Sunday, February 28, 2016

Two More Weeks!

Yep, you read that title correctly.  TWO more weeks.  Two more weeks to leave an impact.  Two more weeks to make a mark.  And, two more weeks until you get a chance to catch your breath and relax a little :-)

At EdCamp Navasota this weekend I was reminded of the power that lies in connecting and talking with others.  I felt like part of my fire was re-lit to be reminded of others going through our same struggles.  Of other educators who are fighting hard battles in their schools and districts too.  Of others who are wanting to do what's best for kids no matter what.

We are never in this profession alone.  Sometimes we feel like it.  But this weekend was a reminder to me that it's all about perspective.  We can sit all day long, no matter what the circumstances, and find things to complain about.  We can talk about how rude our students are, how unsupportive our spouses are, how ungrateful our kids are, how terrible the lighting is, how hot/cold our room gets, how people don't pick up trash, or whatever it is we want to complain about.  OR we could change our perspective.

This week, especially when our calendars can get particularly busy, my challenge to you is, when you feel like complaining or talking negatively about a situation, first stop and re-evaluate.  Think about the words you're choosing and whether or not they will actually instigate change for GOOD.  If your words won't light a fire in someone to do something better, then don't say them!  Little eyes and little ears are always present.

Team Planning

Monday - No One
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - Kinder
Friday - 1st Grade

IMPORTANT Dates this Week

Monday - Black History Program - 7:45am and 5:30pm
Tuesday - Kim Holcomb to meet with teams during conference and all K-5 teachers 3:45-4:45pm
Wednesday - Becky Harrison on Campus (need new istation and mobymax data)
Glabb/Goss Wedding Shower - 3:30
Thursday - STAAR Training - 3:45pm ALL STAFF
Friday - Brandi Keel (Region 6) will be here all day for 3-5th Math

Kim Holcomb

Kim will be here Tuesday to work with each team on quality interventions and what that can really look like.  She is AMAZING, and I know you guys will love her.  After school that day she'll be working more in depth with everyone present (K-5) to talk about more lessons and data.

Becky Harrison

Since Tuesday is March 1, if possible, please try to have your kids Istation test so we can have that data ready for Becky on Wednesday.

Brandi Keel

Brandi will be back on campus on Friday to observe 3rd-5th grade math teachers and to help during your conferences with questions/resources/ideas.

STAAR Training

The STAAR training is not optional.  This is required by the state.  Everyone must be there.

Kids Deserve It

After much demand, we've decided to start selling PINK "Kids Deserve It" shirts and BLUE "Kids Deserve It" hoodies.  They are ONLY for sale through March 9.

Pink KDI Shirt -
Blue KDI Hoodie -

Articles/Blog Posts

Rockstar Educators

Courtney Moore - Courtney is a 5th grade math/science teacher in her first year teaching.  What I love about Courtney is how hungry she is to learn.  She is always looking for great ideas to use with her students. But she's also a listener.  Any time Courtney is given advice about things she can try or do with her kids, she does them!  Those are the qualities you always hope every first year teacher has.  It's also evident how much she cares about her students with all the extra time she invests in them. I love that we have Courtney on our team.

Cewilla Thomas - Where do I even begin with our counselor Mrs. Thomas?  Cewilla is a firecracker like no other.  She can hold her own against even the most irate parents.  But more then that Cewilla is always a great listening ear and someone who knows what seems to be every single person in this town.  She isn't afraid to make home visits or make those difficult calls.  I am so thankful to have Cewilla as a part of our team.

Let's find ways to change our perspective this week.  And like Principal El says in the video above, "let's not pray for a lighter load, but instead pray for a stronger back".

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Let's Chat!

We've got a big week coming up.  This week is parent/teacher conference week.  I am so excited every semester by this week because we have so many families who will be coming through the front doors of our building.  Let's make sure we remember to build them up, making them feel welcome, and to celebrate their children.  But let's also make sure we fill them in on the progress their child is making as well!  You've got this!

Team Planning

Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - 2nd Grade
Friday - 1st Grade


Ashley Dietert - Feb 23
Loriann Whitman - Feb 23
Lisha Crawford - Feb 25
Julie Brooks - Feb 28
Sharon Ganske - Feb 28

Dinner with a Gentleman

Well, we far exceeded my expectations for Dinner with a Gentleman.  We were hoping for about 150, and we're now at 650!!!! WOW.  Can't wait to see all those men here spending time with their children.

We may need some hands helping set up after school on Tuesday.  Otherwise, I think we're good on help, as the boyscouts will be here to help clean up!

EdCamp Navasota

EdCamp is SATURDAY!  Can't wait!  Hope to see you there!

Articles/Blog Posts
Rockstar Educators

Sarah Martin - Sarah is one of our instructional aides.  But she's so much more than that.  Sarah is extremely creative and artistic.  I know anytime I need help designing something she's the one to go to.  She's taken on many different roles this year and really taken and ran with each of them.  Sarah cares about kids and wants every one of them to learn.  I'm thankful we have someone like Sarah with us!

Lisha Crawford - Lisha is a 1st grade teacher.  I'm so often impressed by the growth Lisha has shown this year.  She has really grown into her own.  She takes advice, asks for help, and isn't afraid to work with others or try things that are out of the box.  She cares deeply about her kids and is always looking for ways to help them emotionally as well as educationally.  I can't wait to see what Lisha is going to do next!

As we near closer and closer to Spring Break, we're going to see kids who are more excited and energetic.  Harness that energy!  Take them outside, do active lessons, take away the worksheets!  It's such a different way to think, but there are so many ways you can teach ALL of the skills necessary without always bringing out a worksheet, packet, or cut & glue activity!  If you need help brainstorming, let's chat!

This week I encourage you to each with your class or go to PE with them.  I always loved playing games with my class in PE.

EXCLUSIVE! Ellen DeGeneres is in Adele's ear.
Posted by ellentube on Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Let Go, Hold On

I have always thought that February was one of the hardest months of the school year.  It's a time where many of us feel like we have less patience, we feel under appreciated, we feel overworked and stressed.

I know, I've been there, and on some days am still in that spot.  It's a time where testing season is around the corner and it feels like we have far too many things on our plate.

But we're educators.  this is when we can shine the brightest.  This is when we remember we have that unique kind of career where lives are in our hands.  Where we have the choice each and every morning when we get out of bed, how we're going to impact not only children, but adults too.

My challenge for you this week, is when you're feeling down, distraught, forgotten, alone, unloved, unsuccessful, to reach out.  Let your team know, let me know.  We're in this together.  And together is the only way we make it through this career.  The educators who burn out are those who try to do it alone and don't ask for help.  I remember the chapter in Kim Bearden's book, where she tried so hard to hold in her divorce and it almost destroyed her.

We're here for each other.  Even if I have to tell some corny joke to lift your spirits.  We'll do whatever it takes to make sure every one of us makes it across that finish line in May.  Because if one of us falls, then we've all failed.


Maura Pavlock - Thursday February 18
Susan Brak - Friday February 19

Team Planning

Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - 2nd Grade
Friday - Kinder

National Geographic Young Explorer

We will have a Young National Geographic Explorer visiting our campus on Tuesday.  Her name is Alize Carrere.  She will be presenting to the entire student population at 9:30am on that day in the Cafeteria. We will start calling for grade levels at 9:15am.  This will only affect 1st Grade's Camp time. This is HUGELY exciting!!

Admin Out

Terry, Kathy, and Aaron will be out all day Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at an assessment conference.

Important Dates this Week

Monday - Staff Meeting - 3:45pm
Tuesday - National Geographic Explorer - 9:30am - Cafeteria/Gym
OPTIONAL Twitter Chat with a School in Oklahoma - 3:45pm - Library
Thursday - TELPAS Calibration - those know who need to attend
Friday - 2nd Grade Field Trip
Writing Wall Samples Due
Marvel out and Nesloney out at Noon

Twitter Chat

As you can see above, another Principal I know in Oklahoma is working with her staff on Twitter.  She asked if we could work together as campuses to help our staff who were interested learn how to participate in a Twitter chat!  So, on Tuesday after school you're invited to learn how to participate in Twitter chats by doing one with another campus!  It should be fun!  Hope to see a few of you there!

Articles/Blog Posts

Kids Deserve It

This week's interview with the AMAZING, Hope King.

EdCamp Navasota

EdCamp is right around the corner!!! February 27th!  We have registrants from ALL over the state of Texas!  Hope to see you there!!

Rockstar Educators

Carolyn Hafley - Carolyn is our Resource Teacher here at Webb.  She is such a calming force of nature.  If you've never taken the time to talk with Carolyn you must.  She is incredibly intelligent and cares so very deeply for not only the kids she services but for all our kids.  I love how she's always got another idea to share with me.  She's passionate and driven.  I am so thankful we were able to add Carolyn to our team this year because we are better with her.

Lauren Cecil - Lauren is a 2nd grade teacher.  There are some days that I'm still surprised this is Lauren's first full year teaching.  Lauren has lots of really great ideas and is always willing to share with others.  Lauren also is passionate about the work she does and will do anything to help her kids find success, even if that means giving them a ride home just so they can stay for tutoring.  I am thankful to have Lauren and her ideas and spunk to help continually push us forward.

Why do you #LoveTeaching?

I greatly encourage you to read THIS post and share throughout this week.  Join the movement.

Well that's it everyone!  This week is only going to be as good as we make it, so let's make it the best!  And remember, lean on others, ask for help, don't try to do it alone.

AND, if the weather is great, take your kids OUTSIDE to learn!  #KidsDeserveIt

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Benchmarks, Half-Day, Valentines, and More!

Happy SUPER BOWL Sunday! What a week we have ahead of us!  Everything from Benchmarks, to a half-day on Wednesday, to Becky being here Thursday, to Valentine's Parties on Friday and more!!  This blog post will have lots of info in it so make sure to read closely!  Without further ado....


Geralyn Jackson - Thursday, February 11


All materials need to be turned in tomorrow (Monday)

Team Planning

There will only be team planning for 4th and 5th grade this week.

Thursday - 5th Grade
Friday - 4th Grade

Becky Harrison

Becky will be here on THURSDAY.  Please make sure you have updated Istation results as well as MobyMax.  Be able to discuss who you've been intervening with, what you've been using, and how you've been monitoring progress.  4th and 5th we'll be looking at your benchmark data as well.

1/2 Day

Wednesday is a half-day.  The schedule remains the same as our other half-days. HERE it is if you've misplaced it.

Remember that at 1:30, you will need to meet at the following places (an email will be going out with what to bring)

PreK-2nd Grade - High Point
3rd-5th ELAR - Brule
3rd-5th Math/Science - Webb
Specials - Webb
IAs - Webb

Valentine's Parties

REMEMBER, all Valentine's parties must be held after 2:30pm (except for Kinder and PreK).

National Geographic Explorer

Just an early heads up, we will have a Young National Geographic Explorer visiting our campus on Tuesday, February 16th.  Her name is Alize Carrere.  She will be presenting to the entire student population at 9:30am on that day in the Cafeteria.  More information to come....this is HUGELY exciting!!


And here's the big one....Benchmarks! Here's some details:

- Testing should begin promptly at 8:45am.  ALL restroom breaks should be done BEFORE testing begins.  Students shouldn't need the restroom until at least 9:30am.

- Lunch Schedules, Coverage, and Restroom Breaks can be found HERE.

- Bins can be checked out as early as 7:00am.

- Small Group testers will pick up their students by 8:20am

- Testing teachers, please remember to keep your class calm and quiet before testing begins.  Get them in the correct mindset and have them thinking about strategies and such.

- You can NOT review materials/strategies the day of the test.

Articles/Blog Posts
Kids Deserve It

This is the LAST week to order your KDI shirt and/or hoodie if you're interested in wearing jeans every Wednesday for the rest of the year!  Info HERE.

You can also check out our interview with artist, Erik Wahl.

EdCamp Navasota

EdCamp is right around the corner!!! February 27th!  We have registrants from ALL over the state of Texas!  Hope to see you there!!

Rockstar Educators

Kassi Lang - Kassi is a Kindergarten teacher here on campus.  I remember interviewing Kassi last December for a Behavioral Class position and instead having her get snapped up by the Jr. High. Well lucky for US, she was much better suited to be a Kinder teacher.  And what a KILLER Kinder teacher she is.  Kassi is kind, creative, artsy, and goes over and above for her kiddos.  She gets them to believe in magical worlds and exciting adventures.  I am so thankful we've got Kassi on our team!

Jessica Kjos - Jessica is a 2nd grade teacher at our school.  I am still in shock at how great of a teacher Jessica is with barely any experience!  I am so thankful to have her with us.  Like several others, she doesn't have an easy group this year. But she continually takes it all in stride and is always looking for ways to help every one of her kiddos.  She isn't afraid to ask for help, and I really admire that in her.  Jessica is a forced to be reckoned with and someone our campus needs!

And I leave you with this great video.  Let's make it an AWESOME week!