Sunday, September 23, 2018


I still can't help but look back on the photos from #RockYourSchool Day and not smile.  I was blown away by the creativity, energy, and excitement on that day. And I promise you, our kids felt it too!  So, first and foremost I want to say thank you for all the hard work you all put in every day.

One of my jobs as your instructional leader is to grow you.  With the birds-eye view that I have as principal, I get a unique insight into what all of you are capable of.  In seeing that, I try to continue to pinpoint different areas that we can get better.  When I push you, it isn't always going to feel good.  It isn't always going to be easy.  If change WAS easy everyone would do it!

But I'm never going to ask you to do something that will hurt your kids.  I'm never going to ask you to do something I haven't or won't do.  I WILL provide you with supports, supplies, and helpers.  But you have to let me know when you're struggling, when it feels overwhelming, when you don't feel like you're getting the supports you need.

I want to see our kids succeed, but I also want all of you to succeed. In every position you hold on this campus.  The moment one of us falls, we must reach our hands down to help you up. We are not a singular person, but instead of unified unit.

I am so proud of each of you and could honestly sit here and list something fantastic I saw each of you do this week.  Webb is a special place.  And like family, we'll argue, get upset, smile, laugh, cry, and be there for each other.

You all are my family.

Week at a Glance

Wednesday - See You at the Pole - 7:15am
Thursday - I&L Team Treats and Greets at Webb
Friday - Lockdown Drill
Diversity Team Meeting - 3:15pm
Football Game - 7pm

After School Guided Math/Reading Training

In Google Classroom, Jennifer shared an assignment with Grade Level instructional teams about a video to watch before the training opportunities this week.

You will be asked to attend at least one after school, quick 15 min, training.

Jennifer will be emailing out your options today (Sunday).

TP Time

This week you are asked to bring your data from F&P/Istation/MAP etc.  If you did not get a binder, those will be provided with you on your TP day. We will be making SMART student goals.


This week we will be looking for the following as we walk through and by classrooms...

1.  Classroom greeters
2.  Students standing to answer a question
3. Students answering in complete sentences
4. Teachers up and moving while doing whole group instruction
5. No cell phone use unless posting online your classroom activity or contacting a parent/administrator

Book Study

Please make sure that you are making time to read something 20 minutes every night. Schedule it if you have to. We want to be asking our kids to read, we must also. 

As far as our Book Study book, please make sure you have Chapters 4 and 5 read, with questions/discussion topics written down, to discuss at the next Faculty Meeting.  Please come to this meeting prepared.  You have several weeks advance notice, so the expectation is that you come with your written down questions/discussion points, and the chapters read.

Morning Duty

On your PLC day....PLEASE keep in mind that you are on duty until 7:40am. We need you to stay at your duty station until then. Your PLC starts at 7:45am.  Be on time to both your duty and PLC time. You should come prepared on your day.

Please also remember that 2nd-5th should be placing sticks in their cones either the morning of on the WAY to duty, or the afternoon before during Bus Duty.

Kinder - Cafeteria
1st - Gym
2nd - Car
3rd - Cafeteria
4th - Gym
5th - Car

Tell Your Story

This week I chatted with Holly Ehle.  We talked about her teacher retreat she started, what social media did for her, and her emotional journey through an incredibly rare kidney disease.


Reading Aloud: Poetry at its Finest

It's Ok to Not Be Ok

This is What It's Like to be a Teacher in America

In Closing....

Everyone brings something to the table. There is greatness in us at.  Some are so covered in the mud that life has thrown at them, that it takes quite a bit of scrubbing to find the light underneath.  But that's what we are as teachers.  We're gifted in the area of being able to find the bright light in every child.  To celebrate them for what they bring.  But even more so to do that with those we work alongside of every day.  Bias, judgement, pain, doubt, and guilt all get in our way.  But this week let's laugh together, let's cry together, and let's work together to celebrate the small moments and find the good in all of it.  It won't be easy, but you can't do it alone.

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