Sunday, October 8, 2017

We Show Up

Being in education is hard.  It's physically, emotionally, and yes even spiritually draining.  Being an educator is more than just showing up at work to do a job. Every one of us knows that.  We work hours well past what our contracts say.  We put in more of our own money than probably any other career.  And we cry, laugh, get upset, have our hearts broken, smile, and pray over these kids on an daily basis.

And that can wear on you.  It can make getting out of bed some days really tough.  It can cause you to doubt your impact.  It can take a toll.

So why do we stay in a field that drains us? Why do we continue showing up day after day when it often feels like we're doing nothing except for spinning our wheels and getting more added to our already overflowing plates?

We do it because of those tiny bodies. Those children who show up every day with no other expectation than, "I hope my teacher is here today".

We show up for that little girl who comes to school smiling because she knows it's the only place she's going to get a hug.

We show up for that child whose only 2 meals a day are the ones they get for breakfast and lunch (and the extra food someone may send home with them).

We show up for the little boy who knows he has to get an education so he can earn a living to help support those he loves.

We show up for that 4th grader who is told how worthless and stupid she is, at home every day.  How she shows up knowing that teacher will tell her how worthy and loved she is.

We show up to see the lightbulb moment when a child finally gets a concept they've been struggling with for weeks.

We show up because we know we have that little one who runs into school with yet another story to share from the magical book they're reading.

We show up because we have colleagues who are fighting what feels like insurmountable battles, and we're the only person they have in their life they can confide in and count on.

We show up because we're educators.  That's just who we are. And that's what makes us different.

Thank you for showing up for our Webb Family.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Start of National School Lunch Week
RTI Committee Meeting - 3:45pm - Library
Tuesday - Book Discussion - PreK/1st/3rd/5th - pg 88-137
Wednesday - Social Studies Meeting - 3:30pm - Library
Bilingual Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm - TP Room
MAP Informational Meeting - 3:30pm - Central Office
Thursday - Delic on Campus (all grades)
Outdoor Play Day
Techy Tripp Thursday - Library - 3:45pm
Friday - Fire Safety at PE
Prek-2nd Grade Meeting in Gym - 7:35am

Look For....

This past week we were looking for a few particular items. We saw some pure awesomeness!  We did notice though that one thing we need to keep working on is our classroom greeters!  Make sure you review every week who the greeters are, what their jobs are, and that they greet ANY adult who comes in.

This week we'll be looking for group work.  Collaboration.  We know the importance of teacher-led instruction. But this week when we come in for walkthroughs we'll particularly be looking at how much the kids are discussing topics and working together to learn.

Delic On Campus

Remember that Delic is coming back to our campus on Thursday.  Our expectations for this visit were to have student work outside your room, with the TEK and Processing Standard posted, and be ready to discuss your activity and how it aligns.

Outdoor Play Day

Thursday is National Outdoor Play day.  Please plan at least one of your lessons to take place outdoors on Thursday!  We have tons of places around our school outside to teach as well as our outdoor classroom!

Book Discussion

Our book discussion is over pages 88-137 this week.  Please read up and be ready to discuss.

MAP Informational Meeting

The district is hosting a MAP informational meeting.  I know we've already spent a great amount of time discussing the MAP results together as teams.  If you still feel confused or want more information that meeting will take place Wednesday at 3:30pm at Central Office.

Veritcal Meetings

We also have 2 vertical meetings this week since last week's had to be cancelled.  If you're on the SS Vertical Team you'll meet with Ms Short in the Library.  If you're on the Bilingual Vertical meeting you'll meet with Ms. Argueta in the TP Room.

Techy Tripp Thursday

This Thursday we will have our FIRST "Techy Tripp Thursday"!!  Ms. Tripp will be sharing about different tech tools all year. And since MANY of your T-TESS Goals align with this, this will be a great opportunity for you.

These meetings will be only 15-20 min in length.  There'll be snacks.  And for every meeting you attend you could earn a sonic drink, jeans pass, or more!  So don't miss it this Thursday!

Her topic this week is QR Codes and Shortened Links.


Thank you sooooo much to all who were constantly sharing on Twitter this week.  It was AMAZING to see all the greatness being shared on the #WebbElem hashtag!! Our goal now is to keep that up every week!! I'll be giving out Twitter prizes every week!

This week our winners were: Kelsey Kuehler, TJ Longabaugh, Sandra Smith, Cariann Zeitman, and Ivonne Garcia!  Who will our winners be next week???  ****winners from this week come see me about your prize!

Didn't tweet this week?? No worries! You can this next week! Set reminders! I'm here to help!!


October 8 - Sherri Desern
October 10 - Anna Wilkerson
October 11 - Dorton Matthews

Ron Clark Academy

Remember if you're interested in attending RCA in either December or April, the application is HERE.  Applications due the week before Thanksgiving Break!

TP Time

This week in TP Time we will be discussing the one new way you used TEKS Resource last week and we'll be talking all things Rattler Time!  Come prepared to share your own Rattler Time ideas too!!

Morning Car Rider Duty

This week our morning car rider line duty (on your assigned TP day) is..

Monday - Kinder
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - Kinder
Thursday - Third
Friday - PreK

Kids Deserve It

If you were wanting a Kids Deserve It t-shirt or hoodie or long sleeve, they're up for sale through this next week!  Get yours today HERE!! And here is this week's KDI Show featuring a teacher who has been on the Ellen Degeneres Show!


In Closing...

It is so important that we find ways to celebrate every child (and adult) for the beauty the bring.  For their genius and their gifts.  Often times we're so hyper-focused on the shortcomings that we miss the amazing unique brilliance they bring.  One of my best friends is a principal who has cerebral palsy.  To see what he has accomplished and continues to accomplish inspires me every day.  Here is a great video that was shared with me that is sure to uplift, encourage, and inspire. 

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