Sunday, August 26, 2018

Here They Come!

The day is finally upon us! They day we've been working so hard for over the last two weeks (or more!).  The first day of school is always something special. A time of fresh starts, new beginnings, exciting moments, reconnections, and so much more.  Every year I struggle with falling asleep the night before the first day of school because I just can't wait to have everyone back on campus. The whole school just feels different when the kids are back!

Remember that as we welcome these children back on our campus that some may be arriving with some apprehension.  Whether it's from having a difficult teacher the year before or things going on in their personal lives outside of school.  Every child deserves a fresh start with no "stories" attached to them from previous years.  Every child deserves to be welcomed in and welcomed big.  Every child deserves to be seen and recognized for what they bring to the table. And WE get to do that! So here's to a great week back!

This is our year!

Week at a Glance

First Day - Arrive by 7am
Breakfast from PTO
Specials is in the Gym Today
Brief Staff Meeting - As soon as dismissal is over
Thursday - Fire Drill
Friday - Lock Down Drill
House Meetings - 7:45am - Designated Locations
T-TESS Videos Completed
Football Game - 7:00pm

Staff Birthdays

August 27 - Olivia Aguinaga
August 28 - Jane Brewer
September 2 - Mariah Robinson

Afternoon Bus Dismissal (Every Day)

If you serve afternoon bus dismissal part of your role will now be to make sure all the cones are set up before you leave dismissal, so that the next morning is ready to begin. The order the grade levels sit from the stage are PreK, 5th Grade, Kinder, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.

Attendance Update

After our staff meeting on Friday, we had a quick update. The OFFICIAL attendance taking time will be 9:10am. 

First Week

The First Week document is updated if you need that to keep you up to what our expectations are for the "musts" on Week 12. Remember our biggest goal on day 1 is to love them, feed them, and get the safely home.

Staff Meeting

There will be a brief all-staff meeting after dismissal to debrief from Day 1.

PLC Meetings

PLC meetings will not begin this week. Jennifer Short will be getting a PLC calendar out so that you know what is expected each week.  All Camp teachers will need to help with hallway monitoring and working in classrooms this first week during PLC time.

Friday House Meetings

Friday we will have our first house meetings.  You will get more information on that momentarily. Do NOT spin for Houses on Day 1.  We have an idea we'll share for spinning for new student's houses.  That will be shared at the Staff Meeting on Monday.

Social Studies Weekly

I hope when you opened your Social Studies weekly you didn't throw away a flyer that was in there.  That flyer gave you unique code with access to a FREE Character Education Weekly and even FREE lesson plans!

First Day Paperwork

Walker should have given you all your first day paperwork packets.  As you get those back please make sure you alphabetize them and stay on the families who don't get those back.  We need one from every child. Keep a checklist so you know what you're missing.

Staff Information

If you have not filled out our Staff Information Sheet, you need to, TODAY.

Rock Your School Day

Rock Your School Day is coming September 20th! Read about it HERE and sign your class up today!

Growth Mindset

I love this image and wanted to share it. Great reminder here.

Tell Your Story

This episode features Principal Jon Howell and his journey with depression.


In Closing....

Our theme this year is "Creating the Magic".  And that's exactly what I want us to do this year. Create a magical learning experience, rooted in depth and standards, that the students will never forget and can't look away from,

Our kids are wonderful, creative, imaginative, and full of heart! Let's find ways to excite and entice them this year like never before.

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