Sunday, October 16, 2016

When We Choose to Serve

So many times I have seen how much our jobs are like those of servant leaders.  We must continually give of ourselves day after day not only to our students, but to their families, our co-workers, and our own families.

Because of how our jobs so easily look like servant leadership I think sometimes we forget that, as good people, we still need to serve others in different ways than just teaching and giving up of time.

This week I was able to help serve food in the cafeteria.  It was something that had been on my "to-do" list for a while.  Monday evening and Tuesday morning before work I took an hour and a half "Safe Food Handler" course and then a 40 question test.  I passed and got certified to handle food!

It was such a joy to serve next to our hard working cafeteria ladies as they serve our students every day, many many many times thanklessly.  I loved the looks on kids faces.  My favorite quote of the day? "Mr. Nesloney, do you still work as our principal or were you fired?"

With the world we live in today, especially with the way our future political leaders act, it is so much more important now that we show compassion and servant hearts towards all.  So often our custodial or cafeteria staff are viewed as "less than" the rest of our school family.  I wanted to show our students that we can stand next to anyone, regardless of stature, race, viewpoints, whatever and still do something good.

I don't share this as a "woah look at me!" story.  There are numerous instances on a daily basis where I haven't served in the way that I should have.  Where I haven't set the example I know I wanted to set.  But life is about learning.  It's about growing.  And it's about continually finding ways to get better.

So my challenge for you this week is to find someone to serve.  Find someone you can give up some of our resources or time to help, to stand next to and work alongside of.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Staff Inservice
All staff Report at 8am
K-5 Teachers will be Assessment Writing in Gym (Please be on time at 8am)
ALL IAs need to report to Front Office to help with things ALL day.
Life Skills and PreK have their own work to get done
School Board Meeting - 6:30pm
Tuesday - Science Vertical Mtg - 3:30pm - TP Room
Tripps Tech Training - 3:45pm
Wednesady - Unity Day (Wear Orange - Anti-Bullying)
RTI Meetings Begin
Kinder 1/2 Day Field Trip (Thomas Attending)
PreK Assessment Training - 9am-12pm
Istation Webinar - 4pm - Library
Thursday - 3rd-5th Grade Field Trip (Thomas, Boenker, Jackson attending)
Laredo Heights HotDog Cookout - 5:30-7:00pm
Friday - PreK Field Trip (Nesloney attending)
Visitor to some classrooms from Venezuela
Face Painting

TP Time

More Lucy Calkins work.

Monday - No One
Tuesday - 1st Grade
Wednesday - 5th Grade
Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - 3rd Grade

Free Lunch

BIG thanks to Kitty Tripp, Jane Brewer, Vivian Stenseth, and Susan Ballew who took time out of their schedules to attend an EdCamp this weekend.  Each of them will be receiving a free lunch, from the Navasota Restaurant of their choice this week.

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans should be updated through October 28th.

Staff Meeting

Our next staff meeting will be Monday, October 24th at 3:45pm

Education Foundation

I still have a couple of tickets if you're interested in attending.

Kids Deserve It

This week's episode is with award winning author Jewell Parker Rhodes


Rockstar Educators

Jeannie Robertson - Jeannie is one of our 5th Grade Math teachers.  Jeannie is such a dynamic and engaging teacher.  She has high expectations and is always pushing her students to be their best.  But even more so than that Jeannie truly cares about her students.  What I love about Jeannie is that she worked to plan a kickball event every Friday for the 5th graders who were getting all of their work completed.  But more so than that, she (and several others on her team) played with the kids, cheered with them, laughed with them, and more.  It was such a joy watching the kids outside on Friday and how much fun they were having BEING KIDS! I am thankful we have teachers like Jeannie on our campus.

Susan Brak - Susan Brak is our Dyslexia and Reading Interventionist.  Susan is a tireless worker.  She is always pushing herself to learn new things and try new things.  She is insistent that every child will succeed and that she will figure out how to get them there.  She's got a great attitude even when things seem hopeless.  I have loved not only getting to learn from Susan myself, but getting to watch her interact with our kids and see just how deeply she cares for each and every one of them.

Brittney Taylor - Brittney is our Nurse IA.  Brittney has a passion for kids.  But more than that Brittney is always willing to step up wherever needed.  Even on Friday when we were having trouble finding coverage for classes, she came straight to me and told me to use her if I needed to that she would help however she can.  That is the kind of servant heart I was talking about earlier in this post.  Brittney has one of the brightest smiles and has a personality that can light up the room.  I'm glad we have people like Brittney in our school.

In Closing.....

We've got a lot going on these next couple of weeks.  We have many staff members out here and there for a variety of reasons.  It so important that in times of busyness and times of stress that we bring out best and brightest smile.  That we remain patient and every day find ways to serve each other and serve our students. And even more so that we remember to reach out when we need help or when we need even just 5 minutes.  We're in this together!

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