5 more school days! Well technically 4 and 1/2! I've never been a fan of teachers publicly celebrating breaks, as I know it sends a bad message to those who aren't in education. BUT, I know we ALL are ready for some R&R!
The holiday season always seems just a little more crazy than the rest of the year. I have been so impressed by the consistent hard work you all are putting in, and you have definitely earned a break!
So let's go out with a bang this week and bring our best for our kids! They deserve it!
Week at a Glance
Monday - 3rd/4th/5th Grade Math Benchmark
Staff Meeting - 3:45pm
School Board Meeting - 6:30pm
Tuesday - RTI Meetings Begin
UIL Ready Writing
Reading Vertical - 3:30pm - TP Room
Wednesday - 3rd/4th/5th Grade Reading Benchmark
Thursday - House Games - 2:15pm
Christmas Concert - 6pm - Brosig Auditorium
Friday - Grades Due - 3:45pm
Early Release - 12:00
Ugly Sweater Christmas Party - 12:45pm - Cafeteria
Meet the New Superintendent - Mandatory - HS Cafeteria - either 1:30 or 2:00 (more info to come)
3rd, 4th, and 5th grade will be taking their Math and Reading Benchmarks this week. HERE is the schedule of who we'll need. It will be all hands on deck. The tabs at the bottom correspond with the correct days.
Staff Meeting
We will have a staff meeting at 3:45pm on Monday. If you received an award in November, please bring it and be ready to give it to someone else! After awards, support staff can leave, while the Teachers will have an afternoon of learning from others! I'm excited about the things planned by the teams involved!
House Games
House Games are on Thursday this month because of the half-day! Final time to earn points before we announce the Semester 1 winner!
Grades are due FRIDAY for report card 2.
Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
We are having food catered for our Christmas Party on Friday. It'll be tacos, rice, and beans! Don't forget that Friday is our Ugly Christmas Sweater Day! We hope to see tons of Christmas Sweaters. We will also announce our Secret Santas at the Party and play a game or two!
New Superintendent
There is a mandatory district wide meeting of the new Superintendent on Friday after our party. The original email announced it was at 1:30, but there is a possibility of it moving to 2:00pm since several of the campuses had things planned. I will keep you informed of the exact time.
School Will Be Closed
The school will be CLOSED December 19-23. You CAN NOT be on campus those days. They are cleaning floors and other things. NO STAFF will be allowed on campus those days. Go home. Enjoy your break.
January 3rd and 4th
January 3rd and 4th are inservice days.
Both days K-2 will be in F&P Training from 8-11:30 and Assessement Writing from 12:30-4:00
Both days 3-5 will be in Assessment Writing from 8-11:30 and ELA Teachers F&P Training from 12:30-4:00
Dec 18 - Joni Leonard
Dec 20 - Aaron Marvel (the big 3-0)
Dec 22 - Cewilla Thomas
Dec 24 - Sandra Smith
TP Time
This week you get to ENJOY your TP time and just relax a little! BUT please show up for morning duty :-)
Monday - No one (But 2nd Grade please help with duty)
Tuesday - Kinder
Wednesday - No One (But 5th please help with morning duty)
Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - 5th Grade (but 3rd Please help with morning duty)
Kids Deserve It
All of us in the office hope that each of you take time out during Christmas break to truly refresh! You deserve it!
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