Yep, you read that title correctly. TWO more weeks. Two more weeks to leave an impact. Two more weeks to make a mark. And, two more weeks until you get a chance to catch your breath and relax a little :-)
At EdCamp Navasota this weekend I was reminded of the power that lies in connecting and talking with others. I felt like part of my fire was re-lit to be reminded of others going through our same struggles. Of other educators who are fighting hard battles in their schools and districts too. Of others who are wanting to do what's best for kids no matter what.
We are never in this profession alone. Sometimes we feel like it. But this weekend was a reminder to me that it's all about perspective. We can sit all day long, no matter what the circumstances, and find things to complain about. We can talk about how rude our students are, how unsupportive our spouses are, how ungrateful our kids are, how terrible the lighting is, how hot/cold our room gets, how people don't pick up trash, or whatever it is we want to complain about. OR we could change our perspective.
This week, especially when our calendars can get particularly busy, my challenge to you is, when you feel like complaining or talking negatively about a situation, first stop and re-evaluate. Think about the words you're choosing and whether or not they will actually instigate change for GOOD. If your words won't light a fire in someone to do something better, then don't say them! Little eyes and little ears are always present.
Team Planning
Monday - No One
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - Kinder
Friday - 1st Grade
IMPORTANT Dates this Week
Monday - Black History Program - 7:45am and 5:30pm
Tuesday - Kim Holcomb to meet with teams during conference and all K-5 teachers 3:45-4:45pm
Wednesday - Becky Harrison on Campus (need new istation and mobymax data)
Glabb/Goss Wedding Shower - 3:30
Thursday - STAAR Training - 3:45pm ALL STAFF
Friday - Brandi Keel (Region 6) will be here all day for 3-5th Math
Kim Holcomb
Kim will be here Tuesday to work with each team on quality interventions and what that can really look like. She is AMAZING, and I know you guys will love her. After school that day she'll be working more in depth with everyone present (K-5) to talk about more lessons and data.
Becky Harrison
Since Tuesday is March 1, if possible, please try to have your kids Istation test so we can have that data ready for Becky on Wednesday.
Brandi Keel
Brandi will be back on campus on Friday to observe 3rd-5th grade math teachers and to help during your conferences with questions/resources/ideas.
STAAR Training
The STAAR training is not optional. This is required by the state. Everyone must be there.
Kids Deserve It
After much demand, we've decided to start selling PINK "Kids Deserve It" shirts and BLUE "Kids Deserve It" hoodies. They are ONLY for sale through March 9.
Pink KDI Shirt -
Blue KDI Hoodie -
Articles/Blog Posts
Rockstar Educators
Courtney Moore - Courtney is a 5th grade math/science teacher in her first year teaching. What I love about Courtney is how hungry she is to learn. She is always looking for great ideas to use with her students. But she's also a listener. Any time Courtney is given advice about things she can try or do with her kids, she does them! Those are the qualities you always hope every first year teacher has. It's also evident how much she cares about her students with all the extra time she invests in them. I love that we have Courtney on our team.
Cewilla Thomas - Where do I even begin with our counselor Mrs. Thomas? Cewilla is a firecracker like no other. She can hold her own against even the most irate parents. But more then that Cewilla is always a great listening ear and someone who knows what seems to be every single person in this town. She isn't afraid to make home visits or make those difficult calls. I am so thankful to have Cewilla as a part of our team.
Let's find ways to change our perspective this week. And like Principal El says in the video above, "let's not pray for a lighter load, but instead pray for a stronger back".
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