The first day of school always felt sort of like Christmas for me. I always had trouble sleeping the night before. I know that each and every one of you are ready to greet our kiddos tomorrow. And I can guarantee you, from conversations I've had with many parents, that they kids are READY to spend a day with you!
The biggest thing we can do tomorrow is love on kids and give them a glimpse at what this school year can be like for them. They all come with clean slates, fresh starts, and more. Let's welcome them with smiling faces, open arms, high fives, and fist bumps.
And as moments creep up on us that begin to stress us out or cause anxiety, remember that the kids deserve a calm and collected teacher. Let's be patient through trials, forgive often, and always speak with love.
Birthdays this Week:
Today, Sunday, Doris Banks
Tuesday, Sarah Martin
Thursday, Olivia Aguinaga
Friday, Gloria Wilkinson
Here are some things for this week....
HERE is our "First Week Reminders" document with times and things throughout this week.
Our biggest goal day one is to greet kids warmly, feed them breakfast and lunch, and make sure they get home! We will put class rosters in your boxes tomorrow morning.
Please make sure that you have split your kids up for specials, and put them into THIS document.
Don't forget to sign in and out every day in the front office!
We will have a Staff Meeting on Monday (tomorrow) as soon as all students are on their way home!
Fire Drill will happen Wednesday and Lock Down drill will happen Friday!
We will also have a Crash Course book talk over Chapter 2 on Wednesday after dismissal
You Only Get One First Day of School
Genuine Connections
35 Cheap and Ingenious Ways to Have the Best Classroom Ever
17 Ways to Help Students with ADHD
Science, You, and Young Children
20 Awesome Digital Tools and Apps to Kick Off the New Year
My goal is to every week introduce you to a few more amazing people to connect with and learn from online through Twitter!
Hope King - Teacher at Ron Clark Academy; and check out her AWESOME site
Chris Pombonyo - 1st Grade Teacher in Florida; and check out his awesome site
Brad Gustafson - administrator in Minnesota
Shannon Miller - Teacher Librarian
Tony Sinanis - Administrator in New York
Final Notes:
Each one of you were brought to this place because you bring something exceptional to the table. You are important. You hold worth. You have value.
Tomorrow we get the opportunity to show our kids the same thing. Your administrative team is here to support you at a moments notice. Please don't ever hesitate to reach out!! We're a team, a family, and we are here to help carry each other's loads.
This week is the week we start everything. You only get one chance to make a great first impression, so let's do it right!
Here's a little video to start you out on the right foot...
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