Hope is a powerful thing. It resides within each of us.
We hope for many things.
But with hope, there must also be action.
Even though times are crazy and change is inevitable, it's important that we hold onto hope that things will always get better when we work hard to achieve our dreams.
Week at a Glance
Monday - Start of Book Fair
Staff Meeting with Dr Musick - 3:45pm - Gym
Thursday - Staff Prayer Time - 7am
Hard Hats (2nd Grade) Trip
Black History Program - 6pm
PLC This Week
Come prepared to talk about the how you're meeting those students who are struggling with standards already covered.
Monday - 2nd Grade
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - 4th Grade
Thursday - 5th Grade
Friday - Kindergarten
Lisha Worrall - Feb 25
Julie Brooks - Feb 28
TELPAS Testing
The two computer labs will be closed all week for TELPAS testing. The MacBook Lab will remain open.
Tell Your Story
This week's conversation is with educator, Rae Hughart.
In Closing...
We all have that teacher we'll remember for years to come. Either because of how powerful of a positive impact they left or how painful they left us feeling.
This week, choose to be the teacher children remember.