Friday, January 18, 2019

Moving Forward

Every child. That's exactly who matters.  That we look at every child and how we can move them forward.

Will we struggle? yes.  Will we doubt we can move that "one" child? yes. Does that mean we give up? no way.

We try and meet their needs by finding what they love to do. We try and connect with them by making a home visit or attending an outside school event.  We eat lunch with them. We play at recess.  We write them a note. Give their family a call. We tell them we think they're amazing; every day. We find what works and that's what we do.

It takes a lot of trial and error, but the only way we move forward as a campus is when we all come to realize that EVERY kid is our kid.  That EVERY kid is who we're accountable to. That EVERY kid needs us to show up every day and give them an education they couldn't even have dreamed of.

We've got this.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Holiday
Tuesday - Start of Boosterthon
Nesloney Out Most of Day
Wednesday - Big Kahuna Trip for Top Sellers
Thursday - Staff Prayer - 7am
County Spelling Bee - 6:30pm
Friday - End of Progress Report
Fire Drill
Sunday - Grades due by Midnight


Our Annual Boosterthon Fundraiser is here! This is our ONE big fundraiser for our school, so we need to go all out! Including staff raising money!!  There'll be lots of prizes for some of our staff and student top fundraisers!

1:30pm - PreK-2nd Grade Event
 - First grade Camp will end 5 min early so they can have their full 30 minutes at lunch
2:20pm - 3rd-5th Grade Event
3:45pm - Staff Kickoff Event

Big Kahuna

Our students who were top fundraisers for the PTO fundraiser in the fall will be going on the Lunch Ride Trip on Wednesday.  We'll call for our first group at 10:45 and our second group at 11:45am.

Grades Due

Don't forget to have all your grades in by Sunday, January 27th at midnight!

County Spelling Bee

We hope you can come out and support our top speller at the County Spelling Bee on Thursday at 6:30pm at Brosig Auditorium.


This week in PLCs we'll be working on Sub Folders.

Monday - NO PLC
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - 4th Grade
Thursday - 5th Grade
Friday - Kindergarten

Childhood Photos

I've received 6 childhood photos! THANK YOU! Please make sure you send me yours!

After School Tutoring

Please make sure you are doing after school tutoring and documenting who is attending and what is taking place.  I'll be collecting those sign in and information sheets at the end of this month.


January 22 - Karen Brzymialkiewicz
January 24 - Tammy Lange

Tell Your Story

This week's conversation was with educator Tyler Thompson.


In Closing...

As we buckle down and get our hands dirty this Spring we want to remember how important it is to use every moment we have. To always make sure that we are working with kids every minute they're in our presence.  

That we're finding ways to celebrate and challenge them.  And that we reach out when we're struggling or stuck.

We're in this together. We have to remember that. Because it's going to take all of us to cross the finish line.

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