Sunday, October 22, 2017

A Time To Share

Parent/Teacher Conference week is always in my top 3 weeks of the year! I love the opportunity to not only see so many parents on campus, but also the chance we all get to share the success (and struggles) of our kiddos!

As we enter this week I hope you remember a few things...

1.  Always share the great things about their child.  You're discussing their whole world.  It is crushing as a parent to come in and hear nothing except that their child is a dormant learner.

2.  Use the vocabulary we've been taught.  Dormant, awakening, growing, things like that.

3.  Invite the child to the conferences.  Allow the child to share their thoughts and feelings and struggles and successes.

4.  MAKE HOME VISITS.  I have talked about this time and time and time again.  Yet I still always have teachers who have told me "I can't get a hold of someone." or "They won't come in".  Let's not be a team that settles. Let's go above and beyond to do what's best for our kids.  And face to face convos are always best.

5.  Uncomfortable? Nervous? That's ok! Invite one of us admin to sit in.

6.  Smile. Always be polite.  Speak kindly.

7. And most of all, hear them out.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Staff Inservice
8:00am-12:00pm - P/T Conferences and Work Around Campus
12:00-1:00pm - Lunch
1:00-4:00pm - Staff PD at NHS
Tuesday - Red Ribbon Week Starts
Student Council Officer Field Trip
Aladdin Musical Review - 5pm
Wednesday - Fire Drill
Unity Day - National Anti-Bullying Day
Thursday - Nesloney Off Campus from 9:30-12:30
Hot Dog Cookout - 5:30pm - Laredo Heights
Friday - House Games - Red Out

Look For....

This week's walkthrough look-fors is for good questioning and students standing to answer in complete sentences.

Staff PD

On Monday, if you're a certified teacher, you will be at the High School attending sessions.  I have emailed you what you're assigned to attend. If you did not receive an email, you have full choice.  Please be on time and make sure you sign in.


We hope you can help us talk up, and attend, the Aladdin Musical Review on Tuesday night at 5pm in the Webb Cafeteria!

Hot Dogs

Thursday we'll do our bi-annual Hot Dog cookout at Laredo Heights! We hope to see you there! And yes, you can bring your own personal families!

House Games

With this being Red Ribbon Week, and with Friday being "Red Out" day and also House Games, we thought it'd be pretty neat to tell all our kids to wear RED and NOT their house colors to show unity as one school.  So, tell your kiddos!


Lauren Neutzler - Oct 24

PLCs this week

This week for PLCs you will have that time for P/T Conferences.

Tuesday - Third Grade
Wednesday - 2nd and 4th and 5th
Thursday - PreK, 1st

Morning Car Duty

Tuesday - 3rd
Wednesday - 4th
Thursday - PreK
Friday - 5th

Kids Deserve It

This weeks chat is with Barbara Bray.


In Closing...

I want to leave you with one video that has gone viral this week.  It deals with the idea of not standing up when we know better.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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