Wow, what a week it was! First off all, thank you to all the many kind words spoken this week! This is one powerful team who works tirelessly to make the whole ship look good and run smoothly. We have days we hit choppy water, and large waves that come our way, but we still float and we still steer in the direction of success! Thank you to all of you for being on this journey. Just like a puzzle, if any of us were missing, this puzzle wouldn't be complete.
This week I encourage you to...
1. Smile as much as possible. You can never underestimate the power of a smile.
2. Take time to say hello to someone on staff you don't know very well.
3. Write a quick note of encouragement to a fellow staff member (or send a You Matter Gram)
Here are some updates for this week!
Book Talk
Don't forget to stay up to date with Kim's book, "Crash Course".
Team Planning
Here are this week's team planning times
Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - Kinder
Friday - 1st Grade
This week is a SCIENCE vertical meeting on Tuesday at 3:15pm in the library. Make sure your team rep is there!
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans should be updated through October 9.
PD Opportunity
EdCampKaty (October 24) and TCCA (October 17) are coming up quickly. EdCampKaty only has a few spots left! If you've signed up to go let me know, as I will also be at both events and if we need to carpool we can!
Rattler Time & Data Binders
Make sure you're utilizing Rattler Time to work students on skills they're struggling on. You should also be adding new data pages into your binders to keep track of the TEKS you're working on with your students. These should be kept up to date DAILY, as Becky and myself will be checking them. If you need any help, let us know!
Here are a few great people to connect with this week!
Principal El - Principal in Deleware
Tom Murray - State & District Digital Learning Director in DC
Daisy Marino - Educator in Texas
Here are some great blogs/articles to check out this week!
Rockstar Educators
Here are our two rockstar educators this week! Find a way to celebrate them!!
Mallory LaPlant - Mallory is our school secretary but she is so much more than that. Mallory works so much harder than many people realize and always does it with a smile on her face and great attitude. She loves kids, but she also loves the staff. I am so very thankful to have someone like Mallory on our team.
Tammy Boyd - Tammy is a force to be reckoned with. Tammy is a 5th grade ELA teacher. She often doesn't even know how amazing she is. She loves her students so deeply and has such a passion for teaching, especially reading. Tammy works countless hours and worries deeply about each and every student. We need people like Tammy in this world!
Every single day we have a chance to be awesome. To be our best. When I was in DC this weekend, I was sitting a table with a fellow administrator from Minnesota, a teacher from Michigan, a technologist from North Dakota, and a man who works for the Department of Education with Arne Duncan. What did we talk about? You guys. Yes, really. I had to tell them story after story about the hard work you all do every single day. As I said at the beginning of this post, it takes every single one of us. We will never be successful as a unit until we embrace our own uniquness and strengths and realize that it takes ALL of us.
Thank YOU for all that you do every single day. Thank YOU for the countless hours, tears, blood, and sweat you put in. You make Webb Elementary what it is, and you're the ones changing lives that will be felt for years to come.
Remember to stand up for others. To be their voice.
While touring the Holocaust Museum today I saw this quote....
"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists and I did not speak out, because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me. And there was no one left to speak for me"
- Martin Niemoller
Don't keep quiet. Speak up. Speak out. Choose love.
Here's a brand new Kid President video:
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