Well tomorrow we're back at it!! I don't know about you, but even though I enjoyed the break, I am ready to see the kids again!
I hope you are feeling rested, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle the rest of 2017! It's gonna be amazing!
Week at a Glance
Tuesday - Kinder Field Trip
Frito Pie Family Night - 5:00-6:30pm behind school
Wednesday - Nesloney out a Region 6 Principal Training
Bilingual Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm - TP Room
Thursday - Short of Campus (to RCA)
Friday - Short off Campus (to RCA)
PTO Spirit Store - 7:15am-7:45am - Gym
Frito Pie Family Night
This is a night (like our hotdog cookout) organized just to get families up here and spending time together on campus. It will take place behind the school on the playground. We will have a few blow up bounce houses, free frito pies, a DJ, and every team is asked to bring individually wrapped desserts. Enough to feed at least 30 people (like 30 cookies, 30 brownies, etc).
This Thursday and Friday we have 4 teachers and Ms. Short heading to RCA! Wishing them safe travels and learning a lot!
T-TESS observations begin this week. If you have not scheduled one with your evaluator, you need to do so ASAP. Calendars are quickly filling up.
TP Time
This week in TP Time we will be going over a lesson you have planned for this week. Please come prepared to show your lesson, talk about the planning that took place, be prepared to discuss the TEKS, be prepared to show how you're going to gauge mastery of the content, and how your lessons is culturally diverse.
Morning Car Duty
Monday - 2nd
Tuesday - 5th
Wednesday - 2nd
Thursday - 5th
Friday - Kinder
Friday Morning
Friday Morning is house meetings. All teams need to be on morning duty.
We talk a lot about reading and how as adults it's so important for us to be making time to read too!! My good buddy Michael Bonner recently challenged educators to read 5-6 books this December! I hope you join us!
We're in our final week before a much-needed Thanksgiving Break. This is the time of the year where we tend to really stop identify all those things of which we're thankful for. It's a time of family, food, and more. It's also one of those times of the year that discipline starts to increase.
As we enter in this final week before a break, let's find ways this week to let our fellow colleagues and our students know why we're thankful for them. Write a note, send a card home with your kids, call some families, surprise a colleague with lunch, whatever! Take the time to make sure those around you know how much you are thankful for, and appreciate, them.
Week at a Glance
Monday - Book Fair Begins
Veteran's Day Program - 8:30-9:30am - Cafeteria
Dietert Wedding Shower - 3:45pm - Marsh's Room
Tuesday - 50th Day of School
Fire Drill
Moreland on Campus during Conference Time
Final Book Discussion - All Teachers - 3:45pm - Cafeteria
Education Foundation Dinner - 6pm-9pm
Wednesday - Western Day
Social Studies Vertical - 3:30pm - TP room
Family Literacy Night - 5-7pm - Foyer and Library
Thursday - First Grade Field Trip - Short is Admin attending
Friday - Nesloney Out
House Games - Bradford MCing
4th Grade Morning Field Trip
Veteran's Day Program
Our Veteran's Day Program is tomorrow at 8:30am in the Cafeteria. Please wear red, white, and blue tomorrow! We will start calling for kids about 8:15am. Choir students will be staying with Mr. Haliburton to practice.
Moreland on Campus
Please note that Jo Anna Moreland will be on campus on Tuesday to meet with all teams during their conferences to share some new tools with you all!
Final Book Talk
We will have our final book talk on Tuesday at 3:45pm in the Cafeteria. Please bring your books and be ready to talk final takeaways and what we can do as a campus to keep moving forward with what we've learned.
This is a reminder that all personal days must be approved by Nesloney before they are to be put into WillSub.
Education Foundation Dinner
I still have a ticket or two left for the Education Foundation Dinner if anyone else would like to attend free of charge. Let me know!
Book Fair/Western Day/Family Literacy Night
This week is Book Fair!! We want to do a big push for our book fair this fall, so please talk it up with your students. Wednesday is our big day. We will have Western Day that day and encourage all to dress western. We will also host our first ever Family Literacy Night for the Book Fair.
This event is by no means mandatory. As a campus one of our Campus Improvement Goals is family engagement opportunities and it's also part of your T-TESS Evaluation to be present at educational events put on by the school. We hope you can be there for some or even all of the time, to really encourage our kiddos to show up! Each grade level has a rep who has been given any information you may need to relay to your teams how we need help.
Admin Out
Short will be out on Thursday as she will be the admin attending the 1st grade field trip.
One of my T-PESS goals was educating myself more on quality reading and writing instruction. I will be out on Friday attending the National Conference for Teachers of English (NCTE) to grow myself. I will be attending that Friday-Sunday in hopes of bringing back some great resources for our campus.
House Games
House Games will take place on Friday! Students will start being called down at 2:10pm. Bradford will be MCing the games.
TP Time
As a "We are Thankful for You" gift, you will have TP time this week to get any extra work done that you need to. You will still need to be present for Morning Duty though.
Since Friday are House Games, 5th Grade will also have duty Friday morning since we'll be keeping their kids.
PreK will have their TP time on Monday. IAs will need to stay in with PreK students in the Gym.
Morning Car Duty
Monday - 1st Grade
Tuesday - 4th Grade
Wednesday - 1st Grade
Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - 1/2 of 5th Grade
Cassie Reynolds - November 17
KVon Lambert - November 23
Dorothy Sargent - November 24
Congrats to the following teachers who were selected to attend the Ron Clark Academy this year!!!
We all have had those difficult children. Those ones who push all our buttons, and those buttons we didn't even know we had. Are some past the point of saving? I love Trevor Muir and this video below is a fantastic reminder.
It's always been so interesting to me how much children hear us say when we're trying to speak without them hearing. But yet, when we're talking directly to a group of students some totally ignore us!
It's nice to be at once school for three years now. I feel like I've really built a relationship with so many of our kiddos, and I now find kids coming into my office, stopping me in the hall, or coming over to me at lunch to tell me all kinds of things, whether I want to hear them or not!
Over the last two weeks, I'e been reminded of something. I've been reminded that we have to be careful of the words the speak around our children. They hear everything.
This week alone I heard this from children...
- Why does my teacher hate our house? I heard her tell another teacher that our house is so boring and she wishes she could be in another house. Can she really just leave us like that?
- Mr. N did you know that my teacher does NOT like the teacher next door to her? I heard her tell the teacher across the hall that. She said she that teacher better watch out if something happened again. I couldn't tell what happened though.
- Can I move to a new class? I forgot something in class when we went to camp, and when I went back I heard my teacher tell my switch teacher that we were her bad class and that she wishes she didn't have to teach us....and she used some bad words Mr. Nesloney.
But I've also heard this from children this week....
- Did you know Mr Nesloney that my teacher loves me? She called my house last night and my mom had her on speaker phone and I heard her say it!
- I was so excited Mr Nesloney because I heard my intervention teacher tell my main teacher how much better I was doing.
- I love my teachers Mr Nesloney. They are really hard on us, but they also listen to us, and the brag to each other about who had the better group that day. I always feel special when they're both bragging about our groups.
We have to be careful of the words we speak, especially in front of children. I have been guilty of it too. When we're frustrated and we want to vent, we sometimes do it without thinking. But we need to remember that little ears are always listening and little eyes are always watching.
Week at a Glance
Monday - Argueta Out
Penny Wars Begins
Cowden Wedding Shower - 3:45pm - Library
Literacy Committee Meeting - 4:15pm - Library
Tuesday - Argueta and Nesloney Out
Guided Math Training - 3:45pm - Gym
Wednesday - Argueta Out
Delic on Campus
Fall Photos
Science Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm - Library
Reading Vertical Meeting - 3:30pm - TP Room
Thursday - Fundraiser Items Arrive
Friday - End of Progress Reports
RCA Application Due
Amin Out This Week
Argueta will be off campus Monday-Wednesday at the annual Assessment Conference. Nesloney will be out on Tuesday as well.
Delic on Campus
Delic will be on campus this Wednesday. Please make sure you have your bulletin boards updated and are ready to talk DATA.
PLC this Week
This week for PLC we will continue to be talking all things data and instruction. This week you will need to bring your data binders, computers, and anything you may need to begin some planning. We will be splitting off into groups and using our data to plan some lessons.
Morning Car Duty
Monday - Kinder
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - Kinder
Thursday - 3rd Grade
Friday - Some PreK (rest of PreK in Caft/Gym)
This Friday will be a normal day. We will keep NO students in the morning from 7:45-8:30am. We will need PreK teachers on morning duty.
Guided Math Training
Jennifer Short will be conducting a Guided Math training on Tuesday after school. I sent an email previously about this to math teachers. I am recommending all math teachers in K-5 attend, but it is not mandatory. We are moving this way as a campus and so to have this hands on experience will help. Jennifer will have a mock classroom set up and will walk you through the steps.
RCA Applications
RCA applications are due in my box by FRIDAY. Please make sure you turn them in complete and on time.
Look for...
This week we are looking for will be T-TESS Dimension 3.1: The teacher organizes a safe, accessible, and efficient classroom. If you need to find the rubric for that dimension you can find it HERE.
Please make sure you are inputting grades WEEKLY. Progress Reports close this week.
Book Discussion
My K/2/4 and other areas teachers, your final book discussion is this week. Instead of meeting face to face you are being asked to record a FlipGrid video. HERE is the link. Just click the "+" sign, record your reflection, and you're done! Each teacher must record their own reflection by FRIDAY. If you need any support let me know!
Kids Deserve It
New KDI Gear is for sale HERE. You can also watch the last episode below.