Flexibility and Patience. That's our two words I want us to focus on this week. Every week, as educators, we're required to be flexible. We never know what kind of moods our kids will be in, if the wifi will be working, is there an extra program, or what if there's a storm and the electricity goes out. It's always about flexibility.
And patience is even more important as we near the end of the year. Sometimes as educators we begin to lose patience more as the year comes to a close because we think "they should know this by now!". Let's find ways to continually be patience, nurturing, and encouraging to not only our kiddos but to their parents, and to our colleagues!
This week will also require patience and flexibility because we are benchmarking and it truly is ALL hands on deck. This is our firs time to benchmark/practice STAAR with 3rd-5th grade all on the same week. AND just after we did STAAR last week. This is a week of true flexibility and patience. But TOGETHER we can do this!
With all the hubbub of STAAR last week, it has been quite the ordeal to pull this benchmarking off this week. As of now, we only have a finalized schedule for Monday done. I know there are 3 tabs on this document, but I will be updating them as we still finalize a few things for Tuesday and Wednesday. In the end, Tuesday's schedule will be VERY similar to Mondays.
Please refer to the document to see where you're needed and when. We will be using every IA (yes all of them, even PreK) on Monday and Tuesday. We are so short handed this week. PreK IAs can check in with their respective teachers throughout the day to check up on them.
PLEASE make sure you check your lunch times each day.
Click HERE for the document.
Team Planning
No team planning this week
Important Dates this Week
Monday - 3rd/4th Grade Math Benchmark (Shut Down Day)
Tuesday - 3rd/4th Grade Reading Benchmark (Shut Down Day)
Social Studies Vertical Meeting - 3:15pm
Wednesday - 5th Grade Science Benchmark (NOT a Shut Down Day)
Special Olympics - 9am-12pm NHS
Friday - Nesloney Off Campus
Please remember if you're going to be out for more than 3 consecutive days, you must get approval from me and Dr. Morgan.
Also, we will NOT be approving any absences on Friday April 8th or Thursday/Friday April 21/22. We already have up to 9 people out all of those days, and there are no more subs.
Kids Deserve It
Didn't get a Blue KDI shirt? Want one? You can get one HERE.
This week's interview with teenager Jack Andraka
Rockstar Educators
Annie Walker - Annie, where do we even begin? Annie has a great personality and is more and more funny the more you get to know her. Annie is great at connecting with others and helping out where needed. She knows exactly when to make others laugh and to lighten the mood. I am so thankful we have Annie helping us out anywhere and everywhere because she has been such a great asset!
Allison Thomas - Allison is a 1st grade teacher. And a great one at that! Allison truly cares about each and every one of her kiddos and she does a great job of celebrating them and recognizing them as well. Allison has a great attitude about things and is really creative. I love any time I get to sit and talk with Allison because you can see how she truly thinks through things and comes up with some great ideas! Allison is someone I've loved getting to know and learn from this year.
Dorton Matthews - Dorton, what doesn't he do? Dorton is such a huge help everywhere. He steps up whenever and wherever needed. I don't think I've ever heard Dorton complain about anything. He loves kids and loves working with his hands. I am so thankful we've got Dorton on our team, or else a lot of little things would fall through the cracks. Dorton never gets the recognition he deserves, so he's definitely gonna get a little bit here!
We can easily forget, but we are so blessed by the lives that we have. We have struggles, and we have pain, but there's always someone going through something just as difficult.
I love the video below that truly shows the power of technology. Enjoy this video
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