Sunday, September 3, 2017

Let's Do This!

The beginning of the year is always an exciting time.  It's that moment of freshness.  We've had the summer to recharge a little and it's an opportunity to start again.

I can't wait to see the smiling faces and hear the little voices of laughter and excitement back on our campus.  I have loved working and preparing the last couple of weeks with all of you, but our campus just isn't the same without the kids in it!

Our state has faced some of the worst destruction and devastation in our history and we may have many families and students bringing in additional pains and hurts than they were already carrying.  Let us remember to bring hope, to bring smiles, to bring joy, to bring patience.

I am ready to open our doors and have the kids flood in.  I am ready to see the incredible work each and every one of you are going to do to not only educate our kids academically but also emotionally.  We're gonna keep this train moving forward and we're gonna blow the top off of any and all expectations this year!  Let's do this!

Week at a Glance

Monday - School Holiday
Tuesday - First Day! Arrive by 7am
Staff Meeting - after dismissal
Wednesday - Reading Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm
PTO Meeting - 5:30pm
Friday - Boy Scout Talk and House Welcome - 7:45am

First Week

Don't forget you find our "First Week Reminders" HERE.  We always say the biggest goals on day one are get your kids here, feed them, and get them home! With the students we serve it's so important we start building those strong relationships from day one as well!

Staff Meeting

We will have a very brief staff meeting after dismissal (in the gym) just to debrief from day 1!

Vertical Meeting

Our first vertical meeting will be Wednesday.  It is our Reading Vertical.  If you don't remember what vertical team you're on please see THIS document.  You will need to bring something to write with and be prepared to talk about your Reading Plans for this first couple weeks of school.  We will meet in the Library at 3:30pm.

Team Planning

We will not have Team Planning (PLC) meetings this week.  They will begin next week.  Team Leaders from K-1 need to fill out THIS document with who is on what planning days.

For the first weeks of PLC:

September 11-14 - Discuss what should PLC look like, possible ideas to discuss, likes/dislikes, etc
September 18-21 TEKS Deconstruction (for an upcoming lesson using THIS form you're familiar with)
September 25-28TEKS Resource/Lead4Ward  (how are and how can teachers use these)
October 1-5 Rattler Time expectations and setup

PTO Meeting

The first PTO meeting is Wednesday at 5:30pm in the Library. Please encourage kids to tell their families. Our PTO reps, if you could be there that would be great.

PTO dues should have already been paid by now, but if you haven't please turn that into Annie before Wednesday.

Student Papers

There are packets of student papers you either have already given out or will give out. Please remember I shared THIS document with you. We need these forms collected. When you're collecting remember these things...

- Place each paper in a different stack.
- Alphabetize each stack
- Keep the checklist filled out so you know who you're still missing.
- Call to get the forms you need, send extra copies, make home visits.
- Get with admin if after 2 weeks we still don't have forms.
- When all forms from all of your students are collected turn into front office.


Please note the House Color you're in. That will never change. The other thing that will never change is the color of house that your students are in.

Remember, last year they took on the color of their Homeroom teacher, so this is going to be a change for them. They KEEP the same color as last year.

Also, for our new enrollees, they obviously won't have a house color. So they will adopt the color of their homeroom teacher. So please let the student know that.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Universal Screening, Interventions, and F&P Testing

We will begin Universal Screening on the second week of school (September 11-15th). More info will be coming.

We will begin interventions on September 18th

F&P Testing will be the week of September 18-22nd.  We will make copies like before.

Staff Information

I still have about 10 people who have not filled out the "Staff Information" Google Form.  Please do this today.

Birthdays (since the last blog post and ahead)

August 28 - Gloria Wilkinson
August 28 - Jane Brewer
September 2 - Mariah Robinson
September 3 - Sue Ambrus
September 9 - Shelia Nelms

Kids Deserve It

You can buy a KDI shirt until next Sunday HERE.  All proceeds will be donated to schools affected by Hurricane Harvey.  Here is this past week's episode with Steven Lamkin.


In Closing....

As we meet our kids and get to know them, let's remember that often times their only limitations are those that we place on them.  Let's keep our expectations high, our dreams even higher, and our love overflowing.  Our kids are capable of incredible things

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