Sunday, February 7, 2016

Benchmarks, Half-Day, Valentines, and More!

Happy SUPER BOWL Sunday! What a week we have ahead of us!  Everything from Benchmarks, to a half-day on Wednesday, to Becky being here Thursday, to Valentine's Parties on Friday and more!!  This blog post will have lots of info in it so make sure to read closely!  Without further ado....


Geralyn Jackson - Thursday, February 11


All materials need to be turned in tomorrow (Monday)

Team Planning

There will only be team planning for 4th and 5th grade this week.

Thursday - 5th Grade
Friday - 4th Grade

Becky Harrison

Becky will be here on THURSDAY.  Please make sure you have updated Istation results as well as MobyMax.  Be able to discuss who you've been intervening with, what you've been using, and how you've been monitoring progress.  4th and 5th we'll be looking at your benchmark data as well.

1/2 Day

Wednesday is a half-day.  The schedule remains the same as our other half-days. HERE it is if you've misplaced it.

Remember that at 1:30, you will need to meet at the following places (an email will be going out with what to bring)

PreK-2nd Grade - High Point
3rd-5th ELAR - Brule
3rd-5th Math/Science - Webb
Specials - Webb
IAs - Webb

Valentine's Parties

REMEMBER, all Valentine's parties must be held after 2:30pm (except for Kinder and PreK).

National Geographic Explorer

Just an early heads up, we will have a Young National Geographic Explorer visiting our campus on Tuesday, February 16th.  Her name is Alize Carrere.  She will be presenting to the entire student population at 9:30am on that day in the Cafeteria.  More information to come....this is HUGELY exciting!!


And here's the big one....Benchmarks! Here's some details:

- Testing should begin promptly at 8:45am.  ALL restroom breaks should be done BEFORE testing begins.  Students shouldn't need the restroom until at least 9:30am.

- Lunch Schedules, Coverage, and Restroom Breaks can be found HERE.

- Bins can be checked out as early as 7:00am.

- Small Group testers will pick up their students by 8:20am

- Testing teachers, please remember to keep your class calm and quiet before testing begins.  Get them in the correct mindset and have them thinking about strategies and such.

- You can NOT review materials/strategies the day of the test.

Articles/Blog Posts
Kids Deserve It

This is the LAST week to order your KDI shirt and/or hoodie if you're interested in wearing jeans every Wednesday for the rest of the year!  Info HERE.

You can also check out our interview with artist, Erik Wahl.

EdCamp Navasota

EdCamp is right around the corner!!! February 27th!  We have registrants from ALL over the state of Texas!  Hope to see you there!!

Rockstar Educators

Kassi Lang - Kassi is a Kindergarten teacher here on campus.  I remember interviewing Kassi last December for a Behavioral Class position and instead having her get snapped up by the Jr. High. Well lucky for US, she was much better suited to be a Kinder teacher.  And what a KILLER Kinder teacher she is.  Kassi is kind, creative, artsy, and goes over and above for her kiddos.  She gets them to believe in magical worlds and exciting adventures.  I am so thankful we've got Kassi on our team!

Jessica Kjos - Jessica is a 2nd grade teacher at our school.  I am still in shock at how great of a teacher Jessica is with barely any experience!  I am so thankful to have her with us.  Like several others, she doesn't have an easy group this year. But she continually takes it all in stride and is always looking for ways to help every one of her kiddos.  She isn't afraid to ask for help, and I really admire that in her.  Jessica is a forced to be reckoned with and someone our campus needs!

And I leave you with this great video.  Let's make it an AWESOME week!

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