Sunday, September 9, 2018

Looking Deeper

Friday I had the opportunity to sit with our 1st-5th grade and SPED team leaders as well as Central Office and our SIP (Herman Lee) and talk about our data and history as a campus.  It was actually a really great day filled with good conversation and digging.

A few of my take-aways from Friday was that we are on the right track as a campus.
-  For the last 3 consecutive years we have shown growth in every area!
-  Our SPED scores are increasing and above the state expectation and average!
-  In 4th Grade Writing we've almost completely closed the gap between sub-pops.
-  Reading scores as a whole has increased in every grade level.
-  Discipline has decreased drastically in each year for the past 3 years.

And those are just some of the things to celebrate! We're doing great things as a campus, and as we figure out how to "play the accountability" game better, our campus rating is only going to improve!! One thing to keep in mind, that even though our District is rated as a "D" district, our scores only accounted for about 8% of that don't let anyone tell you that Webb is to blame for the district being a "D".

Our goal as a campus this year is to shoot up to a "B" rating.  It's lofty, but I truly believe that we can do it! And boy, then won't we have the town talking!!

I say it often, but I am so lucky to work alongside all of you. I see your hard work, your time put in, your determination, and your love for our kids.  Thank you for all you give of yourself every day.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Cub Scouts coming by classrooms
Interventions Begin
Tuesday - Google Drive 101 - 3:45pm - Library
Cub Scout Rally - 6pm - Webb Gym
Wednesday - Campus Rating Public Meeting, Title 1 Meeting, PTO Meeting - 5-6pm - Webb Gym
Thursday - Nesloney off campus in morning for CIP Training
Friday - International Dot Day
End of Progress Report Grading Period
Sunday - Gradebook closes at 11:59pm

International Dot Day

I love International Dot Day and this year we'll be celebrating it on Friday! I've heard a few share their plans and I can't wait to see what every area of our campus does on Friday to celebrate! HERE are some resources if you need them! Let's really celebrate to remind everyone to "leave their mark".

Campus Website
I sent out a reminder email Friday morning.  All teacher webpages should already be updated, and all other staff should have theirs updated by end of the day tomorrow. If you have questions, please ask.

Staff Meeting

There is a staff meeting NEXT Monday at 3:45pm.  These are on the calendar for the entire year. Please make plans to attend.

Google Drive 101

On Tuesday at 3:45pm, I'll have another 15 min tech-tip training.  This one will be about Google Drive 101. The basics of how to use Google Drive, share things, store things, organize things!


Wednesday evening we will have a Public Meeting about our Campus rating, about what it means to be a Title 1 school, and our first 2018-2019 PTO Meeting.  Please help get the word out! It would be great to have you in attendance if you could too!

Progress Reports

Our first grading period is coming to a close on Friday. Please make sure you are adding grades weekly. The gradebook will close next Sunday night so we can print out Progress Reports next week.


September 3 - Sue Ambrus
September 9 - Sheila Nelms
September 13 - Nicole McMillian

PLC Times

This week for PLC times Beth Klammer or Julie Horn will be here on your day to talk about things from the I&L Team! Bring questions if you have them!

Morning Duty

On your PLC day....PLEASE keep in mind that you are on duty until 7:40am. We need you to stay at your duty station until then. Your PLC starts at 7:45am.  Be on time to both your duty and PLC time. You should come prepared on your day.

Please also remember that 2nd-5th should be placing sticks in their cones either the morning of on the WAY to duty, or the afternoon before during Bus Duty.

Kinder - Car
1st - Cafeteria
2nd - Gym
3rd - Car
4th - Cafeteria
5th - Gym


Don't forget to be training your students on our SPECIAL acronym and how to greet people when they enter the classroom.  Every time, any person, enters your classroom they should be greeted.  We are also going to be beginning hallway greeters this year and we'll discuss that more at the Staff Meeting next week! 

I love this video that went viral this week about Adam Dovico (the creator of SPECIAL) and how this one act is changing the face of his school.

Book Study

Please make sure that you are making time to read something 20 minutes every night. Schedule it if you have to. We want to be asking our kids to read, we must also. 

As far as our Book Study book, please make sure you have Chapters 2 and 3 read, with questions/discussion topics written down, to discuss at the September Faculty Meeting.  Please come to this meeting prepared.  You have several weeks advance notice, so the expectation is that you come with your written down questions/discussion points, and the chapters read.


If you have not scheduled your T-TESS Goal Setting meeting, you need to TODAY.  Schedules are VERY busy this week and this week is the final week to have them.

Tell Your Story

This week's episode of #TellYourStory features Don Vu.  He is a fantastic Principal in California and also an immigrant from Vietnam.  He shares his powerful story below.


Heavily Decorated Classrooms Disrupt Attention & Learning in Young Children

Non-Traditional Teaching Practices

The Case for Children's Rights to Read

Digital Differentiation with Google Classroom

In Closing...

I saw this image posted by Brad Montague this past week.  Brad is the creator of Kid President.  But more than the image, I was moved by the story her shared.  It's a story I think we could all remember and learn from. Here it is...

Here is a little secret that has helped me in recent years. It started just after having a bit of success creating videos with @soulpancake. Comments and emails and phone calls began to roll in. It was an avalanche of opinions that nearly drowned me. One time a guy on Twitter said some painfully untrue things about me. Consumed by all the incoming transmissions, I’d had it. So I sent the guy a message. I let him know I was a real human being and let him know all the things I’d had said to me and about me in just the last few days. I let him know who I was and what I was trying to do. I let him know it was okay to disagree with me. Just had to let him know. I sent and immediately regretted it. But ... then he wrote back. It was more than an apology. He too told me about his struggles. He’d be having a rough time in recent years as a dad. He told me about his child’s special needs and all that went with it. He told me about his unhappiness in his work. He opened up. Suddenly we were just two human people. The anger was gone and suddenly we were two very different, but deeply connected people. I began looking at every internet comment as someone really simply saying: “I’m just a human being who wants to be loved”. The kind words, the stinging criticism, the flippant dismissal. All of it. I began seeing every post on Instagram as someone saying “I’m just a human being who wants to be loved”. The politician, the protester, the child acting out, the angry driver, the mom yelling in the school parking lot, the young, the old — all of us. “I’m just a human being who wants to be loved” Now ... I can’t hear any words from anyone the same way again. More importantly, I can’t look at any person the same way again. All just longing for love. All of us - even me. 
This is a big batch of stickers I’m giving out at my workshop in Nashville, which is just a few weeks away. Everybody will be getting one. Plus there’s other surprises and I cannot wait. The link to sign up is in my bio if you want to join us. Either way, you’re still loved. GO LOVE EVERY PERSON YOU FIND.

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