Saturday, April 1, 2017

A New Week and Month Begin

Last week was full of information, experiences, stress, joys, and more.  From normal day to day activities, to STAAR, to losing Mrs. Boenker.

Our campus has been through a lot. Sometimes it feels like we may be the campus who's picked on, where our people are taken, where this or that happens.  One thing I know for sure, being a man of faith, is that I believe God does everything for a perfect purpose even when we can't see it in the moment.

Losing Mrs. Boenker hit me hard. Especially knowing she is leaving in March. Melissa is a powerhouse.  She is brilliant, creative, and such a go getter.  And even more so she's become a friend.  
BUT I know she will be a wonderful school leader and I know that our Navasota kids are lucky to still have her be a part of the NISD family.  I also know that Mrs. Argueta will be a great addition to help lead our campus into the last few weeks of the year and into next year.

I love our campus family and break over every loss we experience.  I value each and every one of you and there is not one person on this campus I would get rid of.  We all bring something unique to this school and we all need each other. 

Thank YOU for being a family who acts like a family.  We love hard, we sometimes fight, we work hard, we argue, we cry together, and we show up every day ready to start again.

When I say there is no where else I'd rather be, I mean it. I have many opportunities offered to me on a weekly basis, and I turn every one of them down because Webb Elementary is truly where my heart is and it's where my family is.

This week let's take time to recognize the greatness in each other, enjoy every moment, and spread love.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Kids Deserve It 2 Informational Meeting - 3:45pm - Library
Tuesday - National School Librarian Day
Team Leader Meeting - 7am - TP Room
Reading Vertical - 3:30pm - TP Room
Staff Workout - 4pm - Gym
Wednesday - Bible Study - 7am - TP Room
Special Olympics - 8:30am - NHS Stadium
Thursday - 5th Grade Field Trip to HMNS - Argueta is Admin attending
Nesloney Off Campus in Afternoon for Principal's Meeting
Staff Workout - 4pm
Friday - Nesloney Off Campus after 9am for TEPSA
3rd Grade Living History Museum

Kids Deserve It 2 Meeting

I have gotten a lot of questions from people about more specifically what I am looking for when it comes to submitting something for the sequel to my book "Kids Deserve It".  If you have any questions or want to hear more in depth my plan, then come to the library at 3:45pm on Monday.

National School Librarian Day

NSLD is Tuesday! Let's all find ways to celebrate Mrs. Wisnoski and all the great work she does on our campus!


Just a heads up that we will be doing 3rd-5th Grade Benchmarks in a week.

TP Time

Please come prepared with your TEKS Deconstruction Tool Completed and ready to discuss an activity that fits with that TEK.  Everyone should be coming with their own completed and ready to share. Please also note the shift in some of the days and who is coming.

Monday - 2nd Grade
Tuesday - 3rd Grade (NO TP Time, but need you to help with duty)
Wednesday - 5th Grade
Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - Kinder

Kids Deserve It

T-shirts are BACK!  You can get a baseball tee, v-neck, regular, OR our BRAND NEW Polos that are embroidered! They're only on sale until SUNDAY of next week. Get one HERE.

We had TWO AMAZING interviews this week.  One is with author Sally Pla (who wrote "The Someday Birds") and one is with Penny Kittle (who is a phenomenal ELA teacher).


In closing....

I want our school to be one that thinks differently.  That looks at children and adults differnetly.  That loves deeply, and loves all of those bodies that walk through our doors.  Each week I try and share videos that celebrate diversity and differences.  Whether that is race, religion, disabilities, socioeconomic statues, and more.

Let us build a place where everyone is valued regardless of how different they may be.  Everyone is worth celebrating.

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