Sunday, February 21, 2016

Let's Chat!

We've got a big week coming up.  This week is parent/teacher conference week.  I am so excited every semester by this week because we have so many families who will be coming through the front doors of our building.  Let's make sure we remember to build them up, making them feel welcome, and to celebrate their children.  But let's also make sure we fill them in on the progress their child is making as well!  You've got this!

Team Planning

Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - 2nd Grade
Friday - 1st Grade


Ashley Dietert - Feb 23
Loriann Whitman - Feb 23
Lisha Crawford - Feb 25
Julie Brooks - Feb 28
Sharon Ganske - Feb 28

Dinner with a Gentleman

Well, we far exceeded my expectations for Dinner with a Gentleman.  We were hoping for about 150, and we're now at 650!!!! WOW.  Can't wait to see all those men here spending time with their children.

We may need some hands helping set up after school on Tuesday.  Otherwise, I think we're good on help, as the boyscouts will be here to help clean up!

EdCamp Navasota

EdCamp is SATURDAY!  Can't wait!  Hope to see you there!

Articles/Blog Posts
Rockstar Educators

Sarah Martin - Sarah is one of our instructional aides.  But she's so much more than that.  Sarah is extremely creative and artistic.  I know anytime I need help designing something she's the one to go to.  She's taken on many different roles this year and really taken and ran with each of them.  Sarah cares about kids and wants every one of them to learn.  I'm thankful we have someone like Sarah with us!

Lisha Crawford - Lisha is a 1st grade teacher.  I'm so often impressed by the growth Lisha has shown this year.  She has really grown into her own.  She takes advice, asks for help, and isn't afraid to work with others or try things that are out of the box.  She cares deeply about her kids and is always looking for ways to help them emotionally as well as educationally.  I can't wait to see what Lisha is going to do next!

As we near closer and closer to Spring Break, we're going to see kids who are more excited and energetic.  Harness that energy!  Take them outside, do active lessons, take away the worksheets!  It's such a different way to think, but there are so many ways you can teach ALL of the skills necessary without always bringing out a worksheet, packet, or cut & glue activity!  If you need help brainstorming, let's chat!

This week I encourage you to each with your class or go to PE with them.  I always loved playing games with my class in PE.

EXCLUSIVE! Ellen DeGeneres is in Adele's ear.
Posted by ellentube on Thursday, February 18, 2016

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