Friday, January 1, 2016

Hello 2016!

Hello 2016!  It's here!  The start of a brand new calendar year, and on top of that the start of a new semester at school!

A new year holds new promises, fresh starts, beginnings, and so much more.  I am thrilled to come back to work on Monday and watch what amazingness will unfold this year!

I hope each of you found time to take to yourselves this break.  You've all worked incredibly hard the first semester and we have lots to do this next semester.  It's so important for you to make sure that you don't forget about disconnecting from school sometimes and focusing on YOU!

I can't want to see everyone on Monday!

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans should be updated through January 15th.  My plan is to meet with each teacher at some point this week to look at lesson plans and reflect over the first semester and looking at second semester goals (should take just about 15 min)

One Word

This week as I meet with teachers (and next week with all other staff) I want you to be thinking about your "one word".  What ONE word do you want to focus on this year.  What word do you want to help shape the decisions you make, the change you make.  What will your one word be?

Team Planning

Please make sure you bring your laptop and resources to your team planning meetings

Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - 2nd Grade
Friday - 1st Grade


Friday Jan 8th - Konnie Harber and Evangelic Sipp


This week is when we will complete ALL of our F&P testing.

1st and 2nd grade should complete them during their Rattler Time.

3rd-5th Grade will complete them during their assigned times as talked about before break (and Rattler Time)

If you were not able to make your copies, Aaron has made some copies and organized them.  Please see Aaron (or Kathy) with any questions you may have.


Istation testing also needs to take place this week as we're at the start of a new month!

Important Dates this Week

Tuesday - Reading Vertical Meeting - 3:15pm
Wednesday - Team Leader Meeting - 7:00am


Rockstar Educators

Dorothy Sargent - Dorothy is a PreK IA and is one heck of a rockstar. I love the amount of love and compassion she shows every student she's working with.  Whether that be her own PreK kiddos or some older students that she's tutoring.  Dorothy steps up anywhere and everywhere that she is asked to and I feel like every time I see her she has a smile on her face.  Dorothy lights up a room and is super encouraging.  I love each and every time I come in contact with her!

Susan Ballew - Susan is our Life Skills 1 teacher.  She is green, but you wouldn't ever be able to tell.  She is always amazingly calm and incredibly patient.  She is the perfect person to have working with children.  I also really love that Susan wants to continually better herself and bring new things for her students.  She isn't afraid to do research or ask questions!  If you haven't spent any time in Susan's classroom, or getting to know her, make sure you take some time this week!

We're back and ready to go!  Remember that starting a second semester can be hard on some of our kiddos.  They may not have had the best holiday break.  And we will NEED to find time this week to review procedures and expectations to get everyone back in the swing of things.  But most of all remember to show love and patience.

We all leave a mark on a child.  What mark will you leave?

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