The idea of being "enough" has been something on my heart for years. If there's one thing I know, it's that I can always grow. I can always get better. I can find ways to do my job more efficiently, listen more, focus harder. But one thing I never have to worry about is being "enough". Why? Because exactly who you are now, is enough. That isn't an "out" for any of us to stop trying, but instead a focus of stop convincing ourselves that we aren't good enough.
That we didn't grade papers long enough. That we didn't study hard enough. That we didn't love enough. If we are putting everything we have, every day, into what we do, then we are doing exactly what we need to be.
Week at a Glance
Monday - Staff Meeting - 3:45pm - Gym
Tuesday - 4th Grade Writing Benchmark
5th Grade Math Benchmark
Team Leader Meeting - 3:30pm
Wednesday - 5th Grade Reading Benchmark
PTO Meeting - 5:30pm - Library
Thursday - Staff Prayer Time - 7am
PTO Valentine Tattoos - 7:15am
Valentine Parties - 2:30pm
Friday - Grading Period Ends
Sunday - Grades due by Midnight
This week is the start of our Spring Benchmarks. We will have kids testing all around school so please be mindful in the hallways.
The grade levels who aren't testing shouldn't have their day impacted.
Team Leader Meeting
This week our Team Leader meeting will be at 3:30pm on Tuesday afternoon.
Valentine Parties
Please know that on Thursday, all Valentine deliveries will be held in the front office until 2:30pm. Unless you are 5th grade (or I have spoken with you), parties should be starting at 2:30pm.
Geralyn Jackson - Feb 11
Staff Meeting
On Monday we will have an all staff meeting at 3:45pm. Please make sure you've read Chapters 1 & 2 from The Power of Moments and be ready to discuss.
I know it goes without saying, but just like how you expect your students to do the assignments you ask them to do, please schedule time in your calendar to make time to do this reading that I'm asking you to do!
PLCs This Week
This week we will have no PLCs.
Please prepare to have morning duty on these days though..
Monday - Kinder
Tuesday - 1st Grade
Wednesday - 2nd Grade
Thursday - 3rd Grade
Friday - 4th Grade
Tell Your Story
This week's conversation is with a teacher from Ireland, Christopher O'Flynn
In Closing...
Your life isn't over...
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