Sunday, August 12, 2018

Let's Make Some Magic!

I can't believe it! Another school year is already upon us! I am so excited to see everyone again and hear how all your summer break went. I'm also excited for everyone to meet the newest members to our school family!

This year our theme is "Creating the Magic" and if the history of your hard work is any indication, you guys are going to absolutely take this theme and knock it out of the park. With the whole Disney theme, I really want our campus to go all-in this year. Remember this encompasses Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and of course all the amazingness of Disney.

Have you found your costume yet for Meet the Teacher night????

For those who are new to our school family, this blog right here is where I will put all the latest information and updates each week!

Our dress code for the inservice days will be casual/comfortable.

Week at a Glance
(all dates/times on google campus calendar)

Monday - Meet On Campus - 8am - Webb Gym
   Donuts and Juice will be provided
Presentation at Brule - 1pm
Work in Classrooms/On Campus - 2-4pm
Tuesday - Meeting in Gym - 8am - Webb Gym
Convocation - 10:00-11:30 - Brosig Auditorium
Work in Classrooms/On Campus - 1-4pm
Wednesday - K-5 Teachers - 8-11am - Webb Gym
All other staff work in rooms/on campus - 8am
PLC Training - K-5 Teachers - 1-2pm - Webb Gym
Thursday - Work in Classrooms/On Campus 8-12pm
SPED Training - ALL STAFF - 1-4pm - Brosig Auditorium
Friday - Symposium - All Staff - 8am-4pm - Navasota High School
Saturday - NISD Community Walk - 9:30-11:30am - NISD Admin Building


Please bring your laptop with you (if you have one)


August 13 - Haven Wisnoski
August 14 - Traci Colbert

Tell Your Story

Here is a great conversation with LaNesha Tabb.


In Closing...

I know over the next two weeks there will be filled with lots of questions, situations to get easily frustrated, stress, excitement, learning, reconnecting and so much more.  Let's remember to lead first with an open mind and listening ear. Let's remember that we only get one chance to start a new school year. And most of all let's remember that we're all in this together and the only way we succeed is by working side by side.

I can't wait create some magic alongside all of you this year and I know this will be the best year yet for Webb Elementary.

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