradford will be MCing the games.

TP Time

As a "We are Thankful for You" gift, you will have TP time this week to get any extra work done that you need to.  You will still need to be present for Morning Duty though.

Since Friday are House Games, 5th Grade will also have duty Friday morning since we'll be keeping their kids.

PreK will have their TP time on Monday.  IAs will need to stay in with PreK students in the Gym.

Morning Car Duty

Monday - 1st Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 1st Grade
Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - 1/2 of 5th Grade


Cassie Reynolds - November 17
KVon Lambert - November 23
Dorothy Sargent - November 24


Congrats to the following teachers who were selected to attend the Ron Clark Academy this year!!!

Cariann Zeitman
Courtney Moore
Jeannie Robertson
Anna Wilkerson
Kelsey Kuehler
Allison Thomas
Lauren Mulgrew
Jessica Schutzenhofer

Kids Deserve It

This week was Jessica Gomez!


In Closing...

We all have had those difficult children.  Those ones who push all our buttons, and those buttons we didn't even know we had.  Are some past the point of saving? I love Trevor Muir and this video below is a fantastic reminder.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Words We Speak

It's always been so interesting to me how much children hear us say when we're trying to speak without them hearing.  But yet, when we're talking directly to a group of students some totally ignore us!
It's nice to be at once school for three years now.  I feel like I've really built a relationship with so many of our kiddos, and I now find kids coming into my office, stopping me in the hall, or coming over to me at lunch to tell me all kinds of things, whether I want to hear them or not!
Over the last two weeks, I'e been reminded of something. I've been reminded that we have to be careful of the words the speak around our children.  They hear everything.

This week alone I heard this from children...
- Why does my teacher hate our house? I heard her tell another teacher that our house is so boring and she wishes she could be in another house. Can she really just leave us like that?
- Mr. N did you know that my teacher does NOT like the teacher next door to her? I heard her tell the teacher across the hall that.  She said she that teacher better watch out if something happened again. I couldn't tell what happened though.
- Can I move to a new class?  I forgot something in class when we went to camp, and when I went back I heard my teacher tell my switch teacher that we were her bad class and that she wishes she didn't have to teach us....and she used some bad words Mr. Nesloney.

But I've also heard this from children this week....
- Did you know Mr Nesloney that my teacher loves me? She called my house last night and my mom had her on speaker phone and I heard her say it!
- I was so excited Mr Nesloney because I heard my intervention teacher tell my main teacher how much better I was doing.
- I love my teachers Mr Nesloney.  They are really hard on us, but they also listen to us, and the brag to each other about who had the better group that day. I always feel special when they're both bragging about our groups.

We have to be careful of the words we speak, especially in front of children.  I have been guilty of it too.  When we're frustrated and we want to vent, we sometimes do it without thinking.  But we need to remember that little ears are always listening and little eyes are always watching.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Argueta Out
Penny Wars Begins
Cowden Wedding Shower - 3:45pm - Library
Literacy Committee Meeting - 4:15pm - Library
Tuesday - Argueta and Nesloney Out
Guided Math Training - 3:45pm - Gym
Wednesday - Argueta Out
Delic on Campus
Fall Photos
Science Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm - Library
Reading Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm - TP Room
Thursday - Fundraiser Items Arrive
Friday - End of Progress Reports
RCA Application Due

Amin Out This Week

Argueta will be off campus Monday-Wednesday at the annual Assessment Conference.  Nesloney will be out on Tuesday as well.

Delic on Campus

Delic will be on campus this Wednesday. Please make sure you have your bulletin boards updated and are ready to talk DATA.

PLC this Week

This week for PLC we will continue to be talking all things data and instruction.  This week you will need to bring your data binders, computers, and anything you may need to begin some planning.  We will be splitting off into groups and using our data to plan some lessons.

Morning Car Duty
Monday - Kinder
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - Kinder
Thursday - 3rd Grade
Friday - Some PreK (rest of PreK in Caft/Gym)


This Friday will be a normal day. We will keep NO students in the morning from 7:45-8:30am.  We will need PreK teachers on morning duty.

Guided Math Training

Jennifer Short will be conducting a Guided Math training on Tuesday after school. I sent an email previously about this to math teachers. I am recommending all math teachers in K-5 attend, but it is not mandatory.  We are moving this way as a campus and so to have this hands on experience will help. Jennifer will have a mock classroom set up and will walk you through the steps.

RCA Applications

RCA applications are due in my box by FRIDAY. Please make sure you turn them in complete and on time.

Look for...

This week we are looking for will be T-TESS Dimension 3.1: The teacher organizes a safe, accessible, and efficient classroom.  If you need to find the rubric for that dimension you can find it HERE.


Please make sure you are inputting grades WEEKLY.  Progress Reports close this week.

Book Discussion

My K/2/4 and other areas teachers, your final book discussion is this week. Instead of meeting face to face you are being asked to record a FlipGrid video.  HERE is the link. Just click the "+" sign, record your reflection, and you're done! Each teacher must record their own reflection by FRIDAY. If you need any support let me know!

Kids Deserve It

New KDI Gear is for sale HERE. You can also watch the last episode below.


In Closing...

Our kids need to see we all struggle and we can all overcome. Here's a great video from World Series Champion, George Springer.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Giving Thanks

Can you believe that this week already begins the month of November? Time has just flown by.

This month, with our students and staff, we really want to focus on the message of giving thanks.  Of even in the midst of pain, struggles, overwhelming deadlines, stress, and more, that we find ways to give thanks for what we do have.

I will always remember hearing that a weak minded person only complains and find faults because it is easy to to.  But a strong minded person sees the mistakes and still seeks to find the good however small it may be, and bring about change.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Thomas and Jackson Out
Tuesday - Dress Up as Your Favorite Book Character Day
Mix it Up at Lunch Day
PreK Field Trip
Book Study Meeting - 3:45pm
Wednesday - Math Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm - Library
PTO Meeting - 5:30pm
Thursday - Community Outreach Committee Meeting - 3:45pm - Library
Friday - House Meetings in PLC time
Saturday - November Staff Outing - Escape Room

Look For...

This week in our walkthroughs, we're going to be focusing on Dimension 1.4 Planning; Activities.

• Questions that encourage all students to engage in complex, higher-order thinking. • Instructional groups based on the needs of all students. • All students understanding their individual roles within instructional groups. • Activities, resources, technology and instructional materials that are all aligned to instructional purposes.

Mix It Up at Lunch Day

This is a Nationally celebrated event that we will be taking part in.  Jennifer will be sending out more information tonight or tomorrow.  It's an opportunity for students to sit with people they may not have normally sat with and make new friends!


Remind your students that they may dress up for Halloween at school, BUT it must be based after a book character and they need to bring the book with them. We'd also love to see as many staff dressed up as possible too!

Book Study Meeting

This Tuesday we will have TWO book study meetings going on.  Ms. Short and Ms. Argueta will be leading the PreK/1/3/5 Group over the rest of the book.

I will be leading the K/2/4/Others group over pages 88-137.

Remember that the K/2/4/Other group was rescheduled from our staff meeting day. So that group will also meet again next week to get to the end of the book before our final meeting as a whole staff.


Jeanette Enriquez - October 30
Kevin Bradford - October 31
Carolyn Hafley - November 3

House Meetings

This Friday during PLCs we will have House Meetings.  I will be getting you information early this week about what that time will look like.  We will be focusing on a different character trait each month we have these meetings,.

PLCs This Week

Be ready to talk DATA!! How you're tracking kids, where are we losing them, how are we helping all students, etc.  3rd-5th needs to bring their 9 weeks assessment data ready to discuss. If you need help on pulling data from Eduphoria let me know.

Morning Car Duty

Monday - 2nd Grade
Tuesday - 5th Grade
Wednesday - 2nd Grade
Thursday - 5th Grade
Friday - 1st Grade

Kids Deserve It

Here is this week's episode with Derek McCoy


In Closing....

As educators, one of the worst things we can say is "no one taught me that".  We live in a world now where everything is available to us to learn at a moments notice.  Whether we reach out to someone to help, or we watch a YouTube video, or we read an article.  There is so much information now!  And our kids are watching.  If we're going to ask them to show up and work hard to learn something new every day, we must be doing the same! Yes, even when the learning is hard and complicated and frustrating and we feel like we need our own IEP!  Let's keep all learning together!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

A Time To Share

Parent/Teacher Conference week is always in my top 3 weeks of the year! I love the opportunity to not only see so many parents on campus, but also the chance we all get to share the success (and struggles) of our kiddos!

As we enter this week I hope you remember a few things...

1.  Always share the great things about their child.  You're discussing their whole world.  It is crushing as a parent to come in and hear nothing except that their child is a dormant learner.

2.  Use the vocabulary we've been taught.  Dormant, awakening, growing, things like that.

3.  Invite the child to the conferences.  Allow the child to share their thoughts and feelings and struggles and successes.

4.  MAKE HOME VISITS.  I have talked about this time and time and time again.  Yet I still always have teachers who have told me "I can't get a hold of someone." or "They won't come in".  Let's not be a team that settles. Let's go above and beyond to do what's best for our kids.  And face to face convos are always best.

5.  Uncomfortable? Nervous? That's ok! Invite one of us admin to sit in.

6.  Smile. Always be polite.  Speak kindly.

7. And most of all, hear them out.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Staff Inservice
8:00am-12:00pm - P/T Conferences and Work Around Campus
12:00-1:00pm - Lunch
1:00-4:00pm - Staff PD at NHS
Tuesday - Red Ribbon Week Starts
Student Council Officer Field Trip
Aladdin Musical Review - 5pm
Wednesday - Fire Drill
Unity Day - National Anti-Bullying Day
Thursday - Nesloney Off Campus from 9:30-12:30
Hot Dog Cookout - 5:30pm - Laredo Heights
Friday - House Games - Red Out

Look For....

This week's walkthrough look-fors is for good questioning and students standing to answer in complete sentences.

Staff PD

On Monday, if you're a certified teacher, you will be at the High School attending sessions.  I have emailed you what you're assigned to attend. If you did not receive an email, you have full choice.  Please be on time and make sure you sign in.


We hope you can help us talk up, and attend, the Aladdin Musical Review on Tuesday night at 5pm in the Webb Cafeteria!

Hot Dogs

Thursday we'll do our bi-annual Hot Dog cookout at Laredo Heights! We hope to see you there! And yes, you can bring your own personal families!

House Games

With this being Red Ribbon Week, and with Friday being "Red Out" day and also House Games, we thought it'd be pretty neat to tell all our kids to wear RED and NOT their house colors to show unity as one school.  So, tell your kiddos!


Lauren Neutzler - Oct 24

PLCs this week

This week for PLCs you will have that time for P/T Conferences.

Tuesday - Third Grade
Wednesday - 2nd and 4th and 5th
Thursday - PreK, 1st

Morning Car Duty

Tuesday - 3rd
Wednesday - 4th
Thursday - PreK
Friday - 5th

Kids Deserve It

This weeks chat is with Barbara Bray.


In Closing...

I want to leave you with one video that has gone viral this week.  It deals with the idea of not standing up when we know better.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

New Day

I love waking up in the morning.  I know it sounds weird, but I love the morning.  I think it's because I know that with the rise of a new dawn, that means we get second chances, new opportunities, and fresh starts.  But I also get excited because as an educator, I know that means I get to head to a building where WE also give our students (and families) second chances, new opportunities, and fresh starts.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Argueta and Short at Conference
Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Staff Meeting - 3:45pm - Cafeteria
Book Talk - 4:15pm - Cafeteria - K/2/4/Other Teachers (pg 88-137)
School Board Meeting - 6:30pm - Board Room
Tuesday - Argueta and Short at Conference
Nesloney at Principal Meeting from 9:00-10:30am
Community Outreach Meeting - 3:45pm - Library
Wednesday - Team Leader Meeting - 7am
RTI Meetings Begin
Bus Safety Day - All students go to PE for camp
Reading Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm - Library
RCA Team Meeting - 3:45pm - Reynold's Room
Yearbook Committee Meeting - 3:45pm - TP Room
Thursday - Nesloney and Short at District Office
Friday - National Writing Day
End of Report Card 1 Grading Period (Grades due at Midnight Sunday)
Nesloney at Central Office Meeting - 3:00-4:00pm
Football Game - 7:00pm
Saturday - EdCamp College Station

Look For...

This week for walk-throughs we are going to be looking for classroom greeters and questioning skills.  We want to see the types of questions you're asking students to be more than just basic, surface level, repeat information, questions.

Admin Out

There will be different times throughout the week that admin are out (including counselors).  Please be patient with us this week :-)

Staff Meeting

We have a staff meeting on Monday. It is important that you bring a pumpkin (real or fake) to the meeting.  We will be decorating them at the meeting. DO NOT bring any pre-decorated pumpkins.  K/2/4/and our Other Areas teachers need to be ready to discuss their chapters from "Disrupting Thinking" as well.

National Writing Day

National Writing Day is this Friday! Let's find some fun ways to celebrate this day with our students!

Report Cards

Remember that this is the final week to put in grades for report cards.  Remember that no averages should fall below a 68.  PE and Music teachers need to remember to put in grades as well!

EdCamp College Station

EdCamp College Station is this Saturday. It's a FREE half-day learning event that should be fantastic! Hope you can make it.  Register HERE.

RTI Meetings

We will begin RTI meetings this week.  I will be emailing teachers about their meeting times on Wednesday and Friday.  You will need to bring the following documentation with you (depending on your subject) concerning the students we'd like to move tiers.

F&P Scores
Istation Scores (reading and math)
Study Island info
MAP Results
In Class Data
Unit Assessment Data
Notes from their current Interventions


October 16 - Courtney Moore


For PLCs this week K-2 will be covering expectations, CHAMPS, and more interventions.  3-5 will be covering MAP data.

Morning Car Duty

Monday - first grade
Tuesday - fourth grade
Wednesday - first grade
Thursday - fourth grade
Friday - fifth grade

Kids Deserve It

Here is this week's episode featuring Leslie Kinard and tomorrow is the last day to get any KDI gear for this month! Get it HERE.


In Closing...

As I sit and read through the edits of "Stories from Webb", I'm quickly reminded of the brilliance that exists on this team.  So many of you chose to share a story (or two) and they truly make this book something special.  I can't wait for all of you to see the finished product!  The end of December can't get here soon enough!

Sunday, October 8, 2017

We Show Up

Being in education is hard.  It's physically, emotionally, and yes even spiritually draining.  Being an educator is more than just showing up at work to do a job. Every one of us knows that.  We work hours well past what our contracts say.  We put in more of our own money than probably any other career.  And we cry, laugh, get upset, have our hearts broken, smile, and pray over these kids on an daily basis.

And that can wear on you.  It can make getting out of bed some days really tough.  It can cause you to doubt your impact.  It can take a toll.

So why do we stay in a field that drains us? Why do we continue showing up day after day when it often feels like we're doing nothing except for spinning our wheels and getting more added to our already overflowing plates?

We do it because of those tiny bodies. Those children who show up every day with no other expectation than, "I hope my teacher is here today".

We show up for that little girl who comes to school smiling because she knows it's the only place she's going to get a hug.

We show up for that child whose only 2 meals a day are the ones they get for breakfast and lunch (and the extra food someone may send home with them).

We show up for the little boy who knows he has to get an education so he can earn a living to help support those he loves.

We show up for that 4th grader who is told how worthless and stupid she is, at home every day.  How she shows up knowing that teacher will tell her how worthy and loved she is.

We show up to see the lightbulb moment when a child finally gets a concept they've been struggling with for weeks.

We show up because we know we have that little one who runs into school with yet another story to share from the magical book they're reading.

We show up because we have colleagues who are fighting what feels like insurmountable battles, and we're the only person they have in their life they can confide in and count on.

We show up because we're educators.  That's just who we are. And that's what makes us different.

Thank you for showing up for our Webb Family.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Start of National School Lunch Week
RTI Committee Meeting - 3:45pm - Library
Tuesday - Book Discussion - PreK/1st/3rd/5th - pg 88-137
Wednesday - Social Studies Meeting - 3:30pm - Library
Bilingual Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm - TP Room
MAP Informational Meeting - 3:30pm - Central Office
Thursday - Delic on Campus (all grades)
Outdoor Play Day
Techy Tripp Thursday - Library - 3:45pm
Friday - Fire Safety at PE
Prek-2nd Grade Meeting in Gym - 7:35am

Look For....

This past week we were looking for a few particular items. We saw some pure awesomeness!  We did notice though that one thing we need to keep working on is our classroom greeters!  Make sure you review every week who the greeters are, what their jobs are, and that they greet ANY adult who comes in.

This week we'll be looking for group work.  Collaboration.  We know the importance of teacher-led instruction. But this week when we come in for walkthroughs we'll particularly be looking at how much the kids are discussing topics and working together to learn.

Delic On Campus

Remember that Delic is coming back to our campus on Thursday.  Our expectations for this visit were to have student work outside your room, with the TEK and Processing Standard posted, and be ready to discuss your activity and how it aligns.

Outdoor Play Day

Thursday is National Outdoor Play day.  Please plan at least one of your lessons to take place outdoors on Thursday!  We have tons of places around our school outside to teach as well as our outdoor classroom!

Book Discussion

Our book discussion is over pages 88-137 this week.  Please read up and be ready to discuss.

MAP Informational Meeting

The district is hosting a MAP informational meeting.  I know we've already spent a great amount of time discussing the MAP results together as teams.  If you still feel confused or want more information that meeting will take place Wednesday at 3:30pm at Central Office.

Veritcal Meetings

We also have 2 vertical meetings this week since last week's had to be cancelled.  If you're on the SS Vertical Team you'll meet with Ms Short in the Library.  If you're on the Bilingual Vertical meeting you'll meet with Ms. Argueta in the TP Room.

Techy Tripp Thursday

This Thursday we will have our FIRST "Techy Tripp Thursday"!!  Ms. Tripp will be sharing about different tech tools all year. And since MANY of your T-TESS Goals align with this, this will be a great opportunity for you.

These meetings will be only 15-20 min in length.  There'll be snacks.  And for every meeting you attend you could earn a sonic drink, jeans pass, or more!  So don't miss it this Thursday!

Her topic this week is QR Codes and Shortened Links.


Thank you sooooo much to all who were constantly sharing on Twitter this week.  It was AMAZING to see all the greatness being shared on the #WebbElem hashtag!! Our goal now is to keep that up every week!! I'll be giving out Twitter prizes every week!

This week our winners were: Kelsey Kuehler, TJ Longabaugh, Sandra Smith, Cariann Zeitman, and Ivonne Garcia!  Who will our winners be next week???  ****winners from this week come see me about your prize!

Didn't tweet this week?? No worries! You can this next week! Set reminders! I'm here to help!!


October 8 - Sherri Desern
October 10 - Anna Wilkerson
October 11 - Dorton Matthews

Ron Clark Academy

Remember if you're interested in attending RCA in either December or April, the application is HERE.  Applications due the week before Thanksgiving Break!

TP Time

This week in TP Time we will be discussing the one new way you used TEKS Resource last week and we'll be talking all things Rattler Time!  Come prepared to share your own Rattler Time ideas too!!

Morning Car Rider Duty

This week our morning car rider line duty (on your assigned TP day) is..

Monday - Kinder
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - Kinder
Thursday - Third
Friday - PreK

Kids Deserve It

If you were wanting a Kids Deserve It t-shirt or hoodie or long sleeve, they're up for sale through this next week!  Get yours today HERE!! And here is this week's KDI Show featuring a teacher who has been on the Ellen Degeneres Show!


In Closing...

It is so important that we find ways to celebrate every child (and adult) for the beauty the bring.  For their genius and their gifts.  Often times we're so hyper-focused on the shortcomings that we miss the amazing unique brilliance they bring.  One of my best friends is a principal who has cerebral palsy.  To see what he has accomplished and continues to accomplish inspires me every day.  Here is a great video that was shared with me that is sure to uplift, encourage, and inspire. 

Sunday, October 1, 2017


Energy.  We talk often about engaging lessons, keeping students engaged, and so on and so on.  Sometimes though we forget that OUR energy is often what drives the mood of the space we're in.

In the past week I've been reminded of that.  I've been reminded how quickly a meeting can become uncomfortable or drag on because of the energy of one person in the room.  I've seen classrooms where they kids were on the edge of their seats because they couldn't wait to hear what they next word would be out of their teacher's mouth, who was dressed up in a costume, and standing on a chair.  And I could give countless other examples.

Our energy is what the kids need.  I know that every one of us is fighting battles.  Some of which feel like they're suffocating us.  But we have to remember to leave our own issues in the car when those little faces walk into this building, so that we can be our best for them. We can't let our luggage drag down their energy.

Let's find new and creative ways to bring the energy this week!

Week at A Glance

Monday - Custodian Appreciation Day
Study Island Help Session - 3:45pm Library
Tuesday - Nesloney out from 9:00-10:30 for Principal Meeting
Book Discussion for K/2/4/Others - 3:30pm - Library
Wednesday - Student Council Elections for 5th Grade
Social Studies Vertical - 3:30pm - Library
Family Engagement Meeting - 4:00pm - Library
Thursday - Allison Thomas Wedding Shower - 3:45pm - Library
Goat Yoga - 4:30pm - Playground
Friday - Last Day for Progress Report 2
Saturday - TCCA

Look For....

Each week we want to provide you with something particular we're going to be looking for in Walk-Throughs.  This week as we do walkthroughs we are going to be looking for two things.  We are going to be looking for kids tracking whoever is speaking (and you correcting them if they're not) and we're going to be looking for student participation in the lesson (are they being asked questions, are they standing to answer in a complete sentence, are you bringing the MAGIC).

Study Island Help Session

I will be leading a Study Island Help Session at 3:45pm on Monday in the Library for anyone interested. I'll be going over some basics of Study Island and answering any questions I can from when I used it in the classroom.  This is completely optional.

Book Discussion

This week our Kinder, 2nd, 4th, and other area teachers will be meeting on Tuesday to discuss pages 44-87.  Please make sure you've read these and are ready to discuss.


Thursday at 3:45pm we will be celebrating Allison Thomas' Wedding in the library.  Then at 4:30pm we will be having our staff Goat Yoga.  This can be paid the day of with cash, check, or credit card as well.  Please let Jennifer Short know if you are going.  All the admin will be there and we think this will be a fun and new way to bond and let off some steam.  You do NOT have to have any yoga experience. I'm just going to play with baby goats! haha

Progress Report 2

Please make sure you have grades ready for Progress Reports 2 which will go out next week.


Saturday is TCCA.  This is an annual FREE conference that is FANTASTIC.  Please plan to attend if you can, I will be there too and would love to see you there! Lunch is included! But you need to go register on their website.


T-TESS Goal Meetings have started! Please get with your evaluator to schedule. I've already heard from many of my mine, but quite a few still haven't scheduled a time and my schedule is filling up VERY quickly!

House Games

A BIG shout out to Bradford, Neutzler, and Worrall who organized this past month's house games.  That is no small undertaking and they did a great job!  And congrats to purple house for being our September month winners!


This Friday during PLC time, all teachers will need to be in cafeteria.  We will split students by houses and have a house meeting.  To be discussed there will be a new house cheer, how can we support other teams, what can we do as a house to make our mark this year?  Your House Leaders will lead those meetings.

Ron Clark Academy

I've budgeted this year to take TWO trips to RCA!!!  Visiting RCA is unlike anything I've ever been to and forever changed the way I taught.  We will be taking 3 teachers (and an admin) Nov 30-Dec 2 and another 3 teachers (and an admin) April 19-21st.  More information is coming!


This week I'm going to be giving out some Twitter awards.  What is that?  I will be stalking Twitter and seeing what staff are tweeting AND using the hashtag #WebbElem.  I love when our school story gets shared on social media.  Awards will be given out on Friday and will range from a Jeans Day Pass, to Free Lunch, to Sonic Drink, to your favorite snack, to a 30 min extended lunch, to a 30 min extended conference time!  The more you tweet, the more you can win!  If you need any Twitter 101 help, come see me!!!

TP Time

This week's TP Time will focus on TEKS Resource.  Bring your laptop and make sure you've done your homework from last week (attempted one Lead4ward Instructional Strategies Playlist item and utilized on Lead4Ward resource in a new way).

Morning Car Duty

This week for morning car duty (only on your assigned TP day) is

Monday - 2nd Grade
Tuesday - 5th Grade
Wednesday - 2nd Grade
Thursday - 5th Grade

Kids Deserve It

Episode 88 of Kids Deserve It with Don Wettrick


In Closing...

When we face battles, often times we're convinced we have to face them alone.  And when we face them alone we can quickly fall into darkness and despair.  Something that isn't often discussed enough is the realness of suicide.  Every 40 seconds a life is lost due to suicide.  Take the time this week to reach out to those around you.  Ask them how they're really doing and take time to listen.  And if you're struggling, know that there are so many opportunities to seek help and know that you are appreciated, cared about, and needed.  That you are worthy.  I saw this video this week and thought it was an important piece to share. It's 4 people who are sharing a letter to the person they lost after that person committed suicide.  Together we can make it through.