Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Words We Speak

It's always been so interesting to me how much children hear us say when we're trying to speak without them hearing.  But yet, when we're talking directly to a group of students some totally ignore us!
It's nice to be at once school for three years now.  I feel like I've really built a relationship with so many of our kiddos, and I now find kids coming into my office, stopping me in the hall, or coming over to me at lunch to tell me all kinds of things, whether I want to hear them or not!
Over the last two weeks, I'e been reminded of something. I've been reminded that we have to be careful of the words the speak around our children.  They hear everything.

This week alone I heard this from children...
- Why does my teacher hate our house? I heard her tell another teacher that our house is so boring and she wishes she could be in another house. Can she really just leave us like that?
- Mr. N did you know that my teacher does NOT like the teacher next door to her? I heard her tell the teacher across the hall that.  She said she that teacher better watch out if something happened again. I couldn't tell what happened though.
- Can I move to a new class?  I forgot something in class when we went to camp, and when I went back I heard my teacher tell my switch teacher that we were her bad class and that she wishes she didn't have to teach us....and she used some bad words Mr. Nesloney.

But I've also heard this from children this week....
- Did you know Mr Nesloney that my teacher loves me? She called my house last night and my mom had her on speaker phone and I heard her say it!
- I was so excited Mr Nesloney because I heard my intervention teacher tell my main teacher how much better I was doing.
- I love my teachers Mr Nesloney.  They are really hard on us, but they also listen to us, and the brag to each other about who had the better group that day. I always feel special when they're both bragging about our groups.

We have to be careful of the words we speak, especially in front of children.  I have been guilty of it too.  When we're frustrated and we want to vent, we sometimes do it without thinking.  But we need to remember that little ears are always listening and little eyes are always watching.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Argueta Out
Penny Wars Begins
Cowden Wedding Shower - 3:45pm - Library
Literacy Committee Meeting - 4:15pm - Library
Tuesday - Argueta and Nesloney Out
Guided Math Training - 3:45pm - Gym
Wednesday - Argueta Out
Delic on Campus
Fall Photos
Science Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm - Library
Reading Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm - TP Room
Thursday - Fundraiser Items Arrive
Friday - End of Progress Reports
RCA Application Due

Amin Out This Week

Argueta will be off campus Monday-Wednesday at the annual Assessment Conference.  Nesloney will be out on Tuesday as well.

Delic on Campus

Delic will be on campus this Wednesday. Please make sure you have your bulletin boards updated and are ready to talk DATA.

PLC this Week

This week for PLC we will continue to be talking all things data and instruction.  This week you will need to bring your data binders, computers, and anything you may need to begin some planning.  We will be splitting off into groups and using our data to plan some lessons.

Morning Car Duty
Monday - Kinder
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - Kinder
Thursday - 3rd Grade
Friday - Some PreK (rest of PreK in Caft/Gym)


This Friday will be a normal day. We will keep NO students in the morning from 7:45-8:30am.  We will need PreK teachers on morning duty.

Guided Math Training

Jennifer Short will be conducting a Guided Math training on Tuesday after school. I sent an email previously about this to math teachers. I am recommending all math teachers in K-5 attend, but it is not mandatory.  We are moving this way as a campus and so to have this hands on experience will help. Jennifer will have a mock classroom set up and will walk you through the steps.

RCA Applications

RCA applications are due in my box by FRIDAY. Please make sure you turn them in complete and on time.

Look for...

This week we are looking for will be T-TESS Dimension 3.1: The teacher organizes a safe, accessible, and efficient classroom.  If you need to find the rubric for that dimension you can find it HERE.


Please make sure you are inputting grades WEEKLY.  Progress Reports close this week.

Book Discussion

My K/2/4 and other areas teachers, your final book discussion is this week. Instead of meeting face to face you are being asked to record a FlipGrid video.  HERE is the link. Just click the "+" sign, record your reflection, and you're done! Each teacher must record their own reflection by FRIDAY. If you need any support let me know!

Kids Deserve It

New KDI Gear is for sale HERE. You can also watch the last episode below.


In Closing...

Our kids need to see we all struggle and we can all overcome. Here's a great video from World Series Champion, George Springer.

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