This morning I heard something I thought was pretty profound. It said "A seed can not germinate in the light. It must start in the dark where there is no light. It must come to life in the darkness. As it grows it then needs and finds the light. So, don't be afraid of the dark".
How true is that? We grow the most in our times of struggle. In our times of pressure and pain. It isn't fun, it isn't easy, and it sure as heck isn't comfortable. But in the end we always grow and we always come out better.....stronger.
Keep in mind that everyone is struggling with something. Reach out, be a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, arms to hug, hands to high five, and more. We need to step up and support wherever we can.
Book Talk
This week we'll be covering the next TWO chapters in Kim Bearden's book "Crash Course.
Upcoming Learning Opportunity
I reached out to Hope King who is a teacher at the Ron Clark Academy. You may have seen me share a few of her periscopes or her website. She is a force to be reckoned with and a bright shining light of encouragement. Hope has agreed to do a Google Hangout (video chat) with any interested staff on this Wednesday, October 14th at 4pm. If you'd like to join, Hope will be giving a message of encouragement and answering any of your questions about how to building exciting learning opportunities into your classroom!
Important Things This Week
Monday - Pumpkin Painting at 3:45pm in Cafeteria
Tuesday - Bilingual Meeting at 3:15pm, STEMscopes for K-5 at 4:00pm, PTO Meeting at 5:30pm
Wednesday - Becky Harrison on Campus, Book Talk, GHO with Hope at 4:00pm, Hispanic Heritage Program 5:30pm
Thursday - Hot Dog Cookout at Laredo Heights 5:30pm
Campus "Look-For"
Last week Aaron talked to you about incorporating writing across the curriculum. This week as we do walk-throughs we're gonna be looking for writing throughout the day in all curriculum areas. Kathy French is also working on our writing wall, with more info to come!
Team Planning
Monday - 5th
Tuesday - 4th
Wednesday - 3rd
Thursday - 2nd
Friday - 1st
Weekly Video
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans should be updated through October 23rd
Becky Harrison
Becky will be here on Wednesday. You need to bring your Data Folders to the Team Planning room during your conference.
You will also need to bring:
1. All district unit assessments report in quintile reports. Each core subject- every unit test given. I need these for each teacher, each subject.
2. I-Station individual student reports
3. Moby Max screening data for each student
4. A list of each teachers student with a reading level with a grade level number, if possible.
5. A copy of each teachers intervention sheets from their binders.
Here are some new people to connect with:
Sanee Bell - Principal in Katy, TX
Estin Talavera - Blind National Speaker (amazing kid)
Tony Vincent - Educational Tech Guru
Rockstar Educators
Sherri Desern - Our first RE is Sherri. She is a Kindergarten teacher. Besides the fact that she's incredibly patient and always loving and kind, this week she had a freak accident happen on the playground with one of her little kindergarteners. She was calm, level-headed, and did exactly the right thing in a situation where so much could have been done wrong. Her students are so lucky to have her, as we are!
Andrea Day - Andrea is a powerhouse in the classroom. She's engaging, exciting, and cares deeply about her students. She takes new ideas and runs with them. She gives high-fives to strangers in Wal-Mart! And she's a huge help on car rider line every day. She's such a strong and needed asset to our team! Oh, and as of Friday, she's ESL certified too! Double Bonus!
I wanted to end with this video I saw on Facebook this week. Sometimes we just have to stop, bust a move, and enjoy the moment!
I wanted to end with this video I saw on Facebook this week. Sometimes we just have to stop, bust a move, and enjoy the moment!
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