Sunday, January 31, 2016

100th Day and Famous in First!

We've got another exciting week ahead of us!

I wanted to start this blog post talking about the power of laughter and smiling.  This week during car duty one day, a parent stopped me and said... "I just love picking my child up everyday because everyone looks so happy, and they're smiling, and they always tell us to have a great afternoon".

After she said that I started watching, and it was true.  The energy was there.  And it was amazing to watch, that even after a long day we can pull it together to end the children's day with a smile and some laughter and love.

My challenge to you this week is smile and laugh more.  Even when we feel the least like it.  I also encourage you to remember what Jennifer LaGarde challenged you to do; learn something new about one student each day.

This is also the week we have our 100th day of School and that Chris Pombonyo is here!  Have fun with it!

Lesson Plans

Lesson plans should be updated through February 12th


Don't forget to be mentioning the Fundraiser every day!  The FINAL day of our Fundraiser is Monday February 8th.  All money should be turned in then.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Discipline Committee Meeting
Tuesday - Social Studies Vertical Meeting
Wednesday - 100th Day of School
Chris Pombonyo (@FamousInFirst) on campus; Training at 3:35pm for all classroom teachers
Thursday - Nesloney Off Campus
District Spelling Bee; 6:30pm; Brosig Auditorium
Friday - Nesloney Off Campus

Upcoming Events

Monday, February 8th - 4th and 5th Benchmarks - NO CAMP FOR ANY GRADE (you will still get coverage for a break)
Tuesday, February 9th - 5th Grade Benchmarks - Regular Camp Times
Wednesday, February 10th - Early Release Day - More info Coming about that afternoon

Team Planning

Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - Kinder
Friday - 1st Grade

Kids Deserve It

Episode with Nicholas Ferroni

EdCamp Navasota

We have over 100 registrants now!  Have you signed up yet?


Lisa Marsh - February 3
Brittany Taylor - February 5
Angela Calkins - February 7
Amanda Mershon - February 7


Rockstar Educators

Liz Griesbach - Liz is a 5th Grade ELA.  And one KILLER 5th grade ELA teacher at that.  Not only does she always have high expectations of her students but she knows exactly where each student is academically and has a wealth of ideas on what to do to help them.  She is creative, energetic, and a born leader.  I love listening to Liz share all her ideas because they always blow me away.  Liz also is one of those people who steps up whenever needed without anyone having to ask twice.  I am so thankful for Liz's leadership!

Allison Guy - Allie took the leap into a new grade level this year, and she has done tremendously!  She is a 1st grade teacher.  I love watching Allie's creativeness.  From continuously changing her classroom and seating options to see what works best for her students, to their class pet.  If you haven't met Dunkin the bunny, you must.  He has such a great story and even blogs and tweets!  How cool is that?  Allie has been a huge asset to our team and one her kiddos are lucky to have.

This week we begin the month of February.  Where did January go???  Let's not miss a moment to impact the lives of our students.  Notice those who are quiet, who are easily forgotten.  Spend time learning outside in the fresh air and sunlight.  Read more, talk less.  But most of all, love what you do and have fun. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hello Library Girl!

We've got a busy and exciting week ahead of us!  We've got the start of our fundraiser, a 3rd grade field trip, Becky Harrison on campus, and Jennifer LaGarde (aka Library Girl) will be visiting as well!

I have loved seeing more and more teachers up and active in their classrooms over the last week.  I have felt a change and for those of you who've been doing it, I hope you've seen some noticeable differences as well!

The more we move closer to the Spring, the more active our kids will be come.  Let's keep thinking of exciting ways to use that energy for learning.  Maybe it's a redesign of our classroom (with the kids help!), maybe it's an exciting outdoor adventure, or maybe it's something totally different!

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans should be updated through February 5th

Becky Harrison

Becky Harrison will be on campus on Wednesday.  Make sure you can pinpoint what your students are struggling with AND what you're doing to meet those needs.  "I do interventions with that student" isn't enough.  We need to know exactly how we're reaching them to bring them up.

This Week at a Glance

Monday - Start of Fundraiser (Kick Off at 7:45am in Caft)
STAAR Accomidation Meeting for 4th and 5th during conference
Tuesday - 3rd Grade Field Trip (Marvel will be admin in attendance)
Science Vertical Meeting
Wednesday - Becky Harrison on Campus
Julie Eisenrich Wedding Shower - 3:30pm
Thursday - Jennifer LaGarde on Campus (training from 3:45-4:45 all teachers)
Friday - WWW Writing Wall Due

Team Planning

Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - 2nd Grade
Friday - 1st Grade

Kids Deserve It

Episode with Ben Gilpin

EdCamp Navasota

EdCamp is coming February 27th!  Have you signed up?  Help us spread the word!  Sign up HERE.


Terry Garrett - Sunday January 31
Vivian Stenseth - Sunday January 31


Rockstar Educators

Jessica McHale - Jessica is a 2nd grade teacher here at Webb.  Jessica isn't afraid of jumping off the edge and trying something new (even if at times she'd like you to believe otherwise).  Jessica has a huge heart and is someone that does such an excellent job at connecting with her kids and showing them that an adult can act like a big kid too.  Jessica consistently gives of herself.  She is a much needed voice and heart on this campus!

Maura Pavlock - Maura is one of our PPCD aides.  Maura fits in no box.  She is energy personified.  She smiles, laughs, and jokes.  She is great at lifting spirits and has no shame in putting herself out there if it's to make others feel better. She cares so deeply for the students she serves and often gets emotional when talking about them.  I am so thankful we have a spirit like Maura's on our campus.

Let's remember how much of a gift we've been given by being able to impact lives and work with kids

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Let's Get Moving!

I don't know about you, but things were a little bit crazy last week!  Full moon?  Weather change? Not quite sure what it was but our kids were sure testing our limits.

As we enter closer to spring weather, we'll have more weeks like this past week.

A few things to remember
- don't change your expectations
- don't warn, warn, warn, warn; follow through with consequences
- they're KIDS.  We make them sit in a classroom all day, continue to take learning outside
- be up and active with them.  An active teacher, engages more, and stops 75% of discipline issues (because the kiddos aren't bored!).

I was so proud of the work that each of you did on Friday afternoon.  As I rotated around, I heard great conversations and saw lots of great planning taking place.

Remember as we continue to move forward to keep referring back to those field guides.  Every lesson you plan, TEK you teach, and activity you prepare should be accurately covering those standards, and that field guide is our best resource.

My challenge for you this week is to be up out of your seat moving and working with kids 75% of the class time.  For some of you that'll be super easy, for others it may feel awkward or different.  I promise you, when you are full of life and up and active with your kiddos, they're automatically more engaged.

Lesson Plans

Your lesson plans should be updated through January 29th


Grades are due TODAY (Sunday)

This Week at Glance

Monday - Holiday
Tuesday - Brandi Keel on campus (for 3rd-5th Math)
Math Vertical Meeting (3:15pm)
After school with Brandi (3:45pm; 3rd-5th Math)
School Board Meeting (6:30pm)
Wednesday - Twitter for Beginners (4pm; Library)
Thursday - Terry, Todd, Aaron off campus all day (Central Admin will be present)
JoAnna Moreland on Campus (during conference)
EdCampNavasota Meeting (4pm; for those interested in helping)

Computer Labs

The MacBook lab at the end of 3rd grade hall will not ONLY be used for 3rd-5th Grade.  The calendar has been shared with those teachers to be reminded of the pre-determined lab times.

The other computer lab will be used for Kinder daily Istation and for 1st-2nd grade to use.

Remember there is also an iPad cart you can check out using the technology calendar.  The iPad cart is available M, T, Th.

Team Planning

Please bring your binders.  Also bring your predetermined Math and ELA TEK to study.

Monday - Holiday
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - 2nd Grade
Friday - Kindergarten

EdCamp Navasota

We have a unique opportunity to not only show off our campus, but to learn alongside of other educators from around the state.  If you haven't signed up for EdCamp Navasota you can find information on the website.  PLEASE share with other teachers you know around the state.  A flyer is also on our website


Nina Salazar - Saturday January 23


Everyone Leaves an Impact (written by an 8th Grader)

Rockstar Educators

Brenda Parker - Brenda is a PreK teacher here on campus.  She always has the most calm and soothing demeanor.  And the way she speaks to her students is with such respect.  Every time I've walked into her classroom her kiddos have been so well behaved.  Brenda is also one that has been pushing herself outside of her comfort zone and trying new things in new ways.  I love the ideas she shares with me and her continuation of always wanting to do better!  We are lucky to have Brenda!

Lisa Marsh - Lisa is a Kinder teacher.  Lisa is one of the most giving teachers I've seen.  She is always sharing ideas and never tries to just keep things to herself.  She's also one of the, if not the, first teacher on campus every single day.  She is always learning and willing to try new things even if they don't work.  Lisa makes me laugh every time I talk to her!  I love watching Lisa in action!  She definitely makes us better.

A couple of Reminders:

Students are allowed to bring devices to school.  BUT they should not have them out at recess, lunch, or dismissal/arrival.  Please let students know that if we see a device during that time, we will take it up and they will have to pay $15 to get it back (district policy)

Please make sure you are monitoring during recess.   Cell phones should not be out at all during recess unless you are using it to contact an administrator.  We need to be spread out and vigilantly monitoring. ESPECIALLY during the Spring Semester.

Cell Phones
Through walking observations we have noted many times of walking by a classroom and seeing a teacher on their phone.  I am not a believer in making wide rules, such as no cell phones allowed during instructional times.  But in saying that, we are getting heat from Facebook posts that are happening during the school day that have nothing to do with children.  And it's more than just a couple of times that we've walked by and seen teachers at their desks on their phones.  We have too much to do to have time to be texting during the day if it has nothing to do with sharing our story on social media.  

As an elementary teacher, there should be far and few between times that we actually have time to sit.  In all actuality we should really only be sitting when we're working with a student individually or a small group or if kids are testing (and even then we should monitor some)
Just today in walking observations out of 18 teachers I walked by 11 were sitting behind their desks while the students were working on activities. 
Again, we do not have time to waste with our children.  We are filling more gaps then we have time to fill.
My challenge to you, and something I'm going to be taking note of, is to actively but up and interacting with your students.  Even when doing a lesson with a document camera, it doesn't mean you have to be seated the whole lesson.  If we want our kids to be engaged, we have to be moving around actively with them!

We have been given such a special opportunity.  We have been given time with children.  Time to shape them, mold them, instruct them.  Time to invest and make them into better individuals.  Don't miss even a single opportunity!

Loved this video:

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Take Learning Outside!

The first school week of 2016 is in the books!  We are already rocking and rolling!

I loved hearing all the conversations this week about F&P scores and the improvements kids were making.  It is always exciting to see the hard work that you and the students have been doing, pay off!

As we enter this next season of our school year, it's important to remember how much OUR attitudes affect our students.  When we come in with an attitude, or when we're frustrated with things at school or home, or when we're upset with someone, when we bring those things into the classroom, we put it off on the kids and it just adds to the pressure.

This week, let's focus on leaving our personal dram in the car.  Let's bring our best for kids this week.  Our kids have so many battles that they're having to face at home and school that they don't need to have our adult stuff on top of them as well.  Let's be our best for kids!

I have also loved having the conversations with the teachers this week (and the rest of the staff this upcoming week!).  You all have been honest in sharing your goals, struggles, celebrations, and even in letting me know some ways I can improve.  Thank you!

My challenge for you this week is to find opportunities to teach outside!  Take your learning on an adventure.  We don't have to be stuck in our desks and chairs all day!  Be creative and take the learning out in the sun!

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans should be updated through January 22nd.

Becky Harrison

Becky will be on campus Wednesday.  Please bring all your updated information on your kiddos so we can talk where kids are and what we're doing to reach them.

Team Planning

This week we will be digging deeper into one ELA and one Math standard.  Come prepared with materials and your laptop.

Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - Kindergarten
Friday - 1st Grade

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday - UIL from 2-7pm at High Point
Tuesday - Writing Vertical at 3:15pm
Friday - Half-Day out at Noon (lunch schedule HERE)
January 18th - School Holiday
January 19th - Brandi Keel (from Region 6) will be on campus for 3rd-5th Math
January 25th - School Fundraiser begins

Kathy French

Kathy French will be out on Monday so please do not send your intervention groups to her.

EdCamp Navasota

We hope you can attend EdCamp Navasota on February 27th!  But whether you can or you can't spread the word with fellow educators around the state!

Kids Deserve It

Here's episode 10 of Kids Deserve It with Teacher Kayla Delzer


Monday, Jan 11 - Jessica McHale
Saturday, Jan 16 - Calli Goss


Rockstar Educators

Vivian Stenseth - Vivian is a PreK teacher here on campus.  She has one of the most gentle souls.  I don't think I've ever heard her raise her voice.  She cares deeply about her kiddos and always working tirelessly to do what's best for the.  She's also never afraid to do anything silly in front of her kids!  I love going into her room!

Kevin Haliburton - Kevin is our music teacher.  Kevin is one of a kind.  He steps up wherever he's needed, he's incredibly talented, and he's heavily focused on bettering kids.  I love how Kevin took initiative on his own to start the Gentlemen of Webb group that he runs.  Our kids look up to Kevin because they know how truly cares.

We have such limited time with these kiddos that's is so important we take advantage of every single moment we've been given.  And don't forget about your challenge this week to take more learning OUTSIDE!

Here's a video I saw online that I thought was a fun way to end this week's post!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Hello 2016!

Hello 2016!  It's here!  The start of a brand new calendar year, and on top of that the start of a new semester at school!

A new year holds new promises, fresh starts, beginnings, and so much more.  I am thrilled to come back to work on Monday and watch what amazingness will unfold this year!

I hope each of you found time to take to yourselves this break.  You've all worked incredibly hard the first semester and we have lots to do this next semester.  It's so important for you to make sure that you don't forget about disconnecting from school sometimes and focusing on YOU!

I can't want to see everyone on Monday!

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans should be updated through January 15th.  My plan is to meet with each teacher at some point this week to look at lesson plans and reflect over the first semester and looking at second semester goals (should take just about 15 min)

One Word

This week as I meet with teachers (and next week with all other staff) I want you to be thinking about your "one word".  What ONE word do you want to focus on this year.  What word do you want to help shape the decisions you make, the change you make.  What will your one word be?

Team Planning

Please make sure you bring your laptop and resources to your team planning meetings

Monday - 5th Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 3rd Grade
Thursday - 2nd Grade
Friday - 1st Grade


Friday Jan 8th - Konnie Harber and Evangelic Sipp


This week is when we will complete ALL of our F&P testing.

1st and 2nd grade should complete them during their Rattler Time.

3rd-5th Grade will complete them during their assigned times as talked about before break (and Rattler Time)

If you were not able to make your copies, Aaron has made some copies and organized them.  Please see Aaron (or Kathy) with any questions you may have.


Istation testing also needs to take place this week as we're at the start of a new month!

Important Dates this Week

Tuesday - Reading Vertical Meeting - 3:15pm
Wednesday - Team Leader Meeting - 7:00am


Rockstar Educators

Dorothy Sargent - Dorothy is a PreK IA and is one heck of a rockstar. I love the amount of love and compassion she shows every student she's working with.  Whether that be her own PreK kiddos or some older students that she's tutoring.  Dorothy steps up anywhere and everywhere that she is asked to and I feel like every time I see her she has a smile on her face.  Dorothy lights up a room and is super encouraging.  I love each and every time I come in contact with her!

Susan Ballew - Susan is our Life Skills 1 teacher.  She is green, but you wouldn't ever be able to tell.  She is always amazingly calm and incredibly patient.  She is the perfect person to have working with children.  I also really love that Susan wants to continually better herself and bring new things for her students.  She isn't afraid to do research or ask questions!  If you haven't spent any time in Susan's classroom, or getting to know her, make sure you take some time this week!

We're back and ready to go!  Remember that starting a second semester can be hard on some of our kiddos.  They may not have had the best holiday break.  And we will NEED to find time this week to review procedures and expectations to get everyone back in the swing of things.  But most of all remember to show love and patience.

We all leave a mark on a child.  What mark will you leave?