Something I wrote about in "Kids Deserve It!" is the feeling of doubt. The wondering if you're good enough. Every one of us at one point or time doubts our gifts, talents, and abilities. We wonder if we're in the right job. If we really know what we're doing.
Sometimes that doubt comes from our own insecurities and sometimes it comes from the words of others and sometimes it comes from a failure we've experienced.
The truth is, we all deal with doubt. Just like darkness, doubt can creep into our beliefs and begin to control the way we feel about ourselves. It then affects our actions and those around us.
I could list off a million times where I doubted my gifts. When I had to have a parent teacher conference and the parent ripped me a new one. When a kid told me they'd rather be in any other class in the world except mine. When a teacher told me I was a terrible leader. When every single person on my campus worked their butts off, and we showed growth, but it still wasn't enough.
Doubt creeps into all of us. It can break our hearts and our spirits if we let it.
So how do we deal with doubt? I believe we face it head on. Here's a few ways I try not to succumb to doubt:
1. Make a list of the things you know you're good at doing.
2. Go to trusted friends/coworkers/colleagues and ask them for support and encouragement.
3. Write notes of encouragement to someone else. When you lift up others it lifts you up as well.
4. Spend time with kids, doing kid things. The sense of wonder, forgiveness, imagination that can only be found in a child is remarkable. Many times as a teacher I gave up my conference period to go sit in a kindergarten classroom or go to PE with my kids just to change my mindset.
5. And finally, remember. Remember that you are here for a reason. That you were placed into the position you're in for a reason. We never see the rainbows without the storms. Those are what help us grow in our profession and in our personal lives the most.

Week at a Glance
Monday - Talk Like a Pirate Day
Staff Meeting - 3:45pm in Gym
School Board Meeting - 6:30pm
Tuesday - Boenker off Campus at CPI Training
Writing Vertical Meeting - 3:30; Library
Open House - 5pm
Wednesday - Boenker off Campus at CPI Training
T-TESS Goals Due in Eduphoria
Thursday - Boenker and Nesloney gone in Afternoon for Lead4Ward Training
Tripp's Tech Tidbits - 3:45pm; Library
Friday - Kona Ice at Recess
TP Time
We need all teachers coming better prepared for these meetings. BEFORE the meeting you should have looked up the TEK, studied it, looked at it in the Lead4Ward Field Guides, and you should be bringing a lesson to the meeting. The TEKS we'll be studying can be found HERE.
Monday - 1st Grade
Tuesday - 2nd Grade
Wednesday - 5th Grade
Thursday - 4th Grade
Friday - 3rd Grade
EduHero is Due September 30! Don't wait until last minute!
T-TESS Goal Setting
Your Goal Setting document needs to be turned into Eduphoria by Wednesday. I have emailed my people I'm observing who have not turned it in. Melissa and Aaron will be reminding theirs.
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans should be updated through September 30th.
Alex Anthony, September 21
Lucille Glass, September 25
Upcoming FREE PD
Here are some upcoming FREE conference/PD opportunities! Make sure to check them out. If a group is interested in going and wants to car pool, a district vehicle can always be reserved.
As I find more I will pass them along. I know that the 4 listed below, I have attended before (or am part of the planning/presenting team) and know they are top notch and worth your time!
EduPassions Online Conference
EdCamp Katy
Saturday, October 8 -
EdCamp College Station
Saturday, October 15 - http://edcampcstx.weebly. com/
TCCA - Aldine - Keynote is Angela Maiers
Saturday, October 22 - http://tccaconference.
Kids Deserve It
This week's interview was Katie Bisbee from Donors Choose. If you're still interested in a KDI t-shirt, they're back up for Sale until TOMORROW. We have adult sizes HERE an kid sizes HERE.
If you missed "The Importance of Validating and Affirming Home Language" you can watch it HERE.
My friend, Nicholas Ferroni, was on The View this week talking about Education and the power of Teachers. You can see a little behind the scenes chat and his interview below:
Rockstar Educators
Kevin Bradford - Kevin is one of our SPED Teachers. Kevin is always full of energy and excitement. Whether it's a new book he's finished, a great website/tool he's found, of even his newest pair of pants. Kevin can always make us laugh. But even more so I've been consistently impressed with Kevin's WANT to grow and get better. I saw that the most this past week when Kevin stepped outside of his comfort zone and participated in a #SPEDchat on Twitter on Tuesday evening. It was so great to see his excitement the next day to share what he learned and about how he connected with a few others in his field. Kevin is a great example of a continual learner and a great example for our kiddos!
Melissa Neumann - Melissa is a 4th grade ELAR teacher. She's also an exceptional baker, terrific team leader, and a wealth of creativity and knowledge. Every time I walk into Melissa's classroom I leave having learned something. Whether that's a new classroom management technique or activity idea. Melissa also is great at comforting others and is always an open book when it comes to sharing ideas. Melissa steps up wherever needed and isn't afraid to speak out. I am so thankful to be able to work on a campus where I have people like Melissa that I can learn from and grow more.
Becky Madison - Becky is our Campus Nurse. Where do I even begin with Becky? I am not sure I've ever met anyone with a heart bigger than Becky's. She would give the clothes off her back or the food off her table to a child in need. She is always calm, patient, and loving to every kid that enters her nurse station. Becky is encouraging and always has a smile on her face. When she sees someone hurting (physically or emotionally; adult or child) she comes to me and asks what we can do. She's ran to Wal-Mart countless times to buy things for kids and is always the first to ask how to support a fellow staff member. Becky brings such heart and emotion that we need as a campus and I couldn't be more thrilled to have her with us.
In closing.....
Remember this week as doubt closes in that you are enough. That you are important. That you are valued.
Remember that we can do anything we set our mind to. That the easy path was never one we wanted to go down. We learn most from our struggles and trails, and that TOGETHER we can get through this.
So this week, lean on a co-worker or one of us in the office. Ask for help, relief, a hug, whatever. Write notes to others reminding them of their worth.
But most of all, spend time with those kids, just being a kid. Play at Recess, go to PE, sit for 10 minutes in a grade level that isn't yours, eat lunch in the midst of the kids. Release some of that stress and just be a kid again.
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