I know that each of us has worked on a team or campus where people complain. Where people are negative. They don't like a certain person and talk about it all the time. They don't like a decision that was made and complain to you about it for hours (or sometimes days). The parents are annoying. The kids are annoying. The curriculum, the school board, the central office, the principal, the cafeteria workers, and so on. If we look for just a few minutes it is very easy to find something to be negative about.
But often, what I think is even more dangerous is when we begin to talk negatively about ourselves.
I have a few educators friends that I talk to on a regular basis. One of those friends, every time I will compliment him or say something was impressive, he will shoot me down. Tell me it's not that big of a deal, that everyone does that. Or that others do much greater/cooler things than him.
I have another friend who every time I compliment or encourage him, he ignores it and flips it on me and how I do something well. And I am constantly trying to get him to accept the compliment. To feel worthy.
And I have one more who with every compliment, he says "yes, but I have lots of growing to do" or "well I'm not as great as __________".
I get so frustrated when trying to build them up because it seems like they don't even believe in their own greatness. And then I find myself doing the exact same thing when I am complimented or encouraged.
Why is it so hard, for us as educators, to take a compliment? Why do we have to be so hard on ourselves and negative about what we are doing right. We're all in this profession because there is something great that we do. And though it's hard to remember that, we must.
I will always remember what Angela Maiers told me... she said "Why aren't you sharing your genius with others? When you sit there and don't ever share your great ideas or what you do in your class/school, you're doing a disservice to others in our field, because then no one gets to learn from you and you bring great things to the table"
I see every team member on our campus do something incredible on a daily basis. It's why I'm always pushing you to share out your class activities on Social Media, I want the rest of the world to see!! So this week, try and make it a point to accept any compliments that come your way and take some time to share your brilliant ideas with others.
Week at a Glance
Tuesday - Team Leader Meeting - 7am
Boosterthon (Fundraiser) Kickoff Event with Kids - 2:15pm
Boosterthon Kickoff with Staff - 3:45pm
Staff Workout - 4pm
School Board Meeting - 7pm
Wednesday - Bible Study - 7am
Thursday - Marvel Off Campus
Fire Drill
Nesloney off Campus from 1-2:30
Staff Workout - 4pm
Friday - Becky on Campus (meeting with all teams)
This week we start our annual school fundraiser. For the next two weeks, your classes will go to PE every day. Please make sure you've signed up on our Boosterthon Teacher page too that I emailed classroom teachers last week.
We will have a Kickoff Event at 2:15pm on Tuesday in the Gym for all grades and a Brief (15 min) Staff meeting at 3:45pm with Boosterthon.
Staff Meeting
On Monday, January 23rd we are having a Staff Meeting at 3:45pm. IAs and Support Staff will be able to leave at 4:00pm, but teachers need to be prepared to stay for the meeting until about 4:45pm. This has been on the school calendar since August so please plan to be in attendance!
TP Time
Please bring your lessons to discuss. In 3rd-5th you need to bring one TEK for Math, Reading, and Writing/Science, that we will spend time diving into that is Highly Tested and we've scored low on.
Tuesday - Kinder
Wednesday - 5th
Thursday - 4th
Friday - 3rd
Becky Harrison
Becky will be on campus Friday. All teams will need to meet with her. Bring your typical data updates as well. 3rd-5th Grade will need to bring questions that address figure 19 from previous STARR tests to dive into.
Reading to Classes
This week I would like to read to 2nd and 3rd grade classes. Teachers in those grade levels, please email me with one or two times that would work for you and I will send you a calendar invite to confirm. I won't need more than 15 minutes of your class's time. Thanks!
Ron Clark Academy
Don't forget applications for RCA are due by Monday, January 30th.
Kids Deserve It
Here is this past week's episode.
Rockstar Educators
Deborah Gonzales - Deborah is our Health Teacher on campus. I absolutely love the passion Deborah brings to what she does. Recently we've had the opportunity to really expand what our kids are doing with a gardening idea (to coincide with our outdoor classroom) and Deborah has taken the idea and truly run with it. I've seen the excitement build in her, but she's also transferred that excitement onto her students. I love the ideas Deborah brings to the table and her willingness to always help out where I need her!
Sarah Martin - Sarah is our LLI instructional aide, but Sarah is so much more than that! In addition to the excellent work that Sarah does with our LLI program, she also helps run the SSR club and helps out when we have some ISS students. Sarah brings such passion and intensity to all she does and the work she's help facilitate with our SSR Club has been phenomenal. If you ever need a good book recommendation Sarah is also a great resource as she sets a great example for our students about being an avid reader!
Jessica McHale - Jessica is a 2nd grade teacher. I love the amount of excitement and energy Jessica brings to her classroom. Jessica has no fear of doing something different or looking silly in front of her students. I love that Jessica reaches out to community members and parents every week to invite guest readers into her classroom! Such a phenomenal idea that shows kids that everyone is a reader. Jessica is full of ideas and is always one who will share. I love what Jessica brings to our team.
In Closing....
I saw the video below featured on Ellen this week. As I watched I thought, wow, any number of our staff could have just as equally been featured.
You do exceptional work, under the most intense circumstances, and our kids are the ones who reap the benefits.
Thank YOU for all you to do impact lives. Especially since many of those ripples you leave, won't be felt until years down the road. But what you're doing makes an impact.
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