Sunday, October 18, 2015

Trial and Error

The further we get into the school year, the further we learn the concept of trial and error.

I am constantly reminded of my faults.  Of the things I could do better, try harder at.  We are our toughest critics and we so clearly see the faults in ourselves.

The biggest thing we can do though it to know that it's through those trials and errors that we grow and learn the most.

As I said in a email I sent out earlier this week, I love so much the walkthroughs we do together.  It's so great to walk into classrooms with other teachers and hear about the great things that they see, that sometimes I don't even notice!!

There are so many times we can sit and focus on what we could be doing better, but these walkthroughs are constant reminders of the unique and special abilities that ALL of us bring to this team and how together we grow stronger.

Book Talk

This Wednesday we'll be on the next Chapter of "Crash Course".

Upcoming Learning Opportunity

This upcoming Saturday is EdCamp Katy.  I LOVE edcamps and can't wait for this one!  If you'd like to attend and didn't sign up, that's ok!  You can still come.  So far I've heard from Doris, Theresa, Cassie, Jessica, and Haven!  If you'd like to go too on Saturday let me know and you can carpool with us!

Important Things This Week

Monday - Short Staff Meeting at 3:45pm
                School Board Meeting at 6:30pm
Tuesday - Eric Sheninger will be on Campus All Day and working with staff at 3:45pm-4:45pm
                Reading Vertical Meeting at 3:15pm
                Education Foundation Dinner - 6:00pm
Wednesday - Anti-Bullying Day, Wear Orange

Team Planning

Monday - Kinder
Tuesday - 4th
Wednesday - 3rd
Thursday - 2nd
Friday - 1st

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans should be updated through October 30th


Rockstar Educators

Amy Glaab - If you've spent any time with Amy or in her room you know what a asset she is to this campus.  She is passionate, creative, and great with kids!  She works tirelessly to provide new and exciting ways for her students to learn because she is never happy with the status quo or the way things "always have been done".  Amy has so many resources and ideas and is one of the best at classroom management and connecting with those most difficult children.

Kheli LaBlue - I am so very grateful to have someone like Kheli on our team.  She is one of the most patient people I have ever met.  But more so than that, every time she speaks to a child or adult she has such compassion in her words.  Kheli has a true love for children and is someone I wish I could have learned from when I was in the classroom!  She is a powerhouse and rockstar for sure!


October 24th - Lauren Neutlzer

This weekend I came across this video from Barbie and Mattel.  They're working on rebranding and I thought this video was so powerful.  We need to take time to empower our girls and remind them that they can be anyone and anything they dream of!  So often they're taught they have to fit in stereotypical roles and jobs, but the truth of the matter is they don't!  Let's find ways to empower the girls on our campus to dream big!

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