Saturday, December 31, 2016

Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017

It's hard to believe that 2016 is finally at a close.  What a crazy year it has been.  One of my favorite parts of every year is looking back on the year to remember what things took place in my life personally, professionally, across our country, across the world, and more.  I love reflecting and finding areas that I want to change or grow for the next year.

Sometimes looking back on a year can be filled with tough memories too.  Memories of family members lost, lives changed by unexpected circumstances, or more.

2016 was a crazy year for us as a campus.  We finished our very first year as a Prek-5th grade campus.  We stayed on the IR list, but made some positive progress. We survived a flood and not being able to have a final day of school.  We implemented our first ever House System.  We completed our first ever T-TESS evaluations. We built relationships, proved we were more than test scores, and allowed the world to hear our story as we shared it through social media.

And of course there were some bumps along the way, as there always will be!

But when I look back at the year of 2016 and look at myself professionally, I see many ways I want to grow.  Because of many circumstances this school year I haven't been as visible as I would like to be.  I haven't gotten to read to as many classes.  I haven't gotten to team teach as many lessons.

Sometimes we can be our hardest critics, and when I look back at 2016 I see many ways that I want to continue to grow into the leader all of you deserve.  Being in only my third year as an administrator, the fact that I have much to learn has never left my mind. 

I am so incredibly proud of the work that I saw take place in 2016 and I know 2017 is only going to get better as we all learn, connect, and grow together.  So here's to a New Year!  Here's to feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle the world!  Because together, with each other's help and support, we can truly change this campus more and more.

Week at a Glance

Monday - School Holiday
Tuesday - 8am-11:30am - K-2 - F&P Training (Webb)
                 8am-11:30am - 3-5 - Assessment Writing (Webb)
8:30am - PreK Teachers and PreK IAs have HWT Training at Central
                 8am - Music Teachers Meet at Webb
                 12:30pm-4pm - K-2 - Assessment Writing
                 12:30pm-4pm - 3-5 - F&P Training
Wednesday - 8am-11:30am - K-2 - F&P Training (Webb)
                 8am-11:30am - 3-5 - Assessment Writing (Webb)
                 8am - Music Teachers Meet at Webb
                 8am-12pm - SPED, Camp, and IAs Master Gardener at Brule
                 12pm-2pm - Admin will be off Campus
                 12:30pm-4pm - K-2 - Assessment Writing
                 12:30pm-4pm - 3-5 - F&P Training
Thursday - Students Return

TP Time

Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - 3rd Grade

Growing Together

One thing that has been on our list to do this year is to find ways to grow together as a staff outside of our grade levels.  One way that we've come up with an idea is to offer some different things for you to join if you'd like to!

Weekly Workouts

Starting this week, every Tuesday and Thursday at 4pm we will be putting on a Work-Out video in the Gym.  If you'd like to spend 20-30 minutes (or whatever you're comfortable with) working out, come join us! If you would like calendar reminders about the Work-Out, please sign up HERE.

Bible Study

Starting this week too, every Wednesday Morning at 7am, we'll be having a weekly Bible Study for anyone who would like to join.  It will take place in the TP Room.  If you would like calendar reminders about the Bible study please sign up HERE.

Monthly Get-Togethers

We're going to be starting Monthly get togethers in the evenings!  Things from Painting with a Twist, to bowling, to ice skating, and more!  Just opportunities for us as a staff to bond together outside of school.  These will always take place after a pay-day to alleviate any financial stress.  The first one will take place Tuesday, January 31st! Activity to be announced soon, but mark your calendars if you'd like to join!

Grade Level Meetings

I (Nesloney) would like to briefly meet with grade level teams at some point during January 3rd or 4th.  Team Leaders, please email me a time that works best for your team, as I'd only like to take 10-15 minutes.  I want to talk Priority Money, needs, and expectations. 3rd-5th Grade Teams please come prepared to discuss your plans on working with the data from our Benchmarks and the expectations from Delic.


Konnie Harber - January 8
Evangelic Sipp - January 8

Kids Deserve It

Here is Episode 53 with first year teacher Jordan Potrzeba

KDI 2: Stories from Webb

Also remember to be thinking about something you would like to submit for the new book. Stories, ideas, lessons learned, experiences, favorite lesson, best strategies, failures, and more!  I want this book to feature ALL of your voices, so it doesn't matter what role you hold on our school, you are a vital part to our story!


Rockstar Educators

Darla Davis - Darla is one of our 3rd Grade ELA teachers.  I am so thankful we were able to steal Darla away and get her to join our team this year.  Darla brings so many creative and fun ideas into her room.  She is also someone who does an EXCELLENT job at using different strategies to encourage her students using her whole class.  It's always fun to watch Darla teach and the excitement she brings to her classroom.  I am so thankful that we have teachers like Darla who are passionate about teaching AND connecting with kids.

Dorothy Sargent - Dorothy is one of our PreK IAs.  Dorothy is someone who is always smiling and in a great mood, even when she's having to fake it.  I love watching Dorothy interact with kids as well cause she does such a good job at truly getting on their level and meeting them where they're at.  Dorothy never complains without a solution and is always ready to step up any time anyone asks for help.  I am grateful for the example Dorothy sets for our kids and the amount of time she spends connecting with them.

Lisha Crawford - Lisha is one of our First Grade teachers.  Lisha is in the midst of her second year as a teacher  and the growth I've seen in her has been mind blowing.  Lisha is never satisfied with status-quo or just being good enough.  She is always looking for ways to grow and get better and do more for her students.  Lisha is also great at bringing in others to her ideas and not just hoarding things for her classroom.  It's a blessing for us as a campus to have leaders like Lisha working alongside us!

In Closing....

This week as I meet with teams I'm going to be talking about your "One Word".  So begin thinking.  What is that one word you want to use to describe your 2017.  What one word do you want to keep as your reminder, your push, your guide forward.  Begin thinking of that "One Word" and be ready to share at Team Meetings this week.  All other staff I will be meeting with groups throughout the week to talk your "one word" too!

Every day is only as good as we choose to make it.  We have a choice to wake up, leave our mess in the car, and bring our best for the kids.  It never is easy, but it is so worth it.

Let's make 2017 the best year yet!

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