Sunday, December 16, 2018

Twas The Week Before Christmas

It's here, that final week before Christmas break.  As I've spent time with teams and around campus I have felt the excitement in the air.  Kids are a little more rowdy then they have been and teachers are a little more ready for a break then they have been!

As we enter this final week before Christmas Break, let's keep in mind a few things.

1. Always remain patient and be more forgiving than necessary.  The holiday season isn't something everyone looks forward to.  Whether you have colleagues who struggle with this time of year or you have students who aren't looking forward to little to no gifts and 10 days away from a warm safe place.  We have to remember to be more patient and forgiving than necessary.

2. Lean into the excitement.  Our kids are so very excited. Let's not squelch this excitement but instead find ways to lean into it and bring it out in constructive ways.

3. We're not done yet! Let's keep our focus on the main thing: learning. Let's make sure up until the final day that we provide high quality instruction to continue to fill the many gaps we have!

We've got this!

Week at a Glance

Monday - Jackson Counseling Day
Argueta Coaching Day
Staff Meeting - 3:45pm
School Board Meeting - 6:30pm
Tuesday - Nesloney Coaching Day
Santa Pictures
Christmas Program - 6pm
Christmas Movie Night - 6:45pm
Wednesday - Short Coaching Day
PenPals Demonstration - 3:45pm - Library
Thursday - 2nd Grade Field Trip
Nesloney Coaching Day
Prayer Time - 7am - TP Room
Staff Christmas Party - 5:30pm - Western
Friday - Early Release - 12:00pm
Holiday Parties

Santa Pictures

On Tuesday we will be doing Santa Pictures.  For the families who have turned in their forms, we will pull the students to quickly take their photos. Please make sure all forms and money have been turned into the box (with notification of who it belongs to) outside Cindy's office.

Christmas Program and Movie Night

Mr H and company have worked really hard on preparing another fantastic Christmas Program on Tuesday night. We encourage all who can to please show up to support our staff and children.

After the program we will have a family movie night where PTO will be selling pizza!


PenPals is a new fun way to have your children collaborate with others and their writing. We are not purchasing this at this time, but if you are interested in seeing a Demo, please come to the Library at 3:45pm on Wednesday

Staff Christmas Party

We hope you can all join us for our annual Staff Christmas Party! See Cindy to pay your $6.


Friday is Holiday Parties and Early Release.  Please make sure that your team leaders have put on the spreadsheet what time your parties are so we can hold parents until then!


Dec 18 - Joni Leonard
Dec 22 - Cewilla Thomas
Dec 23 - Aziza Marchant
Jan 5 - LaToya Miller

Family Day

We thought Family Day was a GREAT hit! Every family member that left, left saying how much they enjoyed learning alongside their child.  I think you all did a fantastic job of continuing to build relationships with our families to get them more involved.  If you have any feedback from the day, please let me know!

PLC & Morning Duty

This week we will NOT have PLCs, but we still need help with Morning Duty. Please remember that there should be at least two people at car rider and at least one by the cafeteria door.

Monday - Kinder and 1st Grade
Tuesday - 2nd Grade
Wednesday - PreK and 3rd Grade
Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - 5th Grade

Tell Your Story

Here is a great conversation with Cicely Lewis.


In Closing...

Let's all find some ways to spread some Holiday Cheer this week!

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