Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Greatness in Others

The Greatness in Others

We are all moved by greatness when we see it - we know the feeling of it and have it within ourselves.
A person who is said to possess greatness stands apart from others in some way, usually by the size or originality of their vision and their ability to manifest that vision. And yet those who recognize that greatness, whether they display it themselves or not, also have greatness within them; otherwise, they could not see it in another. In many ways, the achievements of one person always belong to many people for we accomplish nothing alone in this world. People who display greatness rely upon others who are able to see as they do, to listen, encourage, and support. Without those people who recognize greatness and move in to support it, even the greatest ideas, works of art, and political movements would remain unborn.

We are all moved by greatness when we see it, and although the experience is to some degree subjective, we know the feeling of it. When we encounter it, it is as if something in us stirs, awakens, and comes forth to meet what was inside us all along. When we respond to someone else's greatness, we feed our own. We may feel called to dedicate ourselves to their vision, or we may be inspired to follow a path we forge ourselves. Either way, we cannot lose when we recognize that the greatness we see in others belongs also to us. Our recognition of this is a call to action that, if heeded, will inspire others to see in us the greatness they also possess. This creates a chain reaction of greatness unfolding itself endlessly into the future.

Ultimately, greatness is simply the best of what humanity has to offer. Greatness does what has not been done before and inspires the same courage that it requires. When we see it in others, we know it, and when we trust its presence in ourselves, we embody it.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Beginning of Homecoming Week
Nesloney Off Campus
Tuesday - Nesloney Off Campus
PTO Fundraiser Ends
ELAR Teacher Meeting - 3:30pm - Library
Wednesday - 4th Grade Work with Admin (8:00-11:30)
5th Grade Work with Admin (12:30-4:00)
PTO Meeting - 5:30pm - Library
Thursday - Staff Prayer Time - 7am - TP Room
2nd Grade Work with Admin (8:00-11:30)
3rd Grade Work with Admin (12:30-4:00)
SPED Teacher Meeting (Life, PPCD, and SPED) 2:00-4:00
UIL Try-Outs 3:30-4:30pm
Friday - Nesloney Off Campus
Kinder work with Admin (8:00-11:30)
1st Grade Work with Admin (12:30-4:00)
Football Game - 7:00pm
Saturday - EdCamp College Station


Sherri Desern - October 8
Anna Wilkerson - October 10


If you haven't signed up yet, TODAY is the day to fill out this UIL Form if you're interested in being a UIL coach.  We got final word from Dr Musick and THIS YEAR, you will get paid for every event you coach.

Meaning, if you coach 4th grade spelling AND 3rd grade spelling, that is TWO events you'll get paid for.  So there is much better clarification.

EdCamp College Station, TCCA, and EduHero

We're coming up on our deadline for EduHero and getting hours.

Remember to finish your assigned EduHero videos (ALL STAFF) by Oct 31 and either do more EduHero videos or attend a PD that hasn't been paid for by the district.

EdCamp College Station is coming up this Saturday (register HERE) and TCCA is coming up next Saturday!  Hope to see you at one of those!

COMING SOON: Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 23 - November 2 will be our 4th annual Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences.  This year you will have a two week period to meet with parents.

This is a part of our Targeted Improvement Plan, so here are the expectations this year.

1. You must meet with every parent.
2. The excuse of "I couldn't get ahold of them" will not be accepted.  If we need to make home visits, make home visits.
3. Admin can sit in on any meeting you need them to sit in on (as well as make home visits with you)
3. We understand this may seem like a big task (it is!) but this is one of the most important pieces to getting families involved in the process.
4. There must be a sign in sheet that needs to be turned into Cindy Puentes.
5. Our 3rd-5th graders especially need to begin to lead parts of the meetings because the SPRING Parent/Teacher Conferences will be led by students 1st-5th Grade.
6. Students need to be present at their family meeting.
7. Find something positive to celebrate about EVERY child with their families. Talk GROWTH.

Book Study

Please make sure that you are making time to read something 20 minutes every night. Schedule it if you have to. We want to be asking our kids to read, we must also. 

As far as our Book Study book, please make sure you have Chapters 4 and 5 read, with questions/discussion topics written down, to discuss at the next Faculty Meeting.  Please come to this meeting prepared.  You have several weeks advance notice, so the expectation is that you come with your written down questions/discussion points, and the chapters read.

Morning Duty

On your PLC day....PLEASE keep in mind that you are on duty until 7:40am. We need you to stay at your duty station until then. Your PLC starts at 7:45am.  Be on time to both your duty and PLC time. You should come prepared on your day.

Please also remember that 2nd-5th should be placing sticks in their cones either the morning of on the WAY to duty, or the afternoon before during Bus Duty.

Kinder - Gym
1st - Car
2nd - Cafeteria
3rd - Gym
4th - Car
5th - Cafeteria

House Points

This week we will be putting up some "House Points" signs around school so kids can continually keep up with house points.

Also, this year we want to give out House Points for academic reasons too!!  So, before any exam, meet with your students and have them set goals for themselves. The goals should be lofty, but not out of reach.

If a child reaches their goal, let's give their house some points!

Hopefully this will be another opportunity for students to take their exams seriously and provide a little competitiveness.

We'll also begin tying some house things into announcements as well.

Tell Your Story

This week's interview is with elementary principal Maria Flores Guerra.


Kindergarteners with These 2 Skills Are Twice as Likely to Obtain a College Degree

What's Behind the Curtain Besides a Dog?

Scheduling Guided Math Block

In Closing....

Stories bind us together and connect us.  How are you using stories in your own classroom to pull students deeper into what you're teaching?

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