Sunday, August 9, 2015

Here We Go!

Can you believe it?  We're already at that time of starting another school year!  I don't know about you, but my summer flew by incredibly fast.

I can't wait to see what we're going to do as a campus.  These next two weeks are going to be a fire hydrant stream worth of information.  Don't stress or worry if you can't take it all in, that's why we're here!  To help each other every step of the way.

I am so thrilled to finally be bringing this team together.  I know that this year, lives will be changed.  That we'll not only be able to academically educate kids, but that we'll be able to touch their hearts and leave lasting emotional memories that truly do make an impact.  It won't be easy, and it will take all of us working together, but together we can do this!

This blog is the place where I'll post our weekly reminders, blog links, videos, etc.  That way you don't always have to go searching out for an email for reminders!

I've shared with you all our tentative (and can still change) schedule for the next two weeks.  You can find a copy of it HERE.  The dress code as well as any free lunch opportunities are all listed on there!


My goal is to find blog posts that encourage you, challenge you, and hopefully make you think!  Here are a few great blog posts I've come across the last week or so.....

"Technology Ideas for the First Day of School"

"Ditching the Teacher Desk"

"Reading Log Revolt"

and my most recent favorite, "The 2x10 Strategy"


EdWeb also does some great webinars!  Here are a few you can either watch the recording of, or register for!  Don't worry if you can't make the time of the webinar. By registering they put you on an email list to receive the recording afterwards!

"My Class is Out of Control, HELP!"

"Games and Apps for Supporting Young Students with Math Difficulties"

"Create and Share, Calling Young Authors Everywhere"

"Teaching with Paired Text: Solutions for Modern Classrooms"

The worst thing we can do as an educator is stop learning.  I always tell teachers as I travel and present, how dare we as educators walk into a classroom every day and tell our students to learn if we ourselves are not learning!!


I'll also share a few people each week that I learn A LOT from on Twitter so you can have a great place to start from on who to follow (some of whom may actually come visit Webb this year.....)

Donalyn Miller - Educator and Author of The Book Whisperer
Erin Klein - Educator (2nd Grade), Scholastic Teacher, Educational Trainer
Angela Maiers - Educator, Author of "The Passion Driven Classroom", founder of #YouMatter
Dave Burgess - Educator, Author of "Teach Like a Pirate"
Greg Smedley-Warren - Educator (Kindergarten), Kindergarten Smorgasbord, A Teachers Pay Teachers top earning teacher

Still confused about Twitter? Don't worry, I'm here to help!! And HERE is a great post to get you started!

As you come across exceptional blog post, articles, webinars, tweets, whatever, please share!  I'd love to include them in our weekly blog post!  Here's to a great week!!

Upcoming Events this Week:

8/10 - Monday - All staff returns!  Meet in Webb Cafeteria at 8am.

8/11 - Fountas & Pinnell Training for K-2 - Webb Cafeteria
           3-5 Grade Level Mtgs with Admin Throughout Day

8/12 - Fountas & Pinnell Training for 3-5 - Webb Cafeteria
          Specials and PK-2 Grade Level Mtgs with Admin Throughout Day

8/13 - CHAMPS, Forethought, and Campus Meeting - Webb Cafeteria - 8am

8/14 - Kagan Training - High School Cafeteria - 8am

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