Sunday, January 10, 2016

Take Learning Outside!

The first school week of 2016 is in the books!  We are already rocking and rolling!

I loved hearing all the conversations this week about F&P scores and the improvements kids were making.  It is always exciting to see the hard work that you and the students have been doing, pay off!

As we enter this next season of our school year, it's important to remember how much OUR attitudes affect our students.  When we come in with an attitude, or when we're frustrated with things at school or home, or when we're upset with someone, when we bring those things into the classroom, we put it off on the kids and it just adds to the pressure.

This week, let's focus on leaving our personal dram in the car.  Let's bring our best for kids this week.  Our kids have so many battles that they're having to face at home and school that they don't need to have our adult stuff on top of them as well.  Let's be our best for kids!

I have also loved having the conversations with the teachers this week (and the rest of the staff this upcoming week!).  You all have been honest in sharing your goals, struggles, celebrations, and even in letting me know some ways I can improve.  Thank you!

My challenge for you this week is to find opportunities to teach outside!  Take your learning on an adventure.  We don't have to be stuck in our desks and chairs all day!  Be creative and take the learning out in the sun!

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans should be updated through January 22nd.

Becky Harrison

Becky will be on campus Wednesday.  Please bring all your updated information on your kiddos so we can talk where kids are and what we're doing to reach them.

Team Planning

This week we will be digging deeper into one ELA and one Math standard.  Come prepared with materials and your laptop.

Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - Kindergarten
Friday - 1st Grade

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday - UIL from 2-7pm at High Point
Tuesday - Writing Vertical at 3:15pm
Friday - Half-Day out at Noon (lunch schedule HERE)
January 18th - School Holiday
January 19th - Brandi Keel (from Region 6) will be on campus for 3rd-5th Math
January 25th - School Fundraiser begins

Kathy French

Kathy French will be out on Monday so please do not send your intervention groups to her.

EdCamp Navasota

We hope you can attend EdCamp Navasota on February 27th!  But whether you can or you can't spread the word with fellow educators around the state!

Kids Deserve It

Here's episode 10 of Kids Deserve It with Teacher Kayla Delzer


Monday, Jan 11 - Jessica McHale
Saturday, Jan 16 - Calli Goss


Rockstar Educators

Vivian Stenseth - Vivian is a PreK teacher here on campus.  She has one of the most gentle souls.  I don't think I've ever heard her raise her voice.  She cares deeply about her kiddos and always working tirelessly to do what's best for the.  She's also never afraid to do anything silly in front of her kids!  I love going into her room!

Kevin Haliburton - Kevin is our music teacher.  Kevin is one of a kind.  He steps up wherever he's needed, he's incredibly talented, and he's heavily focused on bettering kids.  I love how Kevin took initiative on his own to start the Gentlemen of Webb group that he runs.  Our kids look up to Kevin because they know how truly cares.

We have such limited time with these kiddos that's is so important we take advantage of every single moment we've been given.  And don't forget about your challenge this week to take more learning OUTSIDE!

Here's a video I saw online that I thought was a fun way to end this week's post!

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