Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hello Library Girl!

We've got a busy and exciting week ahead of us!  We've got the start of our fundraiser, a 3rd grade field trip, Becky Harrison on campus, and Jennifer LaGarde (aka Library Girl) will be visiting as well!

I have loved seeing more and more teachers up and active in their classrooms over the last week.  I have felt a change and for those of you who've been doing it, I hope you've seen some noticeable differences as well!

The more we move closer to the Spring, the more active our kids will be come.  Let's keep thinking of exciting ways to use that energy for learning.  Maybe it's a redesign of our classroom (with the kids help!), maybe it's an exciting outdoor adventure, or maybe it's something totally different!

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans should be updated through February 5th

Becky Harrison

Becky Harrison will be on campus on Wednesday.  Make sure you can pinpoint what your students are struggling with AND what you're doing to meet those needs.  "I do interventions with that student" isn't enough.  We need to know exactly how we're reaching them to bring them up.

This Week at a Glance

Monday - Start of Fundraiser (Kick Off at 7:45am in Caft)
STAAR Accomidation Meeting for 4th and 5th during conference
Tuesday - 3rd Grade Field Trip (Marvel will be admin in attendance)
Science Vertical Meeting
Wednesday - Becky Harrison on Campus
Julie Eisenrich Wedding Shower - 3:30pm
Thursday - Jennifer LaGarde on Campus (training from 3:45-4:45 all teachers)
Friday - WWW Writing Wall Due

Team Planning

Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - 2nd Grade
Friday - 1st Grade

Kids Deserve It

Episode with Ben Gilpin

EdCamp Navasota

EdCamp is coming February 27th!  Have you signed up?  Help us spread the word!  Sign up HERE.


Terry Garrett - Sunday January 31
Vivian Stenseth - Sunday January 31


Rockstar Educators

Jessica McHale - Jessica is a 2nd grade teacher here at Webb.  Jessica isn't afraid of jumping off the edge and trying something new (even if at times she'd like you to believe otherwise).  Jessica has a huge heart and is someone that does such an excellent job at connecting with her kids and showing them that an adult can act like a big kid too.  Jessica consistently gives of herself.  She is a much needed voice and heart on this campus!

Maura Pavlock - Maura is one of our PPCD aides.  Maura fits in no box.  She is energy personified.  She smiles, laughs, and jokes.  She is great at lifting spirits and has no shame in putting herself out there if it's to make others feel better. She cares so deeply for the students she serves and often gets emotional when talking about them.  I am so thankful we have a spirit like Maura's on our campus.

Let's remember how much of a gift we've been given by being able to impact lives and work with kids

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