Sunday, February 26, 2017


This week's post is gonna be short....and all it is, is a challenge.

This week I challenge you to show gratitude to 5 different people on our campus.  To stop by and give them a hug or ask how they're doing.  To cover their class for 15 minutes during your conference.  To write them a note.  Get them their favorite snack or sonic drink.  For no other reason than to tell them they mean something to you, and that you "see" them.  And even more importantly, do it to 5 people who wouldn't expect you to notice them.

And you can even start today by using our "Webb You Matter" form HERE that you've all seen before!

Week at a Glance

Tuesday - Delic on Campus
Team Leader Meeting - 7am - TP Room
Social Studies Vertical - 3:30pm - TP Room
TELPAS Calibration 3:30-6:00pm
Staff Workout - 4pm - Gym
Painting with a Twist - 7pm - College Station
Wednesday - Bible Study - 7am - TP Room
5th Grade Mtg with Jr. High Counselors - 8am - Gym
Thursday - Nesloney Out
Black History Program - 7:45am - Gym
Staff Workout - 4pm - Gym
Black History Program - 6pm - Gym
Friday - Nesloney Out
2nd Grade Play for Prek-1st Grade
Attendance Bingo - 2:15pm - Cafeteria

Delic on Campus

Delic will be on Campus on Tuesday.  We will be looking at your display of student work in the hallway, current data (including benchmark breakdowns for upper grades), as well as intervention plans with struggling students.


February 28 - Julie Brooks
February 28 - Sharon Ganske

Painting with a Twist

PWaT is Tuesday at 7pm!  If you haven't already give me your money please do so, so I can be prepared to pay!  Thanks!

Energy Bus

We will not be meeting to discuss Energy Bus this week.  But you will need to have the book completed by next week, as we will be having meetings next week to discuss the rest of the book!

TP Time

This week, your TP time is yours for planning! Please take advantage of this time to utilize materials you've been given and plan with them, as next week we'll be going over what you did during this time. PLEASE STILL SHOW UP TO HELP WITH MORNING DUTY.

Monday - First Grade
Tuesday - Kinder
Wednesday - 5th Grade
Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - 3rd Grade

Happy Dreamer

In case you needed the link again, here is a recording of me reading Peter Reynold's new book "Happy Dreamer" HERE.

Kids Deserve It

Here is Episode 61 with Travis Crowder


Rockstar Educators

Maria Alcantara - Maria is one of our PreK teachers.  Maria is phenomenal with her students.  She is calm and loving at all times.  She is a team player and does some of the most creative things with her students.  Maria is also great at connecting with parents.  I love watching Maria interact with her kids because it's clear she views each of them as her own child.

Liz Griesbach - Liz is one of our 5th Grade teachers.  Liz is a powerhouse.  Not only is Liz always full of ideas, but she's always willing to share with others, and to step up in a moments notice.  Liz is a natural leaders and someone who brings a lot to our team!

Ashley Dietert - Ashely is one of our Kindergarten teachers.  I have loved watching Ashley grow even more this year with her students.  She takes advice well and has really stretched herself.  She is also great at getting some of her parents to come in and volunteer as well in the classroom!  Ashley has been such a powerful asset in Kinder!

In Closing...

This week, brighten someone else's world with a few acts of kindness.

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