Friday, February 22, 2019


Hope is a powerful thing. It resides within each of us.

We hope for many things.

But with hope, there must also be action.

Even though times are crazy and change is inevitable, it's important that we hold onto hope that things will always get better when we work hard to achieve our dreams.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Start of Book Fair
Staff Meeting with Dr Musick - 3:45pm - Gym
Thursday - Staff Prayer Time - 7am
Hard Hats (2nd Grade) Trip
Black History Program - 6pm

PLC This Week

Come prepared to talk about the how you're meeting those students who are struggling with standards already covered.

Monday - 2nd Grade
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - 4th Grade
Thursday - 5th Grade
Friday - Kindergarten


Lisha Worrall - Feb 25
Julie Brooks - Feb 28

TELPAS Testing

The two computer labs will be closed all week for TELPAS testing. The MacBook Lab will remain open.

Tell Your Story

This week's conversation is with educator, Rae Hughart.


In Closing...

We all have that teacher we'll remember for years to come. Either because of how powerful of a positive impact they left or how painful they left us feeling.

This week, choose to be the teacher children remember.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Keeping the Focus

As we move into a four day week, it's imperative that we keep the focus on instruction and our kids and bring the most every day!

Week at a Glance

Sunday - Grades Due by Midnight
Monday - Staff Work Day
All teachers report to Cafeteria for Training
All IAs report to front office
Wednesday - 4th Grade NAEP Test
Thursday - Staff Prayer at 7am


Maura Pavlock - Feb 18
Kayla Parker - Feb 18
Susan Brak - Feb 19
Ashley Jersey - Feb 23


On Wednesday a select group of 4th Grade Students will be taking the NAEP Test.  Marylee will get with those affected.


This week in PLC will be time for you to work on intentional planning with your team/subjects.

Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 5th Grade
Thursday - 3rd Grade
Friday - 2nd Grade

TELPAS training

Marylee will get with teachers who will need TELPAS training. It will take place during your conference on Wednesday

Nesloney off Campus

I will be off campus Monday-Wednesday at my annual Scholastic Training.  I will be available via Voxer and Email.

Tell Your Story

Here is this week's episode with Daniel Patterson about overcoming addiction and working with at risk youth.


In Closing.. 

May you all show the same kind of excitement over the things some of us take for granted.

Friday, February 8, 2019


The idea of being "enough" has been something on my heart for years.  If there's one thing I know, it's that I can always grow. I can always get better.  I can find ways to do my job more efficiently, listen more, focus harder.  But one thing I never have to worry about is being "enough".  Why? Because exactly who you are now, is enough.  That isn't an "out" for any of us to stop trying, but instead a focus of stop convincing ourselves that we aren't good enough.

That we didn't grade papers long enough. That we didn't study hard enough. That we didn't love enough.  If we are putting everything we have, every day, into what we do, then we are doing exactly what we need to be.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Staff Meeting - 3:45pm - Gym
Tuesday - 4th Grade Writing Benchmark
5th Grade Math Benchmark
Team Leader Meeting - 3:30pm
Wednesday - 5th Grade Reading Benchmark
PTO Meeting - 5:30pm - Library
Thursday - Staff Prayer Time - 7am
PTO Valentine Tattoos - 7:15am
Valentine Parties - 2:30pm
Friday - Grading Period Ends
Sunday - Grades due by Midnight


This week is the start of our Spring Benchmarks. We will have kids testing all around school so please be mindful in the hallways.

The grade levels who aren't testing shouldn't have their day impacted.

Team Leader Meeting

This week our Team Leader meeting will be at 3:30pm on Tuesday afternoon.

Valentine Parties

Please know that on Thursday, all Valentine deliveries will be held in the front office until 2:30pm.  Unless you are 5th grade (or I have spoken with you), parties should be starting at 2:30pm.


Geralyn Jackson - Feb 11

Staff Meeting

On Monday we will have an all staff meeting at 3:45pm.  Please make sure you've read Chapters 1 & 2 from The Power of Moments and be ready to discuss.

I know it goes without saying, but just like how you expect your students to do the assignments you ask them to do, please schedule time in your calendar to make time to do this reading that I'm asking you to do!

PLCs This Week

This week we will have no PLCs.

Please prepare to have morning duty on these days though..

Monday - Kinder
Tuesday - 1st Grade
Wednesday - 2nd Grade
Thursday - 3rd Grade
Friday - 4th Grade

Tell Your Story

This week's conversation is with a teacher from Ireland, Christopher O'Flynn


In Closing...

Your life isn't over...

Friday, February 1, 2019


I read a great children's book this week called The Book of Mistakes by Corinna Luyken.  It's a incredibly creative story about how a mistake doesn't have to sideline us. How if we choose to look at the mistake differently, and learn from it, then it can turn into something even more amazing than how we originally imagined.

That idea is so applicable in our lives as educators. There are so many opportunities for all of us to make mistakes every day. But it's all in how we learn from the mistakes that really defines us.

Week at a Glance

Wednesday - Nesloney Off Campus
3rd Grade Field Trip
Thursday - Staff Prayer Time - 7am - TP Room
Friday - 100th Day of School
Bem-Vindos Field Trip

100th day of School

We will be celebrating our 100th day of school on Friday! How can you make this day a fun day full of 100 celebrations???


The Bem-Vindos reward trip is on Friday.  They will leave at about 9am and return at about 1:30 or 2pm.

PLCs this Week

Know your standards and your lessons. Be ready.

Monday - 1st Grade
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - 4th Grade
Thursday - 5th Grade
Friday - PreK


Lisa Marsh - February 3
Brittney Taylor - February 5
Demi Marek - February 6
Lauren Musick - February 9

Kids Deserve It Shirts

Some of you have asked about Kids Deserve It shirts/hoodies/long sleeves. They can be found HERE for the next two weeks.

Valentine Parties are Coming....

Valentine Parties will be on February 14th at 2:30pm for all grade levels except 5th.

Tell Your Story

This week is a pretty powerful conversation with Rachelle Smith about her journey in education and her struggle with infertility.


In Closing...

Engagement matters! I saw lots of great engagement techniques this week in classes! How are you helping keep kids engaged in your lessons? How are you thinking outside of the box?