Sunday, September 16, 2018

Don't Be So Hard On Yourself

Being Gentle with Ourselves

So often we are sabotaging ourselves by being in our own way without even knowing we are doing so.
During those times when our lives are filled with what seems to be constant change and growth, it is important to remember that we need to be gentle with ourselves. Since it can be easy to use our energy to keep up with the momentum of our lives, we may not be aware of the fact that we are much more likely to run ourselves down. When things seem to be moving quickly, it is especially essential that we make a point to slow down and be gentle with ourselves.

It might be difficult to notice what is happening to us for we may be so caught up in the whirlwind of our lives that we lose sight of the direction in which things are heading. Being gentle with ourselves doesn't mean that we don't accomplish things. Instead it means that we honor ourselves on an ongoing basis and take care of the needs of our bodies.

This means different things to different people. For instance, it could mean taking a remedy, herbs, or vitamins; or getting extra sleep. Putting our energy into ourselves in this way helps create space for a more positive, loving, and accepting view of our lives. By setting the intention to do so, we will be more cognizant of our energy levels on a daily basis and more able to replenish them as needed.

The more we are able to treat our bodies with gentleness, the more tenderness and compassion we will call forth into our lives. Learning to understand and pay attention to what our self needs will in turn allow us to fill our lives with unlimited loving and healing energy and to truly take care of the things that mean the most to us.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Deadline for T-TESS Goal Setting Meetings
Constitution Ladies - 5th Grade - Cafeteria - 2pm
Staff Meeting - 3:45pm - Cafeteria
School Board Meeting - 6:30pm - Central Office
Tuesday - Fire Drill
LLI Kit Mandatory Training - K-5 ELAR Teachers - 3:30pm - Library
Wednesday - 15 Min Tech Tip - FlipGrid 101 - 3:45pm - Library
Thursday - Rock Your School Day
PreK - 2nd PTO Fundraiser Kick Off - 1:45pm - Gym
3rd-5th PTO Fundraiser Kick Off - 2:30pm - Gym
ESGI Training - Kinder - 4pm - TP Room
Friday - Football Game - 7pm

Rock Your School Day

This year, Thursday, is the first ever "Rock Your School Day" sponsored by Get Your Teach On (GYTO). It's a day to do something above and beyond awesome to show how fun and amazing learning can be.  Since I am part of GYTO, they want to feature some of our teachers/staff doing some awesome things.  If/when you plan something for Thursday please let me know so we can feature you.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are wanting to attend the GYTO National Conference in Dallas this year, this is a great opportunity to show why I should be sending you.

LLI Kit Training

On Tuesday at 3:30pm, Lisa Marsh will be hosting a LLI Kit training so all teachers can be on the same page with the kits before we start allowing check out.  She will be done by 4pm. If you received her email, or are a K-5 ELAR teacher, this training is mandatory.

PTO Fundraiser

PTO will begin their annual fundraiser on Thursday.  There will be two kick off events.  One for Prek-2nd at 1:45pm and one for 3-5th at 2:30pm.

Constitution Ladies

The Constitution Ladies will make their annual visit to speak with 5th Graders on Constitution Day (Monday) at 2:00pm in the Cafeteria, immediately following 5th grade lunch.

Staff Meeting

Please remember to be in attendance at Monday's Faculty Meeting.  It starts at 3:45pm.

Book Study

Please make sure that you are making time to read something 20 minutes every night. Schedule it if you have to. We want to be asking our kids to read, we must also. 

As far as our Book Study book, please make sure you have Chapters 2 and 3 read, with questions/discussion topics written down, to discuss at the Monday's Faculty Meeting.  Please come to this meeting prepared.  You have several weeks advance notice, so the expectation is that you come with your written down questions/discussion points, and the chapters read.

Morning Duty

On your PLC day....PLEASE keep in mind that you are on duty until 7:40am. We need you to stay at your duty station until then. Your PLC starts at 7:45am.  Be on time to both your duty and PLC time. You should come prepared on your day.

Please also remember that 2nd-5th should be placing sticks in their cones either the morning of on the WAY to duty, or the afternoon before during Bus Duty.

Kinder - Gym
1st - Car
2nd - Cafeteria
3rd - Gym
4th - Car
5th - Cafeteria


Harvey Cannon - Sept 20
Alex Cowden - Sept 21

FlipGrid 101

This Wednesday I will be doing a very BASIC (hence the term 101) over FlipGrid on Wednesday at 3:45pm in the Library.  If you need a more advanced training those are coming in October!


This week in PLC times we will be discussing the new Field Guides and expectations. Please bring your data binder with you.

Share It

I saw Principal (and viral sensation) Gerry Brooks share this and thought it was a great reminder for all of us, myself included!

Tell Your Story

This episode is featuring Steven Lamkin and his journey with cerebral palsy.


In Closing....

The first time I saw this video, I wept.  The power in the words, the power in the truth, the reminder that we all need at one point or another.  This week, remember, your heart will heal.

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