Sunday, April 8, 2018

More Feeling

Less Thinking and More Feeling

When we begin to listen with our hearts rather than our heads, our whole world changes and becomes softer.
Most of us were born and raised in cultures that value the head over the heart and, as a result, we place our own hearts below our heads in a sort of inner hierarchy of which we may not be conscious. What this means is that we tend to listen and respond from the neck up, often leaving the rest of our bodies with little or no say in most matters. This is a physical habit, which sometimes feels as ingrained as the way we breathe or walk. However, with effort and awareness, we can shift the energy into our hearts, listening and responding from this much deeper, more resonant place. 

The brain has a masterful way of imposing structure and order on the world, creating divisions and categories, devising plans and strategies. In many ways, we have our brains to thank for our survival on this planet. However, as is so clear at this time, we also need the wisdom of our hearts if we wish to continue surviving in a viable way. When we listen from our heart, the logical grid of the brain tends to soften and melt, which enables us to perceive the interconnectedness beneath the divisions and categories we use to organize the world. We begin to understand that just as the heart underlies the brain, this interconnectedness underlies everything. 

Many agree that this is the most important work we can do at this time in history, and there are many practices at our disposal. For a simple start, try sitting with a friend and asking him to tell you about his life at this moment. For 10 minutes or more, try to listen without responding verbally, offering suggestions, or brainstorming solutions. Instead, breathe into your heart and your belly, listening and feeling instead of thinking. When you do this, you may find that it's much more difficult to offer advice and much easier to identify with the feelings your friend is sharing. You may also find that your friend opens up more, goes deeper, and feels he has really been heard. If you also feel great warmth and compassion, almost as if you are seeing your friend for the first time, then you will know that you have begun to tap the power of listening with your heart.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Start of National Assistant Principal Week
Susan Ballew Diaper and Wipes Baby Shower - 3:45pm - Library
Tuesday - 4th Grade Writing STAAR
5th Grade Math STAAR
Wednesday - 5th Grade Reading STAAR
Thursday - Raising Readers (PreK-1st Parent Meeting) - 5:30pm
Friday - Nesloney Out

National Assistant Principal Week

As you know, every person on our campus holds a special role in make sure we run smoothly.  It is only Marylee's and Jennifer's first year in their positions, but they have done fantastic. When I think of my first year in anything I've done, I remember how hard it was and how many mistakes I made. Make sure you take some time this week to find ways to thank our two Assistant Principals for their hard work.

Baby Shower

Susan Ballew's baby shower is going to be Monday at 3:45pm. It will be in the library and it is a diaper and wipes baby shower! Any questions about the shower can go to Traci Colbert.

#TellYourStory and #KidsDeserveIt T-Shirts

The TYS and KDI shirts are back up for sale if you'd like one.  100% of the proceeds are donated.  When you buy a TYS t-shirt the proceeds donated to buy books for Title 1 Schools. When you buy a KDI shirt the proceeds are donated to support teacher's Donors Choose projects.  Since starting these shirt sales over $16,000 has been donated! You can get your shirt HERE.


The week is here. Round 1 of STAAR testing.  This round will be our 4th and 5th graders. Let's make this week a week extra full of encouragement and celebration. Our team (kids and adults) have worked so hard and now it's time to show what we've learned!  Non-testing grade levels will not have their schedules affected by the testing.

Some have asked why we don't have a STAAR pep-rally, or make t-shirts or banners, or anything like that.  I have never wanted to treat this test more than anything it is, a test. When we throw those big celebrations or go overboard, I often feel what happens is we place this kind of extra pressure on that day for those kids.  Kids are smart, and they know "Man if they're going to put all this effort into planning a pep-rally this must be even more important". I want to remind them they've worked hard, that they're capable of doing their best that day, and that we're proud of them no matter what.

Raising Readers

Allison Klinke is heading up our Raising Readers program this Thursday night. ANY help you can provide in getting the word out about this fantastic program would be great. It really works with parents of PreK-1st graders on the power of reading and how they can help and participate with their children.  I will be there as well providing childcare!


I will be out on Friday taking care of some things with my mother's estate and taking a non-duty day.  My wife (and family) have lectured me long enough about not taking a day for just me. So I will not be at work on Friday and I will probably not be available during the day via phone/text/voxer/or email.


Darla Davis - April 10


This week you will have PLCs to plan again as we prepare for finishing out the year strong. You MUST use this time as collaborative planning time or this time will not be offered.  I am being really specific about what day you have to be present in the morning this week. There are changes. The day you serve morning duty is ALSO the day you have your PLC time to plan.


Monday - Kinder ELAR outside; 1st Grade ELAR inside
Tuesday - Kinder MATH outside; 1st Grade MATH inside
Wednesday - 4th Grade ALL outside; 3rd Grade ELAR inside
Thursday - 2nd grade ALL outside; 3rd Grade MATH inside
Friday - 5th Grade MATH/SCI and PREK inside; 5th Grade ELAR outside

Tell Your Story

Here is this week's #TellYourStory episode with Josh and Leslie Stamper as they talk about Foster Care and Adoption


In Closing...

On my quest to learn more and more about reading and writing instruction and best practices I host a podcast series called #SparksInTheDark.  This week we continued our conversation with Jennifer LaGarde and you can watch it below. We talk about building and organizing classroom libraries! And give out some great book recommendations at the end!

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