Friday, January 25, 2019

Every Day Matters

As we've all heard before "every day matters".  May sound trite, but it's true.  Every day counts.  And that's why it's so important that we don't waste a moment.  That we soak it all in, let go of our frustrations/regrets, focus on the here and now, and bring out our best!  We can do this!

Week at a Glance

Sunday - Grades due by Midnight
Monday - Mark Ybarra on Campus
Tuesday - Staff Work Out - 4:15pm
Thursday - Staff Prayer Time - 7am
Friday - World Read Aloud Day
BOOSTERTHON!!!! (wear your shirt!)

New Staff

We want to welcome Olivia Hildreth (left) and Melissa Morgan (right) to our team!! Olivia will be joining PPCD as a new instructional aide and Melissa will be joining Mr Bradford and Mr Holt on our SPED team! We couldn't be more excited to have them on board. Make sure you stop by and welcome them to the family!


World Read Aloud Day

Don't forget that Friday is also World Read Aloud Day! Let us know how you're celebrating and if we can play a part!!! Advertise what you're doing, share with parents, give them ideas, invite families in to take part! Let's make this day awesome!


Make sure you're raising those funds too!! We really want to encourage our students and staff as much as possible because this is our one big fundraiser of the year!  The schedule for the Fun Run is below (and on the campus calendar)

4th and 5th Grade - 8:30am
2nd and 3rd Grade - 10:00am
Prek, Kinder, 1st Grade - 11:30am
PPCD/Life - With their grade level or at 11:10am

Childhood Photos

LAST CALL for all staff to send me a childhood photo!!


This week in PLCs, teachers need to come prepared. This week we'll be talking all things instruction. So you should know your standards, what they are, and how you're teaching, re-teaching, extending your activities!  Prizes for the most prepared grade levels!

Monday - 2nd Grade
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - 4th Grade
Thursday - 5th Grade
Friday - 1st Grade


Vivian Stenseth - Jan 31st
Lisa Marsh - February 3rd

Tell Your Story

Here is this week's conversation with Kathryn Washington.


In Closing...

From Madisyn Taylor

The tales you lose yourself in can lead you on paths of discovery that take you out of your own life and help you see that existence can unfold in an infinite number of ways. You can learn so much from the characters and mentors who guide you from page to page. Your emotions are awakened each time you read, allowing you to become vessels of the passion that pours forth from line after line of print. Ultimately, the books you absorb--those that touch you deeply--will become a part of who you are, providing you with a rich and thrilling world within that you can revisit anytime you wish by simply closing your eyes. If you haven't read a book for pleasure lately, try and allow yourself the time--you deserve it.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Moving Forward

Every child. That's exactly who matters.  That we look at every child and how we can move them forward.

Will we struggle? yes.  Will we doubt we can move that "one" child? yes. Does that mean we give up? no way.

We try and meet their needs by finding what they love to do. We try and connect with them by making a home visit or attending an outside school event.  We eat lunch with them. We play at recess.  We write them a note. Give their family a call. We tell them we think they're amazing; every day. We find what works and that's what we do.

It takes a lot of trial and error, but the only way we move forward as a campus is when we all come to realize that EVERY kid is our kid.  That EVERY kid is who we're accountable to. That EVERY kid needs us to show up every day and give them an education they couldn't even have dreamed of.

We've got this.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Holiday
Tuesday - Start of Boosterthon
Nesloney Out Most of Day
Wednesday - Big Kahuna Trip for Top Sellers
Thursday - Staff Prayer - 7am
County Spelling Bee - 6:30pm
Friday - End of Progress Report
Fire Drill
Sunday - Grades due by Midnight


Our Annual Boosterthon Fundraiser is here! This is our ONE big fundraiser for our school, so we need to go all out! Including staff raising money!!  There'll be lots of prizes for some of our staff and student top fundraisers!

1:30pm - PreK-2nd Grade Event
 - First grade Camp will end 5 min early so they can have their full 30 minutes at lunch
2:20pm - 3rd-5th Grade Event
3:45pm - Staff Kickoff Event

Big Kahuna

Our students who were top fundraisers for the PTO fundraiser in the fall will be going on the Lunch Ride Trip on Wednesday.  We'll call for our first group at 10:45 and our second group at 11:45am.

Grades Due

Don't forget to have all your grades in by Sunday, January 27th at midnight!

County Spelling Bee

We hope you can come out and support our top speller at the County Spelling Bee on Thursday at 6:30pm at Brosig Auditorium.


This week in PLCs we'll be working on Sub Folders.

Monday - NO PLC
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - 4th Grade
Thursday - 5th Grade
Friday - Kindergarten

Childhood Photos

I've received 6 childhood photos! THANK YOU! Please make sure you send me yours!

After School Tutoring

Please make sure you are doing after school tutoring and documenting who is attending and what is taking place.  I'll be collecting those sign in and information sheets at the end of this month.


January 22 - Karen Brzymialkiewicz
January 24 - Tammy Lange

Tell Your Story

This week's conversation was with educator Tyler Thompson.


In Closing...

As we buckle down and get our hands dirty this Spring we want to remember how important it is to use every moment we have. To always make sure that we are working with kids every minute they're in our presence.  

That we're finding ways to celebrate and challenge them.  And that we reach out when we're struggling or stuck.

We're in this together. We have to remember that. Because it's going to take all of us to cross the finish line.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Working Hard

I can't tell you how encouraging it was to come back into a new semester and watch how hard all of you are working for the success of our students.

Our kids deserve to have the best educators and receive the best education, and when I hear the great questions you're asking, the hours put in, the small groups, the differentiation, the flexibility, I am reminded again and again how thankful I am to work here!

Week at a Glance

Monday - Staff Meeting - 3:45pm - Mr Lee will be presenting
Tuesday - UIL Competition in Caldwell
Staff Workout - 4:30pm - Gym
Wednesday - Team Leader Meeting - 7am - TP Room
Nesloney out with 3rd Math at Krause Elementary
Calendar Planning Meeting - 4pm - Central
Thursday - Staff Prayer Time - 7am - TP Room
Friday - 4th Grade Field Trip

Staff Meeting

We will have an all staff meeting on Monday at 3:45pm. Mr Lee will be leading a presentation for us!


Students will be leaving at 11:30am.  They will all report to the cafeteria at 11am to eat lunch before they leave.

Childhood Photos

I would like to do a competition for students (and staff) in February. If you have a childhood photo of yourself that you could email me by January 25th, I would greatly appreciate it!!

After School Tutoring

Please make sure that every grade level K-5 is doing some sort of after school tutoring.

Please keep documentation of who stays and what days.  I will be collecting this later this month.

In 3rd-5th you should be keeping students on the cusp of Meets or Masters and pushing them higher. Remember our accountability falls on those numbers!

Facebook/IG/Twitter Features

We want to make sure we are recognizing the AMAZING things you're doing to our families of Webb. We try and come by often to capture photos, but if you ever do something, that we don't capture, PLEASE email me a photo and blurb so we can share to Webb Twitter/IG/Facebook.  It's time to brag on YOU and our hard working kids!


Jan 20 - Cindy Puentes

PLCs this Week

This week we'll be doing WOW walks during your PLC time!

Please ensure for morning duty that one person is at the cafeteria door, at least two in Gym, at least two at car rider.

Monday - 2nd Grade
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - 4th Grade
Thursday - 5th Grade
Friday - PreK

Tell Your Story

This week's interview was with Liz Kleinrock.


In Closing...

Sometimes our students are only limited by one  We say they're too young, or not ready, or we don't have time, or we're scared.  We end up being the ones making excuses for kids.

I love this video that Maura Pavlock shared with me of a conversation between a grandson and his terminally ill grandfather.

Saturday, January 5, 2019


It's that time! Time for a brand new year (2019) and the start to our second semester! I hope you all had a wonderful (and restful) Winter Break! I know I did and I am ready to tackle what is to come this semester.

Over the break I spent a lot of time renewing my passion for education and reflecting on where I believe God has placed me at this time. I am so thankful to wake up every day and come to Webb to serve alongside each and every one of you. I know I'm far from perfect, but if there are two things I hope to live by example and actions, it's that 1) I try and make every decision based on what's best for kids and 2) I hope to remind each of you how I truly do care about each of you. Though we may not agree all the time, we may find ourselves overwhelmed/under appreciated/unnoticed/exhausted at other times, I want you to know how much each of you mean to me. And I am making it a point, more than ever before, to make sure I show you more than just tell you.

Also, every year online I see all this hoopla over determining what your "one word" will be for the year.  That one word that you're going to focus on to help you maintain focus and keep your eye on the prize.  For me, resolutions have always been a mixed bag.  Why? Because I often see my own resolutions fall by the wayside before January is even over.  So, I tend to like picking a one word.  Picking a word that I can post around my common spaces that will help me as I grow into the person I want to become.

This year I selected the word "sunrise".  I chose this word because of what I think of when I think of a sunrise.  I think of a new day and the promise of a second chance. I think of beauty and focusing on what's right in front of me in a particular moment.  I think of second chances and hope. I think of the emotions you feel when you see a beautiful sunrise. I think of the possibilities that lie before me. When I think of a sunrise, I can't help but smile and be filled with hope.

So this year, my "one word" is sunrise.  What's your one word for this year? I'd love to know, come share with me!

Week at a Glance

Sunday - Grades due by Midnight
Monday - Your day!
Tuesday - F&P MOY Testing Begins
Staff Work Out - 4:30pm - Gym
Wednesday - PreK MOY CLI Testing Begins
Calendar Planning Meeting - 4:30pm - NISD Board Room
Thursday - Staff Prayer Time - 7am - TP Room
Friday - End of MOY MAP Testing Window

Grades Due

Please make sure you have all grades in by Midnight on Sunday so we can print Report Cards on Monday and make sure they all print correctly.


This is your day! Please make it a point to meet as a team at some point to discuss this upcoming week/month/semester.  Please make every use of your time!

Teachers, if you would like for copies to made for you tomorrow, please leave them up front with Ms. Johnson by 10am. She will not be the on making the copies, that's just where you're leaving them, so leave directions with them please.

All IAs, your work hours are 8am-4pm.  IAs, your job assignments for Monday have been emailed to you.

3rd-5th Grade Girls Bathroom

HUGE thank you to Lissette, Jocelyn White (and husband), and Cassie Reynolds for their help on the 3rd-5th Grade Girls Bathroom! About 2 months ago, I met with a group of 5 fifth grade girls.  They came up with a color scheme, design, and a few additions they wanted for their bathroom.  So over the Christmas break they got their wish!  The stalls are still a work in progress, but the paint job and additional items have been put up.  This is only step in on a re-design of the bathrooms.  We hope if designed by students, and then those students meeting with the other kids about why the designs are they way they are, they'll take better care of them!

A group of 5th grade boys are working with a local artist to re-design the 3rd-5th boys bathroom.  That'll be coming soon, once they're done drawing out their design.


If you leave campus at any time we will have a sign out sheet up front.  Please make sure you notify the office when you leave.

Please also remember to clock in and out on time.

If there ever is a day with a unique schedule, or when you do not have students like you normally do, you are always to report to the front office with your duties for the day.

Please ensure that you are not on your phone except during lunch time.


Please make sure you've gotten with your evaluator to schedule your T-TESS. Thank you to those who've already gotten this done! WOO HOO!

Please make sure you're using T-TESS Cube to grow your learning.

Childhood Photos

I would like to do a competition for students (and staff) in February. If you have a childhood photo of yourself that you could email me by January 25th, I would greatly appreciate it!!

Staff Work Out

We will be starting a Staff Workout every Tuesday at 4:30pm in the Gym if you would like to join. We'll have a video that we'll be working out weekly to.

Staff Prayer Time

We will be continuing our Staff Prayer Time every Thursday at 7am in the TP Room.

PLCs this Week

This week PLCs will be different.  Beth Klammer will be coming to work with all ELAR teachers on F&P Testing to ensure that we're all aligned on the same page about how to do F&P testing to ensure the most accurate results.

That means that 2nd-5th Math/Sci teachers will NOT have PLC this week.

Tuesday - All Kinder and 1st Teachers (Kinder Car Duty, 1st Gym/Cafeteria Door)
Wednesday - 2nd and 3rd ELAR Teachers (2nd Car Duty, 3rd Gym/Cafeteria Door)
Thursday - 4th and 5th ELAR teachers (including writing) (4th Car Duty, 5th Gym/Cafeteria Door)
Friday - any teachers who were absent


Konnie Harber - Jan 8
Evangelic Sipp - Jan 8
Jessica McHale - Jan 11

Facebook/IG/Twitter Features

We want to make sure we are recognizing the AMAZING things you're doing to our families of Webb. We try and come by often to capture photos, but if you ever do something, that we don't capture, PLEASE email me a photo and blurb so we can share to Webb Twitter/IG/Facebook.  It's time to brag on YOU and our hard working kids!

World Read Aloud Day

Start planning now!

Tell Your Story

In this interview I chat with Rebecca Shaddix about human trafficking, women in tech, and GoGuardian.


In Closing...

Our job as educators is no joke. We all know that. But we also have all experienced that person (or people) who act like we have such an easy job just "babysitting" kids all day. Here's some reminders about what we all wish more people knew about being an educator.

Let's go CHANGE THE WORLD, We've Got This!