Something we talk about quite often is growing. Growing as professionals and personally as well. Not one of us has reached that pinnacle of knowing everything. Though sometimes we all like to act (yes, even me) like we do!
As campus leaders part of our job is to work with you to help you grow. We send you to (and bring in) PD, we do walk throughs of your class, sit with some of you one on one, and use the T-TESS process to help us along the way.
We're always pushing you to help you grow. Sometimes it's uncomfortable, sometimes it's fun, and sometimes it's hard and makes you want to cry or walk away. But one of my favorite lines to think about is, "How dare we ask our students to come to school every day and learn, if we're not willing to keep learning ourselves".
But one thing I never want to do, is I never want to ask you to do something I wouldn't do myself. That's why I'm passionate about reading to classes, doing morning/lunch/afternoon duty, helping plan lessons, team teaching, modeling lessons, sitting in PLCs, working with Becky/Delic, and more.
I know for me that I have a lot of growing to do as well. I make it a point to do a self inventory every week to remind myself of things I'm working on, ways I'm growing or trying to, and things I need to do to continue my growth.
One of the most dangerous phrases in education is "we've always done it that way". But I'd like to say another phrase that's dangerous is "what I'm doing is working better than others, why do I need to grow?"
Growth is something we're all doing, or should be doing. So let's remember to keep pushing, keep trying, and keep growing this week. It's when we go through something and DON'T use it as a lesson to learn that things become dangerous for us as professionals.
Week at a Glance
Monday - Staff Meeting 3:45pm
Tuesday - Fire Drill
UIL at High Point - Students leave at 2:30pm
Staff Workout - 4pm
Grimes County Spelling Bee - 7pm
Wednesday - Bible Study - 7am
Thursday - Community Building Mtg - 3:30pm
Staff Workout - 4pm
Friday - End of Progress Reports
Fun Run
Kona Ice
Staff Meeting
We will have an all staff meeting on Monday. This will be a learning meeting. We will start at 3:45pm. We will have an activity, then Dr. Musick will be here to talk to all staff for 10 minutes, then IAs and support staff may leave. **PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO BRING YOUR AWARD TO PASS ON.
For the second half of the staff meeting we will work with teachers. Since we never want to ask you to do something we aren't also doing.....Myself, Boenker, and Marvel recorded ourselves teaching a lesson. We are going to allow you to choose to watch one of our lessons during the staff meeting and rate us using the T-TESS rubric. We will then take those ratings and spend this spring semester trying to improve on two areas of refinement, just like you!
Fun Run & Kona Ice
You all have done an EXCEPTIONAL job of encouraging our students to raise funds for our school, which benefits ALL of us. One thing to keep in mind is that we don't get to keep all the money we raise, so we want to keep encouraging them to fundraise until Friday!
On Friday is the Fun Run, and your grade level times are on the campus calendar.
Kona Ice will also be here to sell Snow Cones after you have run. $1 a snow cone just like before.
UIL is on Tuesday. Students will leave to head to High Point at 2:30pm. We may need some extra hands going with them. I will get with Kassi Lang (our UIL coordinator) to finalize those people tomorrow. We hope you can come out to support/encourage them after dismissal!
TP Time
This week during TP time we will be working on some new educational resources we ordered. You need to bring nothing but something to write with to your day.
Monday - 1st Grade
Tuesday - 2nd Grade
Wednesday - 5th Grade
Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - 3rd Grade
Don't forget to be submitting your self reflection statements via Google Docs to your evaluator after watching your recording from your class lesson.
The Energy Bus
If you have not stopped by and picked up your book for our Spring Book Study you need to do so Monday. We will start having brief discussions about the book weekly, starting next week over Chapters 1-2 during TP time. If you don't normally attend TP time, we will be scheduling a different time to discuss the book with you!
TODAY - Jan 21 - Karen Brzymialkiewicz (Mrs. B in Life Skills)
Jan 23 - Nina Salazar
If you have not voted for our staff members of the year, please do so TODAY! Last day to vote is Wednesday. You can vote HERE.
Progress Reports
Progress Report period closes Friday at 3:45pm. Make sure to have grades in.
Reading to Classes
This week I would like to read to Kinder and 1st Grade Classes. Teachers in those grade levels please email me 2-3 times/days that work for you and I will send you a calendar invite with the one that works in my schedule!
Kids Deserve it
Here is this week's interview
Rockstar Educators
Konnie Harber - Konnie is one of our Second Grade Teachers. I have seen Konnie grow a lot in these last two years. Professionally and personally. I love how Konnie allows me to push her to constantly be getting better. She doesn't always love it in the moment, but she never refuses. She cares deeply about her kids and wants to be as good as she can be. I am thankful to have teachers like Konnie who are looking to grow and constantly get better.
Jane Brewer - Jane is our Math Interventionist for Webb. When I see Jane in this role, I really feel like it was a role she was meant for. Jane is so great at connecting with kids. What's important about an interventionist is that they do things differently. And what I love about Jane is that she is the definition of doing things differently. Our kids love going to her and she is always working with kids and helping them grow. I am thankful we have specialists like Jane helping our struggling kiddos.
Sherri Desern - Sherri is one of our Kindergarten teachers. I have absolutely loved getting to know Sherri and watching her grow. What I love about her most is her quest for growth but also her quiet strength. Sherri definitely has a challenging classroom this year, yet she never gives up. She keeps trying different things to find what works for her and her students. I know it hasn't been an easy year for her, but I am so thankful we have teachers like Sherri who push on.
In Closing....
When we talk about growth, one thing I think we also have to think about is our growth in learning and understanding different cultures, backgrounds, stereotypes, and more. I saw the video below earlier this week and couldn't stop the tears from flowing. How many lies do we believe, not only about our kiddos, but about people in general. Let's take the time to learn about and truly work to understand and respect everyone.
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