Friday, May 24, 2019

The End

Wow, it's strange realizing that as I sit here and type this, this will be my final staff blog post to you all.

The last 5 years in Navasota have been something special for sure. I have learned so much about myself, teaching, students, families, and so much more.

But most importantly I've had the extreme pleasure of working alongside all of you.  We may not have always agreed but we always came together for kids.

Last weekend I think is when it truly hit me of all the "final" experiences here.  I got little sleep Sunday night as I realized it was my final Monday with you all, the final House Field Trip, the final Scholastic Book Fair, the final of so many things for me as your Principal.

I know that you all will continue to do fantastic things for kids. It's part of who you are. I know as Mrs. Nichols takes the reins here at Webb she will continue doing fantastic things alongside all of you. It's in Webb's DNA.

I'm truly at a loss for words for what I'd really like to say, so I'll save it for our staff party together haha.

I know this coming week will be filled with many emotions and tears for myself. Saying goodbye is never easy.

You have been, and will always be, my family. And I will always be just a text, vox, or email away.

Week at a Glance

Monday - No School
Grades Due by Midnight
Tuesday - 5th Grade Trip
Prek-2nd Water Field Day
Wednesday - 3rd-5th Water Field Day
Senior Walk - ABOUT 9:15am
PreK Ceremony - 9:45am
Early Release - 12pm
End of Year Party - 5:30pm - Yumm, Brenham, TX
Friday - Inservice Day

Report Cards

We will be printing report cards on Tuesday morning, so grades are due by Midnight on Monday evening.

Water Field Day

Coach Leonard is organizing the two Water Field Days and will get out information to your teams and to all helpers about how this will work!

As always you may wear shorts on Field Day.

Summer School

Our campus is being used for Summer School. Any questions can be directed to Jason Puente, the summer school principal.

Cleaning Rooms

I have asked our cleaning group how they'd like your rooms to be left when you leave and all they asked is that any furniture be moved to the tile area.

Senior Walk

The Senior Walk will take place on Wednesday at approximately 9:15am.  We'll come over the announcements and PreK-2nd graders will sit in their hallways to cheer.  3rd-5th will stop their games and line the bus ramp.


We will early release on Thursday. All staff is to report to the High School for lunch by 12:45pm.

End of Year Party

We hope you can come to our End of Year party at 5:30pm at Yumm in Downtown Brenham on Thursday, May 30th! It'll be our final big celebration together as well as Ms Neumann and Ms Brewer's Retirement!

All the food is paid for :-)


Friday is a clean up and check out day!  All staff is to report at 8am to campus.  When your sign out sheet is done, you will see me as I am the final sign out person.

PLEASE...if you have questions about things on the sign out sheet, PLEASE ASK the person who is assigned to that task.


May 29 - Marissa Garza
May 31 - Amanda Reyes

Morning Duty

Tuesday - PreK and Kinder
Wednesday - 3rd and 4th
Thursday - 1st and 2nd and 5th

Tell Your Story

Here is this week's conversation with Katie Mense.

In Closing...

If there is one thing I could leave you with, it would be this...

Don't let anyone ever tell you that you aren't good enough or aren't working hard enough. I've watched you bend over backwards for NISD, our parents, our students, and each other. I've watched the countless hours and pieces of your paychecks you've donated. We've cried together, laughed together, and so much more. You are more than a score, you are more than a reading level, you are more than any single test could ever show. You've not only changed the lives of these students and families here at Webb, but you've changed mine. Own that.

If you need anything in the future....

Cell Phone - (979)451-0218
Voxer - you should already know! haha
Email - or

Friday, May 17, 2019

Feeling Lonely

When we are feeling lonely, we have lost the idea that we are all one and none of us are separate from the whole.
We all have days when we feel lonely, but the very idea of loneliness comes from the false notion that we are separate and isolated parts in a world filled with other separate, isolated parts. In truth, we can no more be separate from our world than a fish can be separate from the water in which it swims. When we really begin to look at the boundaries we see as so solid, they prove to be, in fact, quite porous. For example, it is not clear exactly where our skin ends and the air begins when we consider how our skin is affected by changes in the quality of the air. When it is dry, our skin becomes dry, and when it is humid, our skin becomes moist and supple. 

By the same token, it is difficult sometimes to distinguish the boundary between one person and another, especially when our actions tie us together so inextricably. Every move we make has an effect that touches all the people around us. On an even more subtle level, when we share space with another person, we often pick up on their energy, feeling how they feel and attuning to them, whether we mean to or not. This is what we mean when we say a mood or a feeling is contagious. 

If loneliness is a temporary condition based on an incomplete understanding of what we are made of, we can think of its presence as a catalyst for exploring our ideas about reality. We can respond by testing the boundaries we believe separate us from the life within and all around us. If we test them, we will discover that they are not so solid after all and that we can never really be alone.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Book Fair Starts
Staff Book Shopping - 3:30pm
Tuesday - 1st Grade Field Trip
Webb Family Book Fair - 5-7pm
Wednesday - PPCD Trip
Thursday - Winning House Trip - Horseshoe Junction
Stenseth Retirement - 3:30pm
Kinder Round Up - 4:30-6pm
Friday - Final Day to get Grades
Webb Talent Show - 8am - Gym
Bee Keeper Assembly (PreK-2) - 1:30pm - Gym
Bee Keeper Assembly (3rd-5th) - 2:15pm - Gym

Book Fair

This week is our BOGO Book Fair!! We are so excited.  Please help kids shop for books. The teacher schedule will come out later this evening.

ALSO, as a special surprise, all classroom teachers will get $50 to spend for books for their classroom.

Please help us build up the Family Book Fair Night on Tuesday from 5-7pm.  The first 65 families will get $40 extra to spend (yes employee families as well!).

Teachers can shop for books with their $50 on Monday at 3:30pm (not with their classes)

As with any book fair you (or your students) can bring their own money to shop with of course! But NO journals will be purchased with school funds.

House Trip

The winning house trip (Ohitika) is Thursday! Students and staff will leave at 10am and return at 2:30pm.

We will get out a coverage schedule closer to Thursday for the staff who are attending the trip.

Stenseth Retirement

Since Mrs Stenseth will be out of town the last night of work, there will be a retirement party in her honor on Thursday at 3:30pm. Hope you can attend!

Webb Talent Show

The Webb Talent Show will take place at 8am on Friday morning in the Gym! Mr H will get us details soon.

Bee Keeper

The American Honey Queen will be visiting BeeWeaver Honey Farms and will be stopping by Webb to talk bees, beekeeping, and even to let our kids try some honey! The times are above.


May 20 - Diddy Flores
May 23 - Gerry Williams


 There will be NO PLC this week EXCEPT for 3rd-5th but still morning duty.
Monday - 3rd on Duty
Tuesday - 1st & 5th on Duty
Wednesday - 4th on Duty
Thursday - Kinder on Duty
Friday - PreK & 2nd on Duty

Tell Your Story

Here is this week's conversation with Tal Thompson


In Closing...

Since so many of you are dieting I thought you might like this new "Blue Apron" idea!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Being Aware of Your Thoughts

We seldom accept negative comments from others, however, we so often accept our own inner negative chatter.
Few people enjoy the company of individuals whose attitudes are persistently negative. Yet many of us tolerate the critical chatter that can originate within our own minds. Since we are so used to the stream of self-limiting, critical consciousness that winds its way through our thoughts, we are often unaware of the impact these musings have on our lives. It is only when we become aware of the power of such thoughts that we can divest ourselves of them and fill the emptiness they leave with loving, peaceful affirmations. Many people, upon paying careful attention to their thinking patterns, are surprised at the negativity they find there. But when we take notice of involuntary thoughts in a nonjudgmental way, we initiate a healing process that will eventually allow us to replace intimidating and upsetting self-talk with positive, empowering thoughts. 

While the occasional downbeat or judgmental thought may have little impact on your contentment, the ongoing negativity that passes unnoticed can have a dampening effect on your mood and your outlook. When you are aware of the tone of your thoughts, however, you can challenge them. Try to be conscious of your feelings, opinions, and judgments for a single day. From sunup to sundown, scrutinize the messages you are feeding into your subconscious mind. Consider your thoughts from the perspective of a detached observer and try not to judge yourself based on the notions that come unbidden into your mind. Simply watch the flow of your consciousness and make a note of the number of times you find yourself focusing on gloomy notions or indulging in self-directed criticism. 
As you become increasingly aware of your patterns of thought, whether positive and negative, you will gradually learn to control the character of your stream of consciousness. Endeavor always to remember that the images and ideas that pass through your mind are transient and not a true representation of who you are. In training yourself to be cognizant of your thoughts, you gain the ability to actively modulate your mood. The awareness you cultivate within yourself will eventually enable you to create a foundation of positivity from which you can build a more authentic existence.

Week at a Glance

Monday - 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade STAAR

Tuesday - 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade STAAR
Wednesday - 5th Grade STAAR
Thursday - Staff Prayer - 7am - TP Room
Life Skills 1 Trip
Tea with a Lady - 5:30pm - Gym/Cafeteria

Tea with a Lady

Our 2nd Annual Tea with a Lady event is Thursday at 5:30pm!  We hope you can attend and also help set up and clean up. See Ms. Short if you have any questions!


This week is our week! It's our time to bring it for STAAR! We'll have all hands on deck to make this as seamless and organized as possible. Let's make sure that no matter what, on these 3 days, we welcome our kids with big smiles, hugs, high fives, and words of affirmation.  They've got this!

Morning Car Duty

I know I've said this before, but if you serve morning car duty your job is to OPEN DOORS.  Please make sure you're not just standing there, or talking with co-workers.  Please open car doors and greet children and families. Two teams last week did not do this.


 There will be NO PLC this week but still morning duty.

Monday - Kinder on Duty
Tuesday - 1st & PreK on Duty
Wednesday - 2nd on Duty
Thursday - 3rd on Duty
Friday - 4th & 5th on Duty

Tell Your Story

Here's this week's conversation with teacher Laurie McIntosh.


In Closing...

This week was Staff Appreciation Week and I hope we were able to show you just how much you are appreciated.  Things wouldn't happen on this campus the way they do without EACH and EVERY one of you!

My buddy, Trevor Muir, made this awesome video below :-)

Friday, May 3, 2019

Life Can Be Scary

No matter how brave, strong, or level-headed we are, sometimes we all get scared.
Life can take us on a roller coaster ride full of highs and lows and twists and turns. Even for those of us who enjoy unexpected thrills, it's frightening to suddenly find ourselves heading for a deep plunge. Yet, it happens to all of us. At these moments, it is important to remember that you are not alone in your experiences. No matter how brave, strong, or level-headed we are, sometimes, we all get scared. 

Our fears may revolve around our physical safety, particularly if we are not feeling well, living under difficult circumstances, or doing work that exposes us to hazardous conditions. Or, we may be experiencing financial woes that are causing us to be fearful about making ends meet. We may also fear the loss of a loved one who is sick, or we may be scared of never finding someone special to spend our life with. We may be scared to start at a new school, begin a different job, move to a new town, or meet new people. Whatever our fears are, they are valid, and we do not need to feel ashamed or embarrassed that we are, at times, afraid. 

It may be comforting to know that everyone gets scared, and it is perfectly OK. Sometimes just acknowledging our fears is enough to make us feel better. And while it sometimes takes a lot more to ease our mind, we can console ourselves with the knowledge that life can be scary at times. Giving ourselves permission to be scared lets us move through our fears so we can let it go. It also makes it alright to share our fears with others. Sharing our apprehensions with other people can make our fears less overwhelming because we are not letting them grow inside of us as pent up emotions. Sharing our fears also can lighten our burden because we are not carrying our worries all by ourselves. Remember that you are not alone.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Beginning of Staff Appreciation Week

Nurse Appreciation Day
Summer School Letters Go Home
Mr Lee and Ms Wright on Campus
Tuesday - Garza Baby Shower - 3:30pm 
Thursday - Staff Prayer - 7:00am - TP Room
Friday - Final House Games

Morning Car Duty

I know I've said this before, but if you serve morning car duty your job is to OPEN DOORS.  Please make sure you're not just standing there, or talking with co-workers.  Please open car doors and greet children and families. Two teams last week did not do this.


 There will be NO PLC this week but still morning duty.

Monday - Kinder and 5th on Duty
Tuesday - 1st & PreK on Duty
Wednesday - 2nd on Duty
Thursday - 3rd on Duty
Friday - 4th on Duty

Tell Your Story

This week's conversation is with Matthew Goins (the creator of PuzzleHuddle)


In Closing...

I always love the power of music.  Andy Grammer recently performed his hit song with a student choir and it's phenomenal.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

It's Gonna be May

Can you believe it?? May will finally be here next week! Let's go out with a BANG!


Worry is an extension of fear, and can also set you up for attracting that which you don't want in your life.
We have all had the experience of worrying about something at some point in our lives. Some of us have a habitual tendency to worry, and all of us have known someone who is a chronic worrier. Worry is an extension of fear and can be a very draining experience. In order for worry to exist, we have to imagine that something bad might happen. What we are worrying about has not happened yet, however, so this bad thing is by definition a fantasy. Understood this way, worry is a self-created state of needless fear. Still, most of us worry.

One reason we worry is because we feel like we're not in control. For example, you might worry about your loved ones driving home in bad weather. There is nothing you can do to guarantee their safe passage, but you worry until you find out they have reached their destination unharmed. In this instance, worry is an attempt to feel useful and in control. However, worrying does nothing to ensure a positive outcome and it has an unpleasant effect on your body, mind, and spirit. The good news is that there are ways to transform this kind of worry so that it has a healing effect. Just as worry uses the imagination, so does the antidote to worry. Next time you find that you are worrying, imagine the best result instead of anticipating the worst outcome.

Another reason we worry is that something that we know is pending but are avoiding is nagging us--an unpaid parking ticket, an upcoming test, an issue with a friend. In these cases, acknowledging that we are worried and taking action is the best solution. If you can confront the situation and own your power to change it, you'll have no reason to worry.

Week at a Glance

Sunday - Grades due by Midnight
Monday - MAP, Istation, and F&P End of Year Testing Begins
Bass Wedding Shower - 3:30pm
Tuesday - Nesloney, Short, Argueta at Principal Meeting all Morning
Wednesday - Boy Scouts at 7:40am to all students (5 min)
Thursday - Kinder to Dewberry Farms
Staff Prayer Time - 7am - TP room
National Day of Prayer - 7pm - VFW
Friday - Last Day to Have EOY T-TESS Meetings
4th Grade to AG Day at Fair Grounds


May 3 - Jennifer Short

MAP, Istation, and F&P End of Year Testing

You have the entire month of May to get this done. Tested grade levels, you should NOT do MAP testing until after STAAR.

EOY T-TESS Meetings

If you have not scheduled your End of Year T-TESS Meeting, those must be completed by Friday.

Morning Car Duty

I know I've said this before, but if you serve morning car duty your job is to OPEN DOORS.  Please make sure you're not just standing there, or talking with co-workers.  Please open car doors and greet children and families. Two teams last week did not do this.


 There will be NO PLC this week but still morning duty.

Monday - Kinder and 5th on Duty
Tuesday - 1st & PreK on Duty
Wednesday - 2nd on Duty
Thursday - 3rd on Duty
Friday - 4th on Duty

Quote Shirts

Just ONE day left to get your Kids Deserve It quote shirt.  It says, "When you listen to a child you give them back their voice".  Get yours HERE.

Tell Your Story

This week's conversation is with elementary educator, Mike McGowen.


In Closing...

It's so weird to think that I'll be leaving at the end of the school year. Some days I wake up and don't believe it. I get a hug from a child, a parent says something, or I see one of you doing something funny and it hits me and hits me hard that I'm leaving.

The last 5 years in Webb have been some of the best of my career and you all have become family. Though change is hard, and change is sometimes needed, I am choosing to not worry (Just like the opening of this blog says).

I wanted you to know that I accepted a job as the Director of Culture and Strategic Leadership at TEPSA (Texas Association of Elementary Principal and Supervisors Association).  I'll be doing a lot of different things including running all their social media accounts, visiting schools, amplifying member voice, building membership, creating new partnerships, and more.  The next step is new and different for me, but one that I know God has directed my path to.

I will write a more meaningful letter to you all soon, but I am so excited to finish this year strong with all of you and make it the BEST ending to a school year EVER!

(and if you need a great new pop song to jam to, check out Taylor Swift's newest!)

Thursday, April 18, 2019

4 Days

A 4 day weekend is the perfect time to relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy some time with those you love. Come back ready to tackle the final weeks!

Week at a Glance

Monday - No School
Tuesday - House Game Meeting 3:30pm - Library
Wednesday - Nesloney off Campus at Region 6 Training
Thursday - Staff Prayer Time - 7am - TP Room
Friday - 5th Grade Math Fair
End of Progress Report Grading Period

House Game Meeting

We will have our Final house games on May 10th.  If you would like to help plan that activities for that game please plan to attend a quick House Games meeting at 3:30pm on Tuesday!

5th Grade Math Fair

The annual 5th Grade Math Fair will take place Friday.  Your kids will get to experience it during their CAMP time. This is a great opportunity to celebrate our 5th graders' passions. Please plan to stop by as well. Do not just drop your kids off and leave.

Morning Car Duty

I know I've said this before, but if you serve morning car duty your job is to OPEN DOORS.  Please make sure you're not just standing there, or talking with co-workers.  Please open car doors and greet children and families. Two teams last week did not do this.


 There will be NO PLC this week but still morning duty.

Monday - No School
Tuesday - 1st & PreK on Duty
Wednesday - 2nd on Duty
Thursday - 3rd on Duty
Friday - 4th on Duty


April 18 - Lauren Mulgrew
April 20 - Elizabeth Griesbach
April 26 - Ashley Arrington

Tell Your Story

This week's conversation is with Principal Melanie Rucker.


In Closing...

Trauma leaves behind scars we don't often see right away. Many of our students are coming from places of immense trauma and we need to take that into consideration before we demand an extreme consequence or punish them severely.  Every case is different.  I encourage you to watch the video at the top of THIS article.  It's a powerful reminder.

Friday, April 12, 2019

The Holidays

As educators, many of us look forward to the longer weekend or extra days off.  It's a time to refresh and refuel and gives us just that extra boost to make it through another few weeks.

But something I'm often reminded of is how not all of our students feel the same way.  This next week is our first of 2 four day weeks.  I have already had several students ask me if we have to have those days off.  If they can come to school instead.

It breaks my heart to remember that not every child we serve goes home to a loving home. But I'm also encouraged by the simple fact that they want to be here. That you all have worked to build an environment that students don't want to leave.

This time of year we can easily lose sight of the impact we're making. But I know each of you are leaving your imprint on this children's hearts.

Week at a Glance

Saturday - Beauty and the Beast at 1pm and 6pm
Monday - Start of Rattlers Read One Week
Faculty Meeting - 3:45pm - Gym
Tuesday - Lauren Musick PLC Meeting - 3:30pm - Her Room
Wednesday - 5th Grade Field Trip
Thursday - Kinder Photos
Staff Prayer Time - 7am
Nesloney Off Campus
Friday - No School


Lauren Mulgrew - April 18th

Staff Meeting

We will have an all Staff Meeting on Monday at 3:45pm.  Please come ready to discuss Chapters 3-6 of the Power of Moments.


Big shout out to Mrs. Argueta for all her hard work in organizing and leading STAAR testing this week! We had a successful first round! It's not an easy task and we are so thankful for the work that Mrs. Argueta does.

Also a shout out to Mr. Haliburton for all the extra work and time he (and his helpers) put in to bring us and our students special events that are so amazing.

Tell Your Story

This week's conversation is with guided math extraordinaire, Reagan Tunstall.


In Closing...

We all have to remember that every action we take and every word we choose will leave an impression. I hope one day we all get to experience something as heartwarming as the video below.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Grief is Important

Grief Is Important


Change is something that happens each and every moment in our lives. Since nothing is constant, it may sometimes seem as if we are losing something whenever things do change. Understanding that this is part of our daily existence and that there will not only be gains but also losses in our lives can help us more readily accept and deal with whatever happens.
Whenever we lose something or somebody we love, it is important for us to take time out for ourselves and truly feel the weight of what we are experiencing. Although it may seem that doing so will push us into a deeper state of sadness, truly giving ourselves permission to be with whatever arises actually creates space for us to begin the healing process. This is because the act of grieving is a natural process, allowing us to sort through the range of emotions that are present in our everyday existence. 

Even though it may sometimes seem easier to involve ourselves in activities that take our minds off of our sadness, this will only make the route to healing more difficult. Unless we listen to where we are in the moment, the emotions we experience will only grow in intensity, and our feelings will manifest themselves in more powerful and less comfortable ways. Once we consciously acknowledge that these emotions are present, however, we are more able to soothe the sorrow of the moment. In so doing, we become more open to our natural ability to heal ourselves. 

Grieving doesn't have to be a process that keeps us rooted in our thoughts of fear and sadness. For the moment we might feel despondent, but by expressing and coping with our true feelings, we face the sadness head-on. When we allow ourselves to accept and deal with our loss fully, we will then be able to continue our life's journey with a much more positive and accepting outlook. This will make it easier for us to see that our grief is ephemeral and, just like our moments of happiness, it will also come to pass.

Grieving doesn't have to be a process that keeps us rooted in our thoughts of fear and sadness.
Week at a Glance

Sunday - Grades due by Midnight
Monday - Start of Assistant Principal Week
Tuesday - 4th Grade Writing & 5th Grade Math STAAR
Wednesday - 5th Grade Reading STAAR
PTO Meeting - 5:30pm - Library
Thursday - #LoveMySchoolDay
Staff Prayer - 7am - TP Room
Webb Singers at Brosing All Day
Friday - Webb Singers at Brosig
Beauty and the Beast - 7pm - Brosig Auditorium
Saturday - Beauty and the Beast - 2pm and 6pm - Brosig Auditorium


Darla Davis - April 10
Jocelyn White - April 10
Giovana Toscano-Zavala - April 12


This week we will have morning duty but NO PLC time.

Monday - Kinder & 5th on Duty
Tuesday - 1st & PreK on Duty
Wednesday - 2nd on Duty
Thursday - 3rd on Duty
Friday - 4th on Duty

Book Study

At our faculty meeting coming up in two weeks, we'll continue our conversation over our book The Power of Moments.  You'll need to read chapters 3-6.  Please come prepared to discuss.


HUGE thank you to Becky Madison.  Not only is she a fantastic nurse and all around brilliant and kind human being but she's brought us the Rattler Store, had the idea for cooking hotdogs, and brought us Orbit last week! Thank you Nurse Madison!


Many have asked about the Quote shirts or Tell Your Story shirts.  If you'd like one you can get one HERE.  I make ZERO money off of these, just to be clear. All money is donated back to YOU and Donors Choose projects as well as Title 1 Schools in memory of my mother, Sally Rost. The shirts are made of that super soft material.

Tell Your Story

This week's conversation is with viral YouTube and social media mogul, GloZell Green.


In closing...

This next week our 4th and 5th graders (and teachers) will be filled with anxiety and worry. Let's do everything we can to encourage our kiddos. To show them they've been taught the materials and they've got this! Let's high five their teachers and remind them of all the hard work we know they've put in.

Together we're always better. Remember the research behind having others color with crayola crayons and how it reduces stress.  Remember the research behind goal setting. Remember the power of a single word.

We've got this!

Friday, March 29, 2019

The Importance of Napping

The Importance of Napping


A short nap during the afternoon is common in many countries and can provide an energy boost and clearer senses.

As we focus on the many obligations we gladly undertake in order to create the lives we want, sleep is often the first activity that we sacrifice. We're compelled by both external and internal pressures to be productive during many of our waking hours. While this can lead to great feats of accomplishment, it also disrupts the body's natural cycles and leaves us craving rest. Napping represents a pleasurable remedy to this widespread sleep deprivation. Though judged by many as a pastime of little children or the lazy, the need for a nap is a trait that all mammals share and an acceptable part of the day in many countries. It is also a free and effortless way to improve our health and lift our spirits. A nap is relaxing and can improve our mood, vision, reflexes, and memory. 

Lack of sleep, whether ongoing or the result of a single night's wakefulness, puts stress on the body and mind. It can negatively impact your physical and mental health. At one time, napping was considered a natural part of life. In the past hundred years, however, electricity and modern conveniences have provided us with more time to engage in personal and professional activities. Consequently there is now less time for sleep. A mere ten minutes of sleep in the middle of the day can leave you feeling more cheerful and alert. A half-hour long nap can sharpen your senses and refresh your energy reserves, and a shorter nap can even sustain you through a long day. Napping can help you make up for lost sleep and serves as a supplement to your usual sleep schedule. You may need to give yourself permission to nap by making nap-time a part of your day. 

Feelings of guilt about napping or being preoccupied with other activities can keep you awake when you are trying to take a nap. If you need help, surround yourself with soft pillows and blankets or soothing music. Try to take a nap at the same time each day and use an alarm clock to ensure that you don't fall into too deep a sleep. Learning to nap and enjoying its benefits can help you reclaim your natural right to nap. You nourish your being every time you take a nap.

Week at a Glance

Monday - Final week of Pennies for Patients
K and 1st F&P Testing Window Begins (Dyslexia Screening)
STAAR Training Grades 3-5th grade - During Conference
STAAR Training Rest of Staff - 3:45pm - Gym
Tuesday - EOY PreK CLI Testing Window Opens
Orbit (from the Astros) Visit - 1:30pm - Gym
Team Leader Meeting - 3:30pm - TP Room
3rd Grade STAAR Night - 6-7pm
Wednesday - GT Field Trip
5th Grade Band Meeting - 2:30pm - Gym
Alexa in the Classroom Training - 3:45pm - Library
Thursday - Staff Prayer Time - 7:00am
Friday - End of Progress Reports

STAAR Training

This week Marylee will be conducting her annual, mandatory, staff training.  She will meet with 3rd-5th Grade teachers during their conference and the remainder of the staff at 3:45pm.  Please make sure you get with Marylee if you have any questions or concerns.


Orbit, from the Houston Astros, will be visiting Webb on Tuesday! We are sooooo excited! BIG thanks to Becky Madison for making this happen!  We will meet in the gym at 1:30pm to see him. We will call all students down.

That means that 1st Grade will go to lunch at 12:55pm and 5th Grade will go to lunch at 12:45pm.  After Orbit is finished 5th grade will go back to class until specials.

Alexa in the Classroom

Alexa in the Classroom training was moved to Wednesday. If you're interested in getting an Amazon Echo for your classroom, you must attend this training.

Progress Reports

Please note that the end of this week is another end to Progress Report time! Get your grades in!


This week PLCs will only be with ELAR people.  Please plan to attend on your day.  The ENTIRE team should serve morning duty though.

Monday - Kinder

Tuesday - 1st 
Wednesday - 2nd and 3rd
Thursday - 4th and 5th
Friday - PreK


Big thanks to Marylee (and her helpers) for a smooth Benchmark week.  Also a thank you to Cewilla Thomas and Liz Nesloney (and all the volunteers) for organizing our 4th Annual Dinner with a Gentleman. It was FANTASTIC.  We'll be planning the 2nd Annual Tea with a Lady event soon!

Tell Your Story

Here's another episode of #TellYourStory this week.  This conversation is with Adrianne Robinson as she talks about a great activity her students did with a nursing home.


Fear. We all face it. But how we deal with it and how we overcome it is the important part. You may recognize a few friendly faces in the video below who share how they overcome fear.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Discovering the Little Things

Discovering the Little Things That Make Us Happy


Rediscover the little things in life that make you happy, add a new little thing each day, and be prepared to shine.
Life is full of little wonders that can make us happy. The sound of a baby's laughter, a good book, the comforting smell of a favorite old sweatshirt, and the warmth from a cup of hot tea are simple pleasures that can easily put smiles on our faces. These "little things" are easily accessible to us and can be sources for happiness. A key to finding them is taking the time to put those rose-colored glasses from childhood back on so you can easily access the joy in all the "little things" life has to offer. 

Finding a puppy rummaging through the laundry basket, trying on that perfect shade of lipstick, or discovering the extra change you left in your back pocket can turn into moments of delight. Like kids digging in the sandbox for buried trinkets, we may even begin to experience happiness when we engage in the seemingly mundane. Figuring out a software program can feel like deciphering a treasure map, and that first sip of tea in the morning can taste like a forbidden delicacy. Swaying to music playing on the radio can turn into an interpretive jig, riding a bike can seem like flying to the moon, and getting a phone call from that special someone can feel like winning the lottery. A pickup game of basketball becomes an exciting match among champions, and observing an elderly couple walking hand in hand can turn into a meditation on peace and contentment. 

When we begin rediscovering that the little things in life can make us happy, we naturally want to share this joy with others. We may gush over a friend when we run into them unexpectedly, praise a street musician for their talents, or blow bubbles for the neighborhood kids to chase. We may even start to think of the little things we can do to make other people happy, which in turn makes us happy all over again. There is an endless supply of little things and little moments that can make us happy. All we have to do is look for them, and they'll magically start to appear.

Week at a Glance
Monday - Pennies for Patients Continues
5th Grade at Camp Allen
3rd and 4th Grade Math Benchmark
Parent/Teacher Conferences Continue
Alex Cowden Baby Shower - 3:30pm - Library
Tuesday - 5th Grade at Camp Allen
3rd and 4th Grade Reading Benchmark
Dinner with a Gentleman - 5:30pm - Gym
Wednesday - 5th Grade Science Benchmark
Special Olympics
Alexa in the Classroom - 3:45pm - Library
Thursday - Staff Prayer - 7am - PLC room
Picture Day (Staff Photo at 7:40am)
5th Grade Band Presentation - 2:30pm


We have our FINAL round of Benchmarks this week! Woo hoo! We're excited to see the progress our students have made.  Please ask Marylee if you have any questions about testing.  Please also keep your kids as quiet as possible in the hallways.

Dinner with a Gentleman

Dinner with a Gentleman is Tuesday at 5:30pm.  Please help us continue to advertise. Please bring cookies and if you can't please bring $5 to give to Cewilla Thomas. If you'd like to help set up, decorate, or plan, please also see Cewilla.

Alexa in the Classroom

Wednesday at 3:45pm, Jaci Boykin and Kelsey Kuehler will be leading a quick training over how to use Alexa in the classroom.  If you would like for us to consider purchasing you an Amazon Echo device (Alexa) you must attend this informational meeting.

Picture Day

Picture Day is Thursday.  We always take our Spring Staff Photo at 7:40am.  Please be here, and on time, for the photo.  I'm going to get PTO to help with coverage.

For the dress for the photo please wear your house colors.


Eric Ceballos - March 23
Debbie Abke - March 28


To be used to meet with parents and plan as a team.

Monday - 2nd Grade
Tuesday - 3rd Grade
Wednesday - 4th Grade
Thursday - Kindergarten
Friday - 1st Grade

Tell Your Story

Here is a conversation with poet Tanner Olson.


In Closing...

You can't reach a child until you know where they come from. Until you allow their struggles to break into your heart.  Take the time to talk to and get to know your students more and more every day.

A former student of mine, Christian Marie, is a aspiring singer.  Attending a special music school and all.  She even sang at my wedding.  I'm working on getting her to come perform for our students and also bring some teachers from her music school to come speak! Excited!