Sunday, November 12, 2017

Giving Thanks

We're in our final week before a much-needed Thanksgiving Break.  This is the time of the year where we tend to really stop identify all those things of which we're thankful for.  It's a time of family, food, and more.  It's also one of those times of the year that discipline starts to increase.

As we enter in this final week before a break, let's find ways this week to let our fellow colleagues and our students know why we're thankful for them.  Write a note, send a card home with your kids, call some families, surprise a colleague with lunch, whatever!  Take the time to make sure those around you know how much you are thankful for, and appreciate, them.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Book Fair Begins
Veteran's Day Program - 8:30-9:30am - Cafeteria
Dietert Wedding Shower - 3:45pm - Marsh's Room
Tuesday - 50th Day of School
Fire Drill
Moreland on Campus during Conference Time
Final Book Discussion - All Teachers - 3:45pm - Cafeteria
Education Foundation Dinner - 6pm-9pm
Wednesday - Western Day
Social Studies Vertical - 3:30pm - TP room
Family Literacy Night - 5-7pm - Foyer and Library
Thursday - First Grade Field Trip - Short is Admin attending
Friday - Nesloney Out
House Games - Bradford MCing
4th Grade Morning Field Trip

Veteran's Day Program

Our Veteran's Day Program is tomorrow at 8:30am in the Cafeteria.  Please wear red, white, and blue tomorrow! We will start calling for kids about 8:15am.  Choir students will be staying with Mr. Haliburton to practice.

Moreland on Campus

Please note that Jo Anna Moreland will be on campus on Tuesday to meet with all teams during their conferences to share some new tools with you all!

Final Book Talk

We will have our final book talk on Tuesday at 3:45pm in the Cafeteria.  Please bring your books and be ready to talk final takeaways and what we can do as a campus to keep moving forward with what we've learned.


This is a reminder that all personal days must be approved by Nesloney before they are to be put into WillSub.

Education Foundation Dinner

I still have a ticket or two left for the Education Foundation Dinner if anyone else would like to attend free of charge.  Let me know!

Book Fair/Western Day/Family Literacy Night

This week is Book Fair!!  We want to do a big push for our book fair this fall, so please talk it up with your students. Wednesday is our big day.  We will have Western Day that day and encourage all to dress western.  We will also host our first ever Family Literacy Night for the Book Fair.

This event is by no means mandatory.  As a campus one of our Campus Improvement Goals is family engagement opportunities and it's also part of your T-TESS Evaluation to be present at educational events put on by the school.  We hope you can be there for some or even all of the time, to really encourage our kiddos to show up!  Each grade level has a rep who has been given any information you may need to relay to your teams how we need help.

Admin Out

Short will be out on Thursday as she will be the admin attending the 1st grade field trip.

One of my T-PESS goals was educating myself more on quality reading and writing instruction.  I will be out on Friday attending the National Conference for Teachers of English (NCTE) to grow myself.  I will be attending that Friday-Sunday in hopes of bringing back some great resources for our campus.

House Games

House Games will take place on Friday! Students will start being called down at 2:10pm.  Bradford will be MCing the games.

TP Time

As a "We are Thankful for You" gift, you will have TP time this week to get any extra work done that you need to.  You will still need to be present for Morning Duty though.

Since Friday are House Games, 5th Grade will also have duty Friday morning since we'll be keeping their kids.

PreK will have their TP time on Monday.  IAs will need to stay in with PreK students in the Gym.

Morning Car Duty

Monday - 1st Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 1st Grade
Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - 1/2 of 5th Grade


Cassie Reynolds - November 17
KVon Lambert - November 23
Dorothy Sargent - November 24


Congrats to the following teachers who were selected to attend the Ron Clark Academy this year!!!

Cariann Zeitman
Courtney Moore
Jeannie Robertson
Anna Wilkerson
Kelsey Kuehler
Allison Thomas
Lauren Mulgrew
Jessica Schutzenhofer

Kids Deserve It

This week was Jessica Gomez!


In Closing...

We all have had those difficult children.  Those ones who push all our buttons, and those buttons we didn't even know we had.  Are some past the point of saving? I love Trevor Muir and this video below is a fantastic reminder.

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