Sunday, October 15, 2017

New Day

I love waking up in the morning.  I know it sounds weird, but I love the morning.  I think it's because I know that with the rise of a new dawn, that means we get second chances, new opportunities, and fresh starts.  But I also get excited because as an educator, I know that means I get to head to a building where WE also give our students (and families) second chances, new opportunities, and fresh starts.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Argueta and Short at Conference
Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Staff Meeting - 3:45pm - Cafeteria
Book Talk - 4:15pm - Cafeteria - K/2/4/Other Teachers (pg 88-137)
School Board Meeting - 6:30pm - Board Room
Tuesday - Argueta and Short at Conference
Nesloney at Principal Meeting from 9:00-10:30am
Community Outreach Meeting - 3:45pm - Library
Wednesday - Team Leader Meeting - 7am
RTI Meetings Begin
Bus Safety Day - All students go to PE for camp
Reading Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm - Library
RCA Team Meeting - 3:45pm - Reynold's Room
Yearbook Committee Meeting - 3:45pm - TP Room
Thursday - Nesloney and Short at District Office
Friday - National Writing Day
End of Report Card 1 Grading Period (Grades due at Midnight Sunday)
Nesloney at Central Office Meeting - 3:00-4:00pm
Football Game - 7:00pm
Saturday - EdCamp College Station

Look For...

This week for walk-throughs we are going to be looking for classroom greeters and questioning skills.  We want to see the types of questions you're asking students to be more than just basic, surface level, repeat information, questions.

Admin Out

There will be different times throughout the week that admin are out (including counselors).  Please be patient with us this week :-)

Staff Meeting

We have a staff meeting on Monday. It is important that you bring a pumpkin (real or fake) to the meeting.  We will be decorating them at the meeting. DO NOT bring any pre-decorated pumpkins.  K/2/4/and our Other Areas teachers need to be ready to discuss their chapters from "Disrupting Thinking" as well.

National Writing Day

National Writing Day is this Friday! Let's find some fun ways to celebrate this day with our students!

Report Cards

Remember that this is the final week to put in grades for report cards.  Remember that no averages should fall below a 68.  PE and Music teachers need to remember to put in grades as well!

EdCamp College Station

EdCamp College Station is this Saturday. It's a FREE half-day learning event that should be fantastic! Hope you can make it.  Register HERE.

RTI Meetings

We will begin RTI meetings this week.  I will be emailing teachers about their meeting times on Wednesday and Friday.  You will need to bring the following documentation with you (depending on your subject) concerning the students we'd like to move tiers.

F&P Scores
Istation Scores (reading and math)
Study Island info
MAP Results
In Class Data
Unit Assessment Data
Notes from their current Interventions


October 16 - Courtney Moore


For PLCs this week K-2 will be covering expectations, CHAMPS, and more interventions.  3-5 will be covering MAP data.

Morning Car Duty

Monday - first grade
Tuesday - fourth grade
Wednesday - first grade
Thursday - fourth grade
Friday - fifth grade

Kids Deserve It

Here is this week's episode featuring Leslie Kinard and tomorrow is the last day to get any KDI gear for this month! Get it HERE.


In Closing...

As I sit and read through the edits of "Stories from Webb", I'm quickly reminded of the brilliance that exists on this team.  So many of you chose to share a story (or two) and they truly make this book something special.  I can't wait for all of you to see the finished product!  The end of December can't get here soon enough!

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