As we enter into our next week something keeps coming to my mind. The reminder that our work isn't easy and was never promised to be easy.
Each one of us has to deal with difficult children every day. Children who are difficult either because they've never known anything different or because they are hurting so very bad.
We have a choice though. We can't choose to live in our classroom alone and try to "ride it out". We have to lean on each other, we have to reach out for help, we have to sometimes sit there and say "I don't know what else to do, please help me".
We are in this business together, and together we must bond to be able to make it through. Take time this week to check in on your teammates. Make sure they're doing ok, that they don't need a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, or more. Let's work and bond together to keep this train chugging along!
Book Talk
This week we'll be covering the next TWO chapters in Kim Bearden's book "Crash Course.
Upcoming Learning Opportunity
I reached out to Hope King who is a teacher at the Ron Clark Academy. You may have seen me share a few of her periscopes or her website. She is a force to be reckoned with and a bright shining light of encouragement. Hope has agreed to do a Google Hangout (video chat) with any interested staff on Wednesday, October 14th at 4pm. If you'd like to join, Hope will be giving a message of encouragement and answering any of your questions about how to building exciting learning opportunities into your classroom!
Important Things This Week
TODAY - Grades Due
Monday - Fire Safety During PE (all groups will go to PE)
Tuesday - Social Studies Vertical Meeting & ESGI Meeting for PreK-K teachers of Webb/Brule/HP
Wednesday - Team Leader Meeting & 2nd-5th Grade After School Quintile Meeting
Friday - Jo Anna Moreland on Campus during Conference Periods
Team Planning
Monday - 5th
Tuesday - 4th
Wednesday - 3rd
Thursday - 2nd
Friday - Kinder
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans should be updated through October 16th
PD Opportunity
Rattler Time & Data Binders
Make sure you're utilizing Rattler Time to work students on skills they're struggling on. You should also be adding new data pages into your binders to keep track of the TEKS you're working on with your students. These should be kept up to date DAILY, as Becky and myself will be checking them. If you need any help, let us know! I will be coming by and checking data binders early this week.
Here's a few great people to connect with/learn from on Twitter! Don't ever be afraid to Tweet someone with a question!
Spike Cook - Principal in New Jersey
Joy Kirr - Educator in Illinois
Paul Solarz - Educator in Illinois
Rockstar Educators
Here are our two Rockstar Educators this week! Find a way to celebrate them!
Deborah Gonzales - Deborah stepped up tremendously this week. In addition to filling every gap we had, she never complains and always finds a bright side. She is full of life and loves these kids so deeply. Deborah is also always full of great ideas and needed suggestions! If you haven't given her a high five this week, you should!
Geraldine Williams - I'm sure you all know who Gerry is! She is full of life, energy, and passion. But most of all she's full of love. Gerry can make any of us laugh but at the same time always has something poignant to share as well. Even in the midst of one hit after another this year, Gerry shows up every day with a smile on her face and ready to face whatever comes. Gerry reminds me every day of what true joy looks like.
In closing, I'd like to make this week, the week of high fives. Yes, high fives. Let's give out lots of high fives to kids walking down the hall correctly (wether we know the kid or not), to teachers we see in the hall, to parents who are walking by, to everyone! What joy would be spread just by the simple act of a smile and high-five??? How many high fives will you give this week?
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