Sunday, September 6, 2015

One Match

I often think about the power that doubt holds over us.  We have days that we doubt if we're a good spouse, or friend, or brother/sister, or parent.  We doubt if we're a good teacher.  If we truly know what we're doing.  If we were cut out for this.  We doubt our talents, our skills, our genius.

Doubt is one of those things that can rip us to shreds.  It can destroy us if we let it.  Every single one of us on the Webb Elementary campus matters.  You may hear me say things or tell you that you matter and think it's just a series of words I've decided to throw together.  But in reality I've seen first hand the power of understanding that each of us truly does matter.

We can't allow doubt to take root in our lives.  We must surround ourselves with others who will remind us when we forget.  Others who will lift us up.  Who will help us celebrate every single success.  Becuase even the smallest successes are worth celebrating.

Each of you makes an incredible difference, and we can quickly forget that.  I love these song lyrics that were shared with me this week by Lauren Neutzler....

Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion

Let's embrace our uniqueness and our genius, and let's light a fire in these children.  One that can't be extinguished.  Because if we don't, who will?


Wednesday, Sept 9, Sheila Nelms

Book Talk

This Wednesday we'll be discussing Chapter 4 "Play" from Kim Bearden's book!

Team Planning

Team Planning times continue this week!  On your assigned day, your students will stay in the cafeteria at 7:45am and you will meet in the Team Planning room with Kathy French.  Please remember to be on time to these meetings.

Monday - Kindergarten
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - 2nd Grade
Friday - 1st Grade

And our first Vertical Meeting is TUESDAY at 3:15.  It is the Reading Vertical Meeting in the Team Planning Room.

Becky Harrison

Becky Harrison is our PSP Coach.  She was assigned by the state of Texas when the schools were underperforming.  She will be here throughout the year to make sure that we are on track to continuing to stay out of trouble with the state.  Becky will be here WEDNESDAY on campus.  She will be working with our administration team and rotating through classrooms.  She will also be meeting with the staff right after the Book Talk.  We will be looking at some lesson plans as well.

Lesson Plans

Your lesson plans should be updated and created through September 18th

How I'm Getting Home Lists

Thank you so much to the following teachers for already getting me your list of students and how they're getting home each day!!


I need those ASAP from you the rest of you, HERE is the original document...

Student Forms

Those should have been turned in as we are figuring out what forms we still need.  Please make sure you have given those to the front office.


According to the Library Schedule I received this week is a week for PreK-2nd Grade.  Haven also shared a document with you with lots of information about the library.  You can access that document HERE.

PD Opportunities

EdCampKaty (October 24) and TCCA (October 17) are coming up quickly.  EdCampKaty only has about 50 spots left!  If you've signed up to go let me know, as I will also be at both events and if we need to carpool we can!

I'm excited to let you know that I've officially booked three awesome guests (so far) to come and work with our staff this year.

Eric Sheninger will be on our campus October 20th to observe and help our administration team tweak things to help us all run at our best!  He may be doing a quick session after school as well, and he will also be the keynote speaker at the Education Foundation Dinner that night.

Erin Klein will be here on Dec 5th (yes that's a Saturday).  Erin brings a WEALTH of knowledge and expertise.  Erin's daily rate is $6,000 and she comes to us for free as a favor to me, so please mark your calendars to be here that Saturday.  We'll talk more specifics as the day gets closer because they day will be tailored around you and what you need!

Chris Pombonyo will be here Monday February 1st to work primarily with Prek-2nd grade teachers.

Fountas and Pinnell

F&P testing starts tomorrow (Monday).  Please make sure that you are completing this and with fidelity.  If you need help please reach out as we have several people on campus with experience.

Aaron Marvel has told me he would have the tests printed and organized in the workroom.


MobyMax math testing will begin on Monday.  You can find the testing schedule HERE (I hope I didn't leave anyone in 1st-5th off).  You must go to and input your students names before you take them to the lab.  The testing shouldn't take long.  MobyMax will give you their log in information when you add their names to your MobyMax roster.


Here's a few awesome people to check out and follow and connect with this week!

Brent Clarkson - Educator in Texas
Jeff Veal - Administrator in Texas
Lisa Johnson - Technology Specialist in Texas


Here are a few great blogs articles I saw this week.

Rockstar Educators

We have two more Rockstar Educators to recognize this week!

Susan Stanfield - Susan is one of our PreK teachers.  Besides that fact that Susan is always loving on kids, what I am most impressed by Susan is her kindness to go above and beyond.  When Susan saw that maintenance didn't make it to Kimberly Tobola's room on Friday she spent her day Saturday with her husband helping Kimberly move all of her items out of her room and into Brule.  That right there is what family does.  That is what a great person does.  Thank you Susan!

Haven Wisnoski - The Queen.  Haven has been such a tremendous help in so many ways.  She also brings so much creativity and passion to what she does.  I am so thankful to have someone like Haven on our team who is always pushing others to be there best and who never complains when I ask her to help or step up in many different ways!

Please find time this week to give these two an extra high five or hug and let them know how appreciated they are!

Tomorrow we start another week!  We're given more opporutnities to change lives.  We're given second chances, fresh starts, and new beginnings.

I want to leave you with this video.  To me it's a powerful reminder that we all have a story.  We all have pain.  Let's bind together and find ways to help each other.

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