This is our last full week before the insanity of the final week of school comes with trips, field day, parties, and more! The best thing we can do as educators is to finish strong and utilize every minute we have before us. We still have lessons to teach and gaps to fill. With the students that we work with, we don't have the luxury of resting on our laurels.
So let's challenge our students, push their thinking, try new ideas, and do something awesome with our kids!
Week at a Glance
Monday - Moreland on Campus (see her during your conference)
Staff Meeting - 3:45pm
School Board Meeting - 6:30pm
Tuesday - Arugeta off Campus
Wednesday - Kickstart Performance - 7:45am - Gym
Whitman Bridal Shower - 3:30pm - Library
Thursday - Delic on Campus (see her during your conference)
Friday - Marvel off Campus
Book Prom - 8am - Library
Aladdin Play - 6pm - Brosig Auditorium
Saturday - Aladdin Play - 3pm - Brosig Auditorium
5th Grade Car Wash
Thank you to all of those who came out to support our 5th Graders. And BIG shout out to Ms. Boyd and Ms. Sipp who not only gave rides to students to be able to come but also who stayed the entire 4 hours to help with the car wash! Thank you to Mr. Marvel and Mrs. Martin who showed up to help work shifts as well! We had 47 fifth graders show up, washed over 40 cars, and earned a total of $725!
Moreland and Delic
Moreland will be here to talk with teams on Monday and Delic will be here to talk with teams on Thursday! For Moreland's meetings you don't need anything, but for Delic you will need your data from the year and be ready to talk successes and growth!
Aladdin Play
Our kids (and Haliburton and McHale) have been working tirelessly on this play! I hope you all plan to join one of the two FREE performances as our students and staff try a new endeavor!
TP Time
This week, TP time is yours to use how you see fit! This will be the last week of TP time (besides next Monday for 2nd grade).
Monday - Kinder
Tuesday - 1st
Wednesday - 5th
Thursday - 4th
Friday - 3rd
KDI: Stories from Webb
Make sure you're making time in your schedule to write something for the Kids Deserve It book! I'd love to have all submissions by the first Friday in June. If you're struggling on what to write, please come meet with me this week! The publisher is VERY excited about this book and I want to deliver something great!
Upcoming Dates to be Aware Of
(all on the school calendar)
Monday, May 22 - Grades Due, House Field Trip, and Writer/Speaker Jon Harper will be on campus to work with students and meet briefly with staff after school
Tuesday - May 23 - K-2 Field Day, Senior Walk, and 5th Grade Field Trip
Wednesday - May 24 - 3-5 Field Day and PPCD Water Day
Here are our May and June Birthdays. Next week we'll celebrate our July Birthdays
Diddy Flores - May 20
Deborah Gonzales - May 21
Gerry Williams - May 23
Amanda Reyes - May 31
Kelsey Kuehler - June 10
Melissa Neumann - June 13
Allison Thomas - June 13
House Reward!
Thank you to everyone for making our first year with house a resounding success. Congrats to Bem-Vindos who were our winners for the YEAR!! They will be going to Horseshoe Junction on Monday, May 22nd. More details to come!
Kids Deserve It
If you want a KDI shirt, today is the last day for May. You can get one here. Here is this week's episode with Adam Dovico.
In Closing....
As we get ever closer to the summer break, my friend Donalyn Miller shared this great challenge yesterday! Enjoy!
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